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Pier Access & Shoreline Study (PASS) Committee
Minutes of February 20, 2003

February 25, 2003

Meeting came to order at 7:35 PM. Paul Brogna, Shawn Dahlin, Peter Roveto and Bill TenHoor were present. Ted Devnew, John Hagerty and Heidi Pape-Laird were absent.

The Committee reviewed the meeting agenda, which included 1) reviewing the Urban Harbors Institute (UHI) baseline map, 2) agreeing on our presentation at Town Meeting (March 8), 3) the schedule for our next several meetings, and 4) continuing to finalize the language for our proposed Bylaw.

Minutes of February 6, 2003 were reviewed. Motion to accept was made by Mr. Roveto, seconded by Mr. Dahlen, and approved unanimously.

The Committee reviewed the UHI map and made corrections. Mr. TenHoor will send the map to UHI for updating and request a new version for presentation purposes as a part of our 2003 Town Meeting Report.  The Committee also discussed the Town Meeting report, which it will keep as brief as possible. Mr. TenHoor will make the presentation.

The Committee continued work on the present draft of the proposed PASS article. Discussion focused on the need, or lack thereof, to frame the article in broad language relating to the conflict of rights at the shoreline with the inter-tidal lands and the “fishing, fowling and navigation” rights of individuals. Mr. Dahlen volunteered to review the relevant state and/or federal legislation to note the relevant law for our next meeting. If such law is explicit, it may be appropriate to mention it in our Bylaw or, for the sake of brevity, to leave it out. Mr. Roveto agreed to proposed language if we are to keep it in. The Committee also discussed the concept of shoreline “zones”, and discussed the zone approach versus the unique features of our current direction.

At 9:30, motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Brogna, seconded by Mr. Roveto, and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill TenHoor