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2003-1-23 P.A.S.S. Minutes

Pier Access & Shoreline Study (PASS) Committee
Minutes of the Jan. 23, 2003 meeting

Meeting came to order at 7:35 PM. Present were Shawn Dahlin, Ted Devnew, John Hagerty, Heidi Pape Laird, Peter Reveto, and Bill Tenhoor. Absent was Paul Brogna.

Minutes of the Jan. 9, 2003 were reviewed and amended in Section 2 of The Proposals to state that the issue about the ratio of pier length to width of the property at mean high water is a design, not a scenic view issue.

Ted Devnew moved to make this change and it was seconded by Shawn Dahlin. Motion was passed unanimously.

After review of proposed wording for PASS articles for the 2003 Town Warrant, the group discussed the fact that we had not had enough time to review our findings and data collected. Shawn Dahlin moved that we postpone submitting our articles until the Annual Town Meeting of 2004. This motion was seconded by Peter Reveto.

The group voted unanimously to postpone submitting articles until the Warrant of the Annual Town Meeting for 2004.

The group also decided it would continue the current pace of data gathering and complete drafting of articles about recommendations and implementation for the 2004 warrant as soon as possible with the view of completing this task in the next 3 months. The group agreed to meet with other related boards and present a report of PASS activities at the 2003 Annual Town Meeting.

At 10:30, motion to adjourn by Heidi Pape Laird was seconded by Bill Tenhoor. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.