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2002-12-12 P.A.S.S. Minutes
Pier, Access & Shoreline Study (PASS) Committee
Minutes of 12/12/02 Meeting

Meeting came to order at 7:30 p.m. Bill Tenhoor, Ted Devnew, Shawn Dahlen, Heidi Laird, Peter Roveto, Paul Brogna present.

Meeting opened with a presentation by Sandra Macfarlane, coastal resources specialist from Orleans, MA on the process by which the towns of Pleasant Bay developed a plan for managing the permitting of piers.  This presentation was attended by members of the public and used the majority of the meeting’s time.

Upon completion of Ms. Macfarlane’s presentation, the PASS committee began official business.

Minutes were approved for the PASS meeting of 11/21/02.

The next PASS meeting was set for Thursday, 12/19/02 , 7:30 PM at the Duxbury Senior Center.

B. Tenhoor informed the committee that he had reserved four “place holders” on the 2003 Annual Town Meeting warrant for possible PASS recommendations.   Discussion followed covering how to best use the time leading up to  Town Meeting.

During the remaining meeting time, S. Dahlen presented the committee with a draft of proposed changes to Duxbury’s current pier regulations and discussion followed.   The committee agreed informally to use S. Dahlen’s draft as a basis for other members comments, additions, deletions, etc.   S. Dahlen will forward a copy of his draft to all PASS committee members by e-mail.

The next PASS meeting will be devoted primarily to developing/discussing the committee’s proposed recommendations for Town Meeting.

Meeting motioned/voted closed at 10:00 PM.