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2202-10-24 P.A.S.S. Minutes
Pier, Access, Shoreline Study (PASS) Committee
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 24, 2002

Present- B. Tenhoor, P. Roveto, J. Hagerty, H. Laird, T. Devnew, P. Brogna, B. Sullivan (Ex-Oficio)
Absent-S. Dahlen

Chairman Tenhoor called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Senior Center.

1.   Discussion with the By-Wide Study Group regarding the Town Forum took place.  Margaret Kearney, Chairperson of the By-Wide Study Group, described the goals and objectives of her group.  Bill Tenhoor, Chairman of the PASS Committee briefed on our committee’s charge.

        The proposal from the Jordan Group to conduct qualitative research among Duxbury residents and consumers was discussed at length.  This research work could benefit both study groups.

        A meeting has been scheduled for Monday, November 4, 2002 at 7:30 a.m. for available members of each committee to attend and discuss Ms. Jordan’s proposal. This meeting will be held at the Senior Center, 10 Mayflower Street.

2.      Discussion of Committee Objective and Deliverables

        John Hagerty prepared a very detailed and complete draft overview for the Committee’s review and completion.  Major sections of the document include the following.

A.      Define current state of piers
Delete Chapter 91 reference.  Duxbury currently has 102 piers (vice 108).  Digital map (draft) to be completed by November 1, with completed map by December 15.

B.      Survey pier policies in neighboring towns.

C.      Access Public Opinion about piers.  Ms. Jordan’s forum to take place in early December with completed report by January 15, 2003.

D.      Define issues relevant to piers in Duxbury and make recommendations.

3.    Other notes-Harbormaster Don Beers to attend PASS meeting in near future.

Meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.