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2002-9-25 P.A.S.S. Minutes
PASS Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 9/25/02

Present:   S. Dahlen, T. Devnew, J. Hagerty,  H. Laird, P. Roveto,  B. Tenhoor

Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Minutes for prior meeting will be voted on at next meeting.

B. Tenhoor suggested agenda for the evening.

H. Laird suggested we begin considering what scope and format the committee’s final recommendations might take.

Committee set Saturday, 10/5 at 8:00 A.M. for completing pier survey for GIS mapping project.

Committee recognized the contributions of S. Dahlen for volunteering his time, boat, fuel, etc. for the trips that the Committee has made to survey piers.  Also recognized was H. Laird for her data collection efforts on these trips.

Committee opened the floor to members who wanted to begin suggesting general ideas for the scope of potential recommendations for pier regulations.  The intent was to get a general sense of what areas the Committee could or should consider, but not to debate their merits yet.  P. Roveto, H. Laird and J. Hagerty presented initial thoughts.

S. Dahlen informed the Committee that a portion of the current GIS mapping project vendor agreement included work that had previously been done by another Duxbury group and could be combined with the PASS GIS mapping project to save time and recover some project costs.

S. Dahlen also recommended that the PASS Committee use some of these recovered funds to fund a qualitative study of public opinions regarding bay management and pier issues.  This study would be conducted jointly with the Duxbury Bay Management Committee and cover issues that were of value to both Committees.  The suggested format would be for a professional moderator to conduct a public forum with output in the form of directional conclusions formulated by the moderator.

Discussion followed regarding the determination of actual amounts to be recovered from GIS mapping project, the value the PASS Committee would receive from this effort vs. the Bay Management Committee, and the potential need to solicit further input from other Town committees, beyond this study.   

H. Laired moved that the PASS Committee support S. Dahlen’s efforts to explore this joint public forum to study bay and pier issues. J. Hagerty seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.

P. Roveto brought up that given the workload that appears to be before the PASS Committee, there is a need to expand the amount of Committee meeting time.  The group informally agreed to expand the currently scheduled meeting time by a half an hour per meeting:  7:30 to 9:30 P.M.

The Committee then viewed samples of the aerial photography that was developed for the pier mapping project.

The meeting concluded at 9:30 P.M.