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2002-8-1 P.A.S.S. Minutes
Pier, Access & Shoreline (PASS) Committee – Minutes August 1, 2002 Meeting

Meeting called to order by chairman Tenhoor at 7:35.  Members present Brogna, Devnew, Laird, and Roveto.  Dahlen present for an abbreviated stay.

Reviewed and accepted amended version of the 7/18/2002 meeting.  It was recommended that Betsey Sullivan be copied on minutes of all meetings.

Ted passed out a spread sheet that will be used for a bay pier tour with Habormaster Beers.  Don has suggested that we do this on a September weekday late afternoon, tide and weather permitting.  The group also requested that we add parcel maps 170B, 210A and 210B to our collection.

Shawn passed out list of South Shore, Cape Cod and Islands Coastal Communities and it was determined by group discussion that we would target 27 communities out of 37 possible on the list that most closely approximated Duxbury, either by geography or community size and type.  Please see enclosed list.  It was also determined that we would divide the list among the committee members and that each member would call their first town, determine the Conservation Commission office and endeavor to find out the following draft list of questions:
·       Permits required to build a pier
·       Any applicable local bylaws
·       Pier regulations, if any
·       If building a pier is currently an “issue” or if there are any current issues surrounding this topic
·       The number of piers built per year
·       The number of approvals versus denials
·       The number of waterfront parcels
·       The name of the chairperson or  Conservation Commissioner
·       Was/is there a motivating factor for any additional regulations
Each member was to try to make contact with their assigned town and bring findings to the next meeting.

As part of our education process, Paul passed out and discussed Chapter 91 (Massachusetts) license regulations.  He also discussed Army Corps of Engineers document required for the Federal permitted of a pier.  These are very detailed and thorough documents and it was recommended that we spend some time on our own reviewing them.  More discussion will ensue at future meetings.  We also received the current Duxbury Conservation Commission regulations on Piers (9.6.0)

Peter passed out a list of “Town Landings” and “Ways to the water”.  We discussed shoreline access, town landings, free standing floats and outhauls and whether we should be making recommendations on regulating these structures as well.  No conclusion was reached.  

It was suggested that we visit the Duxbury room at the Public library as it is a great resource for historical knowledge and documents.

It was determined that we would invite a representative from the Planning Board and Conservation Commission to a future meeting.

Next meeting on Thursday, August 15th at 7:30 at the Duxbury Senior Center.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:11PM.

Respectfully submitted by Ted Devnew