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LHP Minutes of 09/25/2008

Minutes of 9/25/08
Town Hall

Members Present:        Diane Bartlett          Barbara Kelley          Brian Murphy
Denece Clinton          Brendan Keohan          George Wadsworth        
Also Present:   Christine Stickney, Planning Director

Meeting convened at 7:30 PM

Island Creek Comprehensive Permit:
Diane Bartlett reported that Island Creek made application to the Board of Appeals on 9/12/08 and there is a public hearing upcoming on October 9, 2008 that everyone should plan to attend after the regularly scheduled LHP meeting that same night.  The issue of a complete application will be determined relative to the 2002 or 2008 local rules and regulations which will be discussed later tonight at the public hearing before the ZBA.

Grange Update:
Christine reported that the locks at the Grange have been changed, Habitat will be down to take a look inside and staff is pursuing Town Counsel on the lease.

Local Initiative Program (LIP) Guidelines:
The matter is before the Board of Selectmen on October 6, 2008 due to a meeting cancellation of the 9/22/08 Selectmen’s meeting.

90 Tremont Street/Sullivan property:
Diane had heard that this property was on the market.  Denece Clinton affirmed it is even though no sign is present on the lot.  Diane had spoken with the owner who provided no information.  The dwelling has a deed restriction that prohibits a change in use or alteration.  George Wadsworth seemed to think the restriction expires in 40 years and suggested the LHP inquire more about it and make an offer.  Denece was going to arrange a house visit to be accompanied by Diane and Brendan.

Camp Wing Update:
Brian Murphy reported that they met with Brad McKenzie of McKenzie engineering to try and get a handle on potential costs for plans and specs to make a request to CPA for funding at the next Town Meeting.  Brian provided an estimate of between $30,000 and $40,000 for a potential non-confrontational comprehensive permit application.

George Wadsworth questioned members if they had exhausted all alternatives for permitting development?  He provided history and information on a project in Lincoln where it took a number of years but the Town had the zoning changed based upon an extensive public relations program to show the development under new zoning.
Members felt that under the current zoning bylaws there are no other options than the
Comprehensive Permit route since the bylaws allow only one structure on a lot.  Brendan reported that the CPA committee suggested making an application rather than seek administrative funds for plans and specs.  Members also discussed if more exploration should be done into other options than the proposed Acton plans, such as looking into modular homes or other affordable projects in other Towns.  Diane had talked with Laura Schaefer who said she had plans for a cape that they have used in Plymouth that she would be willing to provide to the LHP.  It was agreed to pursue some different alternatives and return at the next meeting to take a formal vote in an amount – it was suggested to be around $50,000.00 from CPA funds.  The deadline for requests is 10/15/08.

Housing Recycling Program:
Diane expressed her opinion that the LHP should request funds for moving homes to town owned lots.  Diane reported that Bill Campbell is presently attempting to put a list of potential parcels together that could be taken to Town Meeting.  She cited her frustration with no ability to accept both the Evergreen House and the Village house since they had no location to place the homes.  George Wadsworth noted that it is not just the movement but the site preparation, installation of septic and other utilities and permitting and if a request is forthcoming this should be added in as well.   Brendan suggested instead of housing moving program that the LHP call it a house recycling program to be more politically correct.  Members discussed the Nantucket success with such a program and their funding sources.   

Accessory Apartments:
Diane expressed concern with not hearing from Jim Lampert regarding an early morning meeting to discuss a potential amendment.  It was agreed this should be pursued but that it be maybe better for a future Town Meeting other than 2009. George Wadsworth asked to clarify if the accessory apartment bylaw would develop affordable units or market rate units.  Diane responded that the units may not initially meet the DHCD guidelines of an affordable unit but they would be affordable close to the 80% median.  Diane informed members of situations around Town where residents had inquired about obtaining an accessory apartment.  Christine added that she felt the existing bylaw could easily be amended to include detached structures.  George disagreed and noted that there is a value of having the unit within the existing footprint.  Members discussed the pros and cons of detached structures, additions and conversion of homes to two families. It was agreed the subcommittee will have to address many of these issues.

ZBA Public Hearing – Local Rules and Regulations for 40B projects:
Members adjourned the meeting to attend the public hearing at the Board of Appeals located down the hall.

Barbara Kelley MOTION to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Brian Murphy –unanimously voted.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM

Respectfully submitted,
Christine Stickney, Planning Director