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LHP Minutes of 09/11/2008

Minutes of 9/11/08
Senior Center

Members Present:        Diane Bartlett          Barbara Kelley          George Wadsworth        
Bruce Bygate            Brian Murphy            Matt Walsh
Denece Clinton          Charlie Rourke
Also Present:   Bill Campbell & Christine Stickney, Planning Director

Meeting convened at 7:30 PM

Local Initiative Program (LIP) Guidelines:
Diane Bartlett reported that the Board of Selectmen will be voting on the draft LIP guidelines at their 9-15-08 meeting.  A copy of the latest revision of the guidelines was provided to members with discussion on the five revisions previously made by the Board of Selectmen.  Diane stated the LHP had voted a previous rendition of the guidelines last November (11-8-07) but questioned in light of the changes with the states new 40B regulations this past February if the LHP wanted to revisit their prior approval.  She pointed out issues with the requirement of a proforma, the 50% set aside for open space etc. and questioned if this was really a “friendly process” when before the Board of Selectmen. Diane expressed her concerns citing the past experience with Chafik Hammadeh and Soule Road.

George Wadsworth expressed his opinion on the 40B process and its impacts to the Town.  He explained there is a public benefit that comes with a LIP project and that applicants are seeking local approval to bring to DHCD.  Discussion among members turned to what is the subsidy with a LIP project, does the Board of Selectmen have to approve, what is the role of the LHP in the LIP process, applications under 40B promotes greater density while circumventing local regulations therefore local regulations should address higher benefit.  Charlie Rourke pointed out that the proposed regulations urge the applicant to meet the public benefits however they may obtain a more favorable response for a greater number of benefits they can promote but it is not mandated they all have to be met.  Bruce Bygate reminded members how these guidelines were developed to reach their current state in the process.  Diane noted that at the last Board of Selectmen meeting, a proposal was presented for a LIP project by Mr. Diamond out on Temple Street.  Mr. Diamond will want to come before the LHP for comments and this issue of guidelines should be resolved. After much discussion it was agreed to accept the modified guidelines; Matt Walsh MOTION to approve the revised LIP guidelines revised as of 5/12/08 by the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Barbara Kelley – unanimously voted.   Diane also asked members to confirm their directive relative to sending a letter (dated 5/8/08) on their behalf to the Board of Selectmen relative to the “Procedures for filing a Comprehensive Permit” proposed by Selectmen Witten in April.  

Matt Walsh MOTION to confirm the LHP’s directive for the Chair to send a letter dated 5/8/08 to the Board of Selectmen regarding a vote of no support for the proposed “Procedures for filing a Comprehensive Permit”, seconded by Charlie Rourke – unanimously voted.

Status of Pending Projects:
Diane reported the Grange was acquired on August 15, 2008 and Attorney Troy is working on the lease for Habitat for Humanity.  Diane also reported that she attended the ZBA meeting this past Monday (9/8/08) to listen to the discussion relative to Island Creek and how the ZBA is dealing with the new 2008 Chapter 40B regulations.  She noted that the public hearing for the regulations is 9/25/08 at Town Hall and members should attend – this is a LHP meeting night – posted notice for the LHP will be amended to show change in location to Town Hall.  Bill Campbell and Matt Walsh informed members of recent concerns they had heard from tenants at the existing Island Creek.  It was suggested Diane contact Ed Marchant of Island Creek and urge him to have a neighborhood meeting with tenants before the first public hearing before the ZBA.   
Diane also told of her research with the Tremont Street lot as a possible location for the Evergreen Street house.  It appears that there are too many issues that would need to be addressed to meet the December 1st deadline asked for the house to be moved by Ms. Eve Penoyer on Evergreen Street. Matt Walsh MOTION to send a letter to Ms. Eve Penoyer explaining that there are zoning and financing issues with the possible Tremont site that precludes the Town for accepting the house at this time, seconded by Charlie Rourke – unanimously voted.  George Wadsworth urged the members if this lot on Tremont street has any potential that the LHP should try and square away the zoning etc in anticipation of a possible other future donation. Diane also noted that Bill Campbell will be reviewing all of the Town lands not dedicated for open space or some other defined use (schools, parks etc) for potential lots for development of affordable housing.  Bill said if we had prequalified lots as to zoning then the LHP could ask CPC for funding to “ready” the lots for a donation or development of housing.

Accessory Apartment Bylaw Proposal:
Diane introduced Jim Lampert, former chair of the Board of Appeals to the members and noted that she asked Jim to help the committee consider an amendment to the zoning bylaw that would allow accessory apartments.  Members reviewed the current language of the zoning bylaw and the potential problems that are precluding interested residents from applying for Special Permits. Members questioned the use of detached structures, additions to existing homes, use of two kitchens, illegal apartments and units within new construction.  George Wadsworth cautioned the group on increased density on small lots and that existing structures would begin to turn into two family dwellings.  Matt Walsh noted there are many senior residents that would like small apartments to rent.  Diane Bartlett questioned how the existing illegal apartments would be handled and mentions other Towns having an amnesty program. Discussion turned to tax values, incentives for bringing existing units to code, resale of property and is there a real need for this type of housing?  Members discussed using the Clipper’s web page to determine what residents think on accessory apartments. Diane asked Jim if he would be willing to work with Denece and Matt who are the accessory apartment subcommittee to try and have something to go to Town Meeting with in 2009 and Jim was agreeable.

Camp Wing subcommittee:
Diane informed members that Denece will be joining the other members of the subcommittee to try and get some kind of proposal in place for Camp Wing.  The subcommittee needs to be aware of the upcoming 10/15 deadline for CPA requests.  George Wadsworth suggested at a minimum that the LHP at least request monies for plans and specifications.  Diane asked the subcommittee to return with something for the first meeting in October.


Barbara Kelley MOTION to accept the minutes of 4/3/08, 5/22/08 & 7/31/08 as amended seconded by Charlie Rourke – unanimously voted.

Charlie Rourke MOTION to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Barbara Kelley – unanimously voted.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30PM

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Stickney,
Planning Director