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LHP Minutes of 01/10/2008
Minutes of 1/10/08
Senior Center

Members Present:        Diane Bartlett          Barbara Kelley          Brian Murphy    
Bruce Bygate            Brendan Keohan          Charlie Rourke  
Denece Clinton          Andre Martecchini               Matt Walsh
Also Present:    Bill Campbell, George Wadsworth (Planning Board) and Christine Stickney,
Planning Director

Meeting convened at 7:30PM

Executive Session – see Executive Session minutes.

Grange – Franklin Street:
Diane Bartlett informed members that the next regular meeting of the LHP will have time dedicated for meeting with the neighbors of the grange to let them know of our intentions with the property.  Letters went out inviting direct abutters to attend.  Christine briefly explained a conversation she had with Ms. Gaines, direct abutter in the rear, as to a possible encroachment and what remedies might be available. Ms. Gaines is concern of a claim of adverse possession and has sought legal assistance to protect her rights.  Members discussed and agreed that if successful in purchasing the grange property that a portion of the rear building would be removed to remove encroachment.

Andre Martechhini MOTION that the Town, once they have obtained ownership will require the proposed developer to remove that portion of grange building so that it is all entirely within the Town property, seconded Matt Walsh – unanimously voted.

Brendan Keohan reported on the meeting with the CPA committee relative to a request for administrative fees for pre-development cost (i.e.: renderings, possible plot plan etc.) and the CPC committee agreed to $5,000 and that for accounting purposes the request for CPA funds would change from $75,000 to $70,000.

Diane Bartlett reported that she, Charlie, Lynne Devnew (Historic Comm.) and Christine have been working on the RFP requested from the Board of Selectmen and it should be out next week with responses due back mid-February.

National Historic Preservation Trust:
Diane reported that she had investigated into this organization and found they have two grants open for solicitation that may be helpful with the Grange/Firehouse project and they are due 2/1/08.  She had talked with Phil Mayfield about options available for the matching funds and if should we pursue the grants.  She explained the details of each grant and the amount of available funds. Diane said she and Christine had met with Richard MacDonald and he had no problem with us making application.

Brendan Keohan MOTION to support Diane’s efforts to apply to the National Preservation Trust grants, seconded by Charlie Rourke – unanimously voted.  

Town Counsel’s Opinion:
Members reviewed an opinion dated 1/3/08 that Attorney Troy provided the LHP relative to the need to seek Town Meeting approval for the firehouse to be re-used for residential use.  Summarizing the opinion it basically said that the use of the building is at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen and no Town Meeting action in necessary.

George Wadsworth raised the issue of a CPA deed restriction and Attorney Troy’s past opinion that one is not necessary because he deemed the mere use of CPA funds guarantees perpetual restriction.  George stated he has doubt based on materials he has seen in other Towns as to this situation but he thought the LHP should be aware of it with these two projects.  Members discussed what the CPA requires and had various interpretations as to the issue of a deed restriction.  

Town Meeting Articles:
Diane informed members that the Finance Committee had requested any recommendations from committees be provided to them by January 25, 2008.  Members felt that had previously voted to support all of their articles or they would not had submitted them, however to be clear they will vote.

Andre Martecchini MOTION to recommend support for the following articles to Town Meeting; the Affordable Housing Bylaw, the Affordable Housing Trust, the Affordable Housing Trust Allocation Plan, the Duxbury Affordable Housing Purchase Assistance Program, the CPC request to fund the Duxbury Affordable Housing Purchase Program and the CPC request to fund acquisition of the Grange for community housing, seconded by Barbara Kelley – unanimously voted.

Diane noted that Christine had emailed a list of dates of interest that members should be aware of that are coming up in the next month and starting with the Planning Board hearing on Monday night 1/14.  She asked members to each take a warrant article and be responsible for it as to presentation to Town Meeting.  Members agreed to the following articles:
        Affordable Housing Bylaw – Charlie Rourke
        Affordable Housing Trust – Andre Martecchini
        Duxbury Affordable Housing Purchase Assistance Program – Brendan Keohan
Duxbury Affordable Housing Purchase Assistance Program Funding – Brendan
Affordable Housing Trust Allocation Plan – Charlie Rourke
CPC Acquisition of the Grange –

Members also discussed the need to work on getting the word out through community meetings and new releases.  Diane asked for volunteers to attend two upcoming meetings.  
Charlie Rourke and Christine agreed to go to the Duxbury Business Association on 1/15/08 and Matt Walsh agreed to go to the Rotary Group on 1/29/08.

Diane will inform both groups of who will be attending to discuss the warrant articles.
Diane mentioned that Phil Mayfield has agreed to be at Town Meeting as a resource if needed to answer technical questions.  Matt Walsh expressed his opinion that we should get away from the use of affordable housing and call it something else with less of a stigma.  It was suggested that perhaps “Community Housing” may be more acceptable. Barbara Kelley noted that the income limits are what many people are actually under and they change annually.  Andre said in his experience there is a time people are either ready or not and he cited his experience with alternative energy. Bill Campbell questioned if the current fiscal situation will have an affect on voters decisions regarding articles such as these?  Members briefly discussed the Town’s situation and any possible outcomes. Brendan left the meeting at this point.

Island Creek North – Project Eligibility Letter
Christine noted that Island Creek submitted their application to Mass Housing for the subsidy of the proposed Comprehensive Permit.  Comments from the Town are due 1/17/08 and the Board of Selectmen will be reviewing a draft letter at their meeting on 1/14/08. Diane told of a conversation she had with the new School Superintendent and how hires for teacher positions have difficulty finding housing and usually decline the jobs.  George Wadsworth pointed out that to be income eligible – assets are also looked at for eligibility.

Public Forum – LHP warrant articles:
Diane asked members if they would consider rescheduling their first meeting in February to 2/7/08 and it would be dedicated to a public forum to discuss warrant articles.  The following members said they would be able to attend; Andre, Denece, Matt, Barbara, Charlie and Diane – others were going to check their schedules – Bruce has a BOH meeting.

Administrative Matters:
Diane is going to speak with Amy, Planning Board chair about having George be an active member who can vote.  

Charlie Rourke MOTION to accept the minutes of 12/17/08, seconded by Barbara Kelley – unanimously voted.

Charlie Rourke MOTION to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Barbara Kelley – unanimously voted.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Stickney,
Planning Director