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Library Trustees Minutes 10 November 2005
NOVEMBER 10, 2005

Members Present:        Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Carl Meier, James Mandrell and Nancy Delano
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Reference Division Head), Nancy
                        Denman (Children’s Division Head), Rose Hickey (Technical Services Division
                        Head), Carol Jankowski (Circulation Division Head) and Deborah Killory
                         (Administrative Assistant)
Also Present:           Brooke McDonough and Donna Ryan, Co-Presidents, Friends of the DFL      

The meeting was convened at 8:02 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library and was voted into executive session at 8:03 am.  The meeting was roll called out of executive session at 8:12 am and the regular session was called to order at 8:13 am.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the October 13, 2005 were presented.  

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2005, as presented.
                                                                        Vote:  5 – 0 in favor
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that the library is certified and will receive state aid in FY06.  She said that all is going well in the library.  The staff is working hard and Ms. Denman, Ms. Snoeyenbos and Ms. Jankowski have been planning and implementing many creative programs.  A successful volunteer luncheon was held at The Village at Duxbury.   

Departmental Reports
        Reports of the Circulation, Children’s, Reference and Technical Services Departments were distributed.

Friends Report
        Ms. McDonough reported on fundraising by the Friends, with a net income of $32,800, raised through their first annual appeal, the membership drive, the book sale and proceeds from the house tour, among others.  Friends’ funds have been used to lease a copier for the staff and to fund the summer reading program, video contest and materials for entering kindergarteners.  Plans are underway for their major fundraising event in March, which has received the blessing of the Inc. Board.  The services of the Catered Affair have been reserved and work is underway for the liquor license.

FY07 budget
        Ms. Winquist reported that the Inc. Board has increased their award for FY07 by $16,000 to hopefully allow the library to add staff hours.  The plan is to use Inc. funds to purchase materials and transfer money from the operating budget to the personnel budget in the amount of $16,000 to hire a part time tech person
Staff Recognition
        Kirstin Boothman, Marty O’Meara, Carol Segar and Judy Sime have reached their five year anniversaries with the library, while Ray DeGaust, Karen Hahn and Doreen Recke have served for ten years.  Ms. Winquist would like to recognized them by having them select books to add to the collection in their honor.

Proposed Building and Grounds Advisory Group
        Hedges, Inc., has offered work with Ms. Winquist on the exterior of the building, offering free advice and labor and below-cost nursery stock.  An irrigation system is needed to do additional plantings.  Ms. Winquist would like to form an advisory group to address needs for inside and outside the building.  She suggested that one of the Friends be included in the group; Jim Mandrell is interested in serving and knows an architect who might be willing to serve.  The Inc. Board has discussed tying a new capital campaign to the upcoming 10th anniversary, looking at where the library should be ten years from now.  A copy of the post occupancy survey, put together by library staff, will be provided to the trustees as a starting point.  The long range plan also can be used as a planning tool in this process.  This idea will be discussed further at the next meeting.  The Inc. Board is scheduling an additional meeting in February, before annual town meeting.

Mr. Hill left the meeting at 8:45.

The next trustees meeting was scheduled for 8:00 on December 14, to be followed by the Friends annual holiday brunch for staff at 9:00.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Mandrell, to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 am.
                                                                        Vote:  4 – 0 in favor