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Library Trustees Minutes 15 September 2005
September 15, 2005

Members Present:   Theodore Flynn (Chair), Carl Meier, James Mandrell, Lynne Walsh and John Hill
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), David Murphy
                        (Assistant Director), Rose Hickey and Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)
Also Present:   Donna Ryan, Co-President, Friends of the DFL

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the July 21, 2005 meeting were presented.  
Moved by Ms. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Mandrell, to approve the minutes of the July 21, 2005 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor

Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that with the support of the town manager she had organized the first meeting of a Campus Council, to bring together the building managers on campus and public safety officials.   The police chief indicated that he would arrange for volunteers to serve as outdoor campus monitors to help monitor crossings, problems with bullying behavior and activities at the pond.  The school principals stayed after the meeting and it was arranged that Ms. Denman would attend the Alden open house, Ms. Winquist the Middle School one.  Mr. Meier observed that the campus council was an excellent idea.  Ms. Winquist noted that the beginning of school has been quiet, perhaps because of the good weather and the encephalitis concern.
        Denise Garvin has been hired to fill the vacant library associate position in technical services.  Ms. Winquist handed out the proposed FY07 budget and the OCLN annual report.  She reported that she had attended a Duxbury meeting of the Duxbury Business Association on the previous evening with Siobhan Sheehan, a member of the DBA and of the Friends of the DFL board, to introduce the library and plant the seed of local businesses getting involved with the library.     

Department Reports
Reports of the children’s, circulation, reference and technical services departments were distributed.  A 5% increase in participation in the children’s summer reading program was noted.  Ms. Denman pointed out that it is the second year that a charitable, rather than a personal incentive, was used for the program.
A new program, the Fourth Friday Fringe Film Festival, was discussed.  Patrons have expressed interest in the program.  Doors will open early and the films will be discussed afterward, with the discussion led by library Trustee Jim Mandrell, who emphasized that these are not mainstream films, and that the series is for adults.

Friends Report
        Ms. Ryan reported on the Friends support of summer program and the success of Books at the Beach.  Potential fundraisers include a holiday party at the Windsor House and a March signature event on libraries through the decades.  The annual membership drive letter will go out soon.  The Friends annual meeting is coming up in November.  Jamie Thierren is resigning from the board and new board members are being sought.  Other upcoming events include the Friends Drop In Book Club, with Carol Jankowski leading a discussion of One Thousand White Women, and an author event featuring Jessica Redmond, author of A Year of Absence.

Thanksgiving Hours
        The library has traditionally closed at 5 pm on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving.  Ms. Winquist proposed that that schedule be maintained this year.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Mandrell, to close the library at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor
        Mr. Flynn proposed that a monitor be hired to watch the lower level after school so that the bathrooms on that level could remain open.  The trustees discussed the proposal and concluded that for safety and liability reasons, it was best to maintain the current policy of locking the bathrooms on the lower level from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.  The closing of the outside stairs and the entrance to the stairs on the main level was also discussed.  Due to safety, heating and traffic flow issues it was decided that the current practice should be maintained.  Mr. Meier suggested an article in the Duxbury Clipper explaining the safety issues and that signs should be mounted at the foot of the outside stairway designating it as an emergency exit only.

Mr. Mandrell left at 8:30 am.

FY07 Budget
        Mr. Hill asked how the energy issue was being handled in the FY07 budget.  The usual practice of looking back at the previous year is not adequate with rising energy costs.  Ms. Winquist reported that she and Ms. Denman had met with the town manager and town accountant about the budget and that the budgeted amounts for gas and electricity had been increased.  The library has unpaid natural gas bills from FY05 that were not received until after the fiscal year had closed that include significant increases over bills that had already been paid based on actual, rather than estimated, readings.  Since the town manager asked all departments to submit level services budgets, Ms. Winquist has included a column in the budget labeled “restoration” in which she included the technical services librarian position.  The payroll budget does not include actual figures for most staff members since the SEIU contract must be negotiated to determine next year’s payroll.  Increases will be covered by the personnel article at town meeting.  She said that the library must hope for continued support from the Friends and the Inc. Board, since it appears that the library can expect level funding.

Long Range Plan
        The plan has been submitted; as yet there has been no acknowledgement from the state.  Copies were given to the schools, which have requested additional copies to use as a model.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 am.
                                                                        Vote:   4 – 0 in favor