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Library Trustees Minutes 29 July 2004
JULY 29, 2004

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier and Nancy
Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director) Rose Hickey
                        (Acquisition Librarian), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director) and Deborah
                        Killory (Administrative Assistant)

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the June 10, 2004 meeting were presented.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Hill, to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2004 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor

Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn reported that the plan of attack on the FY06 budget was under way; a letter concerning budget restoration has been sent to the Finance Committee and was published in the Clipper.  In September, the trustees will request a formal meeting with the Finance Committee; a meeting will also be scheduled with the Selectmen.  The trustees will let the Selectmen know that they want to see the library budget restored and that they will go to Town Meeting with the issue if necessary.  The decrease in the library budget as a percentage of the town budget will be a focus of the trustees’ presentation.  Ms. Winquist reported that the Town Manager has asked department heads to present three versions of their budget: level funded, pre-FY05 budget cuts, and “if money was no object”.
        The trustees have been contacted by a patron concerned with the reported theft of DVDs, expressing a desire to help do something about it.  Ms. Winquist informed the trustees that theft has decreased since the DVDs were moved closer to the circulation desk and that with the current budget situation, the $1000 cost of a security system for the DVDs is higher that the cost of replacing the DVDs.
The trustees asked her to provide this information to the patron.
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that due to a settlement with the music industry, libraries, including the DFL, have received shipments of CDs.  She noted that there has been a recent upgrade to the SIRSI system.  
        The director told the trustees that the library is undertaking a youth initiative for the upcoming academic year, to keep the environment in the library calm and productive after school. She is in the process of contracting for a building monitor, Jim Rogers, to be in the building for three to four hours each school day, to help the staff to be able to focus on their jobs.  The staff has discussed changing the traffic flow in the building, closing one of the entry doors and calling parents early in the year to handle problems before they get out of hand.
        Ms. Winquist plans on sending a letter to parents outlining what the library can and cannot offer after school.  She intends to have Town Counsel review the letter to ensure that the library is not assuming responsibility for the children.

Department Reports
Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Department were distributed.  Mr. Murphy noted in the reference department report that the presence of tutors on the upper level helps to keep the area under control.

Friends Report
        The Friends are working on their annual membership letter.

Proposed Policy on Collection Space
        Ms. Winquists has received several requests from donors to have a separate space set aside for donated materials on a specific subject.  This policy proposes a limited time for display of the items as a separate collection.   After that time, materials will be integrated into the regular collection, but a separate bibliography of the donated materials will be available.  Mr. Meier suggested that the final paragraph concerning procedures be made part of the policy.  A vote on this policy will be taken at the next meeting.

Thanksgiving Holiday
        Traditionally, the library has closed at 5:00 on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.  Ms. Winquist requested that the Trustees continue this tradition in 2004.    

Moved by Ms. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Hill, to close the library at 5:00 pm on the day before Thanksgiving.
                                                                        Vote:  5 – 0 in favor
Town Government Study Committee
        Mr. Flynn is serving as chair of a new Town Government Study Committee, which is looking from input from Town boards on the structure of town government.  They would like input on what boards think is working and what is not.  Ms. Winquist suggested that the Committee also talk to town department heads and receive their input.  The trustees will provide their input at a future meeting.

FY04 State Aid
        Ms. Winquist presented her proposal for the allocation of the $11,500 of FY04 State Aid funds:  $200 for education; $5,000 for books; $1,000 for non print materials; $300 for memberships; $1,000 for mileage; and $4,000 for supplies.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to accept the Director’s recommendation for allocation of FY04 State Aid funds, as presented above.
                                                                        Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

        The process for the FY06 budget is underway.
Upcoming Meetings
        The dates for the next four meetings were set:  September 16, October 14, November 18 and December 16.  The meetings will continue to be at 7:30 am in the Setter Room.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn at 8:25 am
                                                                        Vote:   5 – 0 in favor