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Library Trustees Minutes 12 Feb 2004
FEBRUARY 12, 2004

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier, Margaret
                        Lougee and Nancy Delano

Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director), Nancy
                        Denman (Assistant Director), Ellen Snoeyenbos (YA Librarian) and Deborah
                        Killory (Administrative Assistant)

Also Present:   Sally Redmond (Co-President, Friends of the Duxbury Free Library)
The meeting was convened at 7:42 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the January 8, 2004 meeting were presented.  Two corrections were made.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2004 meeting as amended.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

        The minutes of the January 8, 2004 executive session were presented.  An addition was made.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Lougee, to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2004 executive session as amended.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn reported that $20,000 has been restored to the salary side of the FY05 budget.  The Selectmen promised to try to restore the library to a full service budget next year.

Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist noted that an article on wireless internet access in the library was published in the Patriot Ledger.  She reminded the trustees about the legislative breakfast from 8:00 – 9:00 on Friday morning, February 20.  Ms. Snoeyenbos will bring a Duxbury teen to talk about the South Shore Video Contest.  Ms. Winquist will be in Seattle for the Public Library Association conference from February 24 – February 29.

Department Reports
        Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Departments were distributed.  

Friends Report
        Ms. Redmond reported on the Friends budget; the income to date is $27,000.  Money is budgeted for a materials donation, children’s programs, the video contest, Friends’ operating expenses, scholarships for pages and Best Friends books.  In FY05, they hope to again raise $27,00 and have begun planning fundraising, including a ceramic tile wall of names in cooperation with the Inc. Board.  One goal is to lease a copy machine for the library.  
The Friends are looking for a permanent home for an ongoing book sale either at the Wright Building or in a free-standing shed.  Ms. Jankowski has offered to do book discussions three times a year for the Friends, beginning in March.

New Business
        Ms. Winquist brought up the schedule for Easter Sunday, when the library has traditionally been closed.
Moved by Ms. Lougee, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to close the library on Easter Sunday.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

        Ms. Winquist told the trustees that she would like to have a mural painted on the cement wall outside the lower level entrance.  She is considering two proposals from high school students.  The issues of safety, security and traffic at the entrances on the main and lower level on the parking lot side were discussed.
        Scott McConnaughey is making a video of the library as an eagle scout project.

Customer Service Policy
        A customer service policy was presented at the last meeting and some changes were discussed.

Moved by Ms. Lougee, seconded by Mr. Meier, to approve the Customer Service Policy revised as directed at the January 8, 2004 meeting.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

FY05 Budget
        The Selectmen have asked the Town Manager to restore $20,000 to the FY05 library budget with the stipulation that the library remain open on Sundays.  The revised budget figures are $683,246 for salaries and $251,385 for expenses for a total FY05 budget of $934,631.
Ms. Winquist distributed a draft letter to the community concerning changes in the library budget for the upcoming year and the requirements for state certification.  The trustees asked the director to make some revisions in the letter.  They felt it was important to make parents aware that because of budget reductions, the library will not be open on Mondays in the new fiscal year.  Mr. Meier said that he felt that the need for public financing had to be emphasized and that it must be made clear that due to state requirements, the library could not charge fees like the schools.  The letter will be provided to the Town Manager and the Chair of the Board of Selectmen and then submitted to the newspaper for publication.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn at 8:40 am.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor