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Library Trustees Minutes 11 Dec 2003
DECEMBER 11, 2003

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier and Nancy  Delano

Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), James Jaquette
                        (Assistant Director), Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

Also Present:   Sally Redmond (Co-President, Friends of the Duxbury Free Library)
The meeting was called to order at 7:43 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the November 13, 2003 meeting were presented.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2003 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist announced that the staff paychecks to be distributed today would reflect the new rates in the union contract and that retroactive checks based on the new salary schedules would also be issued for FY03 and FY04.  She applauded Elsie Vuilleimier and the Accounting Department for their work in making this happen in such a timely manner after the Town Meeting vote approving funding of the union contract.
        The Town Manager has asked Ms. Winquist to submit a revised budget for FY04 reflecting actual personnel costs with the new contract in place.  He will be presenting the budget to the Selectmen in an upcoming meeting, at which time any adjustments will be made.  
        Ms. Winquist encouraged trustees to attend a legislative breakfast scheduled for February 20, 2004 from 8:00 to 9:00 in Middleboro; she will forward a copy of the flyer about the breakfast to the trustees.

Ms. Lougee arrived at 7:50 am.

Departmental Reports
It was noted that history classes from the high school have been coming to the library again, perhaps in response to a letter from the reference department about appropriate use of internet sources for research.

Friends Report
        Ms. Redmond said that the Friends’ membership drive has raised $2,000 in new memberships, including fifty “best friend” memberships of $100, about twice the usual number.  There is currently $10,000 in the treasury.  Ms. Jankowski has offered to do two Friends book clubs annually.

Ms. Winquist reminded the trustees that last year staff members who had worked five, ten or twenty years at the library had been honored by donating to the library in their names books of their choice.  She would like to again honor staff members with a five or ten year employment anniversary at the library.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to honor staff members reaching their five or ten year anniversaries with a book.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

Long Range Plan
        The library must have a new long range plan in place by October of 2005.  Mr. Meier said that he would like to start the process in January, 2005.  Some of the issues to be addressed include the unforeseen fiscal problems and the bugs in the SIRSI system.

Student Union
        Beth Davis, Debbie Bowen and Steve Jones were present for the discussion.  Ms. Davis addressed the board explaining that they are a group of concerned parents who are involved in programming and fundraising for young adults, including providing chaperones for the coffeehouses at the library.  The group would like to explore forming an association between the student union and the library for use of the Wright Building to help solve problems with “tweeners”.  Ms. Bowen and Mr. Jones are members of the Youth Commission appointed by the Selectmen; the Student Union is a non-profit organization of volunteers supporting the Youth Commission and working on fundraising and programming.  The group is aware that many parents seem to see the library as a babysitting service for their children and wanted to discuss the library’s issues with teens.
        Ms. Winquist said that the library has had a problem with students after school, but that the situation has significantly improved due to action by the staff.  The Student Union would like to provide a place for the young adult group to hang out after school, from 2:00 to 6:00.  The representatives asked if there is an area in the library available after school.  Mr. Meier pointed out that there is a problem outside of the library after school, including the new playground.  Mr. Flynn noted that the library is fulfilling its function and does not want to become a hangout.  Ms. Lougee agreed and said that students are welcome to spend time in the library after school as long as they stay within the scope of the library’s functions.
Mr. Hill suggested that a school cafeteria could be an ideal space for an after school program for teens as it is not used at that time of day and has food service facilities available.  The group said that the students want to leave the building after school.
Mr. Meier noted that this is an important discussion and is a community problem, not just a problem for the schools, library and parents.  The trustees thanked the Student Union representatives for coming to the meeting.

Services for Patrons of Decertified Libraries
Ms. Winquist reminded the trustees that because of the difficult financial climate in the state and most towns, some libraries may not meet state requirements and, if unable to obtain waivers, may not be certified.  The trustees will then have to decide whether and how to provide service to the patrons of decertified libraries.  Mr. Meier expressed the opinion that it would be useful to find out what the decertified libraries want other libraries to do. It was decided to wait and see what happens after the Board of Library Commissioners acts.

Meeting Schedule
        The trustees set the meeting schedule for the next seven months.  Meetings will be on the second Thursday of the month from January through June; the summer meeting was scheduled for Thursday,
July 29.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 am.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor