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Library Trustees Minutes 25 June 2003
JUNE 25, 2003

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), Lynne Walsh, Jack Hill, Carl Meier, Margaret
                         Lougee and Nancy Delano

Staff Present:   Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director), Nancy
                         Denman (Assistant Director), James Jaquette (Assistant Director) and
                         Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

Also Present:   Sally Redmond (President of Friends of the Duxbury Free Library)

The meeting was convened at 7:44 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library and was voted into executive session at 7:45 am.  The meeting was roll called out of executive session at 8:05 am and the regular session was called to order at 8:06 am.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the May 14, 2003 meeting were presented.  

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Hill, to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2003 meeting as presented.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor
Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported on her four days with the Library Director of the Duxbury Free Library’s sister library, the American Library in Angers.  It was a wonderful experience

Departmental Reports
        Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Departments were presented.  

Friends of the Library Report
        Ms. Redmond reported that a mini-fundraiser, selling T-shirts for the summer reading program, has so far raised $600.  She said that the Friends needed a target for their long range fundraising to help cover budget shortfalls.  Mr. Flynn gave them a target of $14,802 to raise by March, 2004 Annual Town Meeting. A subcommittee consisting of two Trustees (Mr. Flynn and Ms. Lougee), two Friends, and two Trustees from the Inc. Board will meet to discuss fiscal support and advocacy.
        The Friends are continuing their Books on the Beach program this summer.

Director’s Goals and Objectives
        Ms. Winquist presented her goals and objectives for FY04.  Mr. Meier commented that it was an admirable list.  

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to approve the director’s goals and objectives for FY04 as presented.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

Director’s Evaluation
        Copies of the Trustees evaluation of the Library Director have been provided to the trustees and Ms. Winquist.  Ms. Winquist was again highly rated in all six areas of the evaluation.  A copy of the evaluation and a cover letter will be sent to the Town Manager.

Computer Use Policy
        The trustees voted on the Computer Use Policy reviewed at the May meeting.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to accept the computer use policy as presented.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor

The trustees discussed the impact of the Supreme Court decision upholding CIPA.  Federal money through telecommunications at OCLN is not significant; non-compliance with CIPA could affect the library’s eligibility for federal grant money, such as LSTA grants.

FY04 Budget Update
        Ms. Winquist reported that the library could meet 90% of the materials requirement of the state and thus still be eligible for state aid, albeit at a reduced level, if money is moved from the operating budget to the personal services budget to fund the opening of the library on Sundays in FY04.  She proposes moving $14,802 from periodicals and nonprint materials to salaries.
        The trustees noted that it will be important to explain to the public how the library is able to restore Sunday hours.  State action allowing libraries the 90% option on the materials requirement took place after the March 2003 Town Meeting.  A target has been set for the Friends to help pay back the cut in library materials.
        Looking ahead to next year’s budget, Ms. Winquist noted that a level services budget for FY05 would require funding at the level of $970,000; a level funded budget would require a reduction in force.  Ms. Winquist is considering many scenarios to deal with budget shortfalls, including a reduction in services.

Duxbury Playgrounds
        The new playground may officially open on Saturday, June 28 if a final piece of equipment arrives.

New Business
        An application for meeting room use has been received from the New Covenant Church, requesting use of the Merry and Setter Rooms every Sunday morning.  Ms. Winquist intends to turn down the request, but anticipates the possibility that the Church will appeal her decision to the trustees.

The date of the August meeting was changed to Tuesday, August 12.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 am.
                                                                        Vote:  6 – 0 in favor