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Library Trustees Minutes 12 March 2003
MARCH 12, 2003

Members Present:  Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier and Nancy

Staff Present:  Elaine Winquist (Director), David Murphy (Assistant Director), Nancy
                        Denman (Assistant Director), James Jaquette (Assistant Director), Rose
                        Hickey (Acquisition Librarian), Carol Jankowski (Circulation Supervisor),
                        Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)

Also Present:   Sally Redmond (President of Friends of the Duxbury Free Library)

The meeting was convened at 7:37 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library and was voted into executive session at 7:38 am.  The meeting was roll called out of executive session at 7:57 am and the regular session was called to order at 8:05 am.

Minutes of previous meeting
        The minutes of the February 12, 2003 meeting were presented.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to accept the minutes of the February 12, 2003 meeting as presented.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn reported that the private donors are ready to deliver money to keep the library open on Sundays if the Trustees approve it.  The Trustees have reservations about funding privately what the Town should be funding through appropriated funds.  The Trustees discussed the possibility of closing the building on another day, such as Friday.  Ms. Snoeyenbos noted that much of her Young Adult programming is scheduled on Fridays, such as the very popular coffeehouses.  Ms. Winquist said that in order to save money closing on a weekday, staff hours and/or a staff position would have to be cut.  Because staff is paid overtime on Sundays, the hours can be cut without cutting regular hours or a position.  Ms. Winquist expressed her reservations about accepting money with strings attached, and recommended against accepting the donation.
        Mr. Flynn said that he would like to keep the building open on Sundays if possible.  Mr. Meier expressed his concern about the public perception if the library turns down money and suggested that the donation be accepted as a stopgap measure.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Meier, to accept funds from private donor(s) to fund Sunday hours on a temporary basis in FY04 as specifically offered.  The Chair will discuss with private donor(s) the possibility of funding page positions and any other library functions integral to the operation of the library that were cut as a result of the budget crisis.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

Director’s Report       
        Ms. Winquist distributed a written report and noted that Allerton House has offered to underwrite some of the library’s programming.

Department Reports
        Reports of the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Services Departments were distributed to the Trustees.  Mr. Flynn noted that there are already programs that have had to be cut for FY03 because of budget constraints and asked that staff provide a list of such cuts to the Trustees.  The need for a library materials security system and for cooperation between the schools and the library to maintain the collection was discussed.

Friends Report
        Ms. Redmond noted that the Friends would be funding the summer reading program and would be having kids in the program design tee shirts that would be sold to raise additional funds.  In the long term, the Friends are hoping to raise additional funds through book sales and continuing its efforts to increase membership.  The Friends also plan to assist in the funding of the young adult programs.

Library Policies
        Ms. Winquist said that she is pleased with the policies that the library has in place, but would like to make two changes in the procedures that are attached to the Meeting Room Policy.  Users of meeting rooms will not be allowed in the rooms until ten minutes before the time listed on the application and for profit groups will be asked to pay meeting room fees a week (rather than twenty-four hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting.

Mr. Flynn suggested that a strategic planning session for the library community be scheduled.  Participants would include the trustees, staff, Inc. Board and Friends.  It was suggested that the meeting be arranged for May 3 or May 10.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 am.
                                                                        Vote:  5 – 0 in favor