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04-12-07 DBMC Meeting Minutes
Duxbury Bay Management Commission

Meeting Minutes – Thursday, April 12, 2007

A meeting of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission was held at the Duxbury Senior Center at 7 pm.  

Duxbury Bay Management Commission (DBMC):
In attendance: John Carnuccio (Chair), Shawn Dahlen, John Brawley, Kathy Gould, Jack Kent, Emmett Sheehan, Corey Wisneski (Secretary).
Missing: Ned Lawson, Don Beers (ex officio).

Guest: Skip Bennett
A quorum was reached.

I.      Conservation Commission Notice of Intent
The DBMC voted in favor of recommending groin repair operations at the VonIderstein property on King Caesar Road. In addition, the DBMC recommended that groin repair should be done all along that shoreline and that beach renourishment should be considered.  Since he drafted the recommendation memo for the Rachwalski property, Ned Lawson will be asked to draft a similar memo in support of the VonIderstein property.

II.     Revised Mooring Regulations
The mooring regulations were revised by Ned Lawson, with input from Don Beers.  Smitty at Long Point Marine should be given the opportunity to comment on the revised regulations.  The DBMC made a few editorial adjustments to the regulations and recommended that they be sent back to Ned and Don for slight reworking.

III.    Floats
John Carnuccio informed the DBMC that he received a call from a member of the community expressing concern regarding several large floats that were to be placed in the basin by the aquaculture industry.  He felt that it was the responsibility of the DBMC to learn more about this activity and any potential impact on the Bay (safety, beauty, environmental, etc.).  After a robust discussion regarding all floats, it was determined that an exploratory meeting should be held about the floats and that the aquaculture community, DBMS, DYC, and the Harbormaster should be informed about the meeting.  The meeting will be planned for May 10th, 2007.  A memo will be drafted to the relevant stakeholders announcing that such a meeting will be held.

IV.     Open Space Plan
The DBMC will provide the Conservation Commission with the 2006 Annual Report information and will ask that information to be added to the town’s Open Space Plan.

V.      Past Minutes Approval
The minutes from March 22, 2007 were approved.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Corey Wisneski