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01-07-08 Board of Selectmen's Minutes
Date:    January 7, 2008

Date Minutes Approved: January 14, 2008

Present:  Andre Martecchini, Chair and Elizabeth Sullivan, Clerk.

Absent:  Jon Witten, Vice-Chair.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; John Madden, Finance Director; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


Mr. Jim Sullivan, Tremont Street, was present to follow-up on his concern about the proposed synthetic fields project.  He reiterated his objection to the Middle School field being built prior to the High School field.  He asked who is responsible for making sure that the provisions of the Town Meeting vote are followed.  The Board responded that the Town Manager is responsible for spending the Town’s money in accordance with the Town Meeting vote.


Mr. Robert Jewell, President of the Duxbury Student Union Association (DSUA), was present to request a one-day liquor license for a fundraising event at the Wright Building.  Attendees will be parents who have joined the DSUA.  Mr. Martecchini noted that the Library Director and School Superintendent have stated that it is unlikely that there will be conflicting events on the school “campus” on that date.  Public Safety department heads have issued memoranda stating their proposed conditions for the license.  

Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board grant a one-day liquor license to Mr. Robert Jewell as a representative of the Duxbury Student Union Association for a fundraising event on February 9, 2008 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM at the Wright Building (DSUA Section only), subject to all the conditions listed in the memoranda from the Police, Fire, Inspectional Services, and Health departments.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Mr. John Fahey was present to request the license.  He explained that he has worked for Carey International for several years.  Recently, Carey began requiring all of its drivers to become independent operators.  MassPort requires all independent operators to become licensed in the towns where the vehicle will be housed.  Ms. Ripley reported that all requirements for the livery application have been met.  The only outstanding item is that the Fire Department has made the recommendation that the applicant be certified in Basic First Aid and CPR.  The Selectmen stated that they would make this a recommendation for the licensee, but not a requirement.

Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board grant a livery license to Mr. John J. Fahey, dba Outback Livery, contingent upon:  payment of the $35 license fee and provision of a current satisfactory State vehicle inspection report.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Ms. Elaine Winquist, Library Director, was present to describe the Community Reading Program.  From January 9 through March 10, 2008, all Duxbury residents are encouraged to read The Soloist, by Mark Salzman.  There will be many associated events and programs sponsored by the Library during this period.  They can be found on the website:

Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board of Selectmen recommend and encourage the residents of Duxbury to join in the Community Reading of The Soloist, by Mark Salzman, during the period between January 9 and March 10, 2008, and furthermore to discuss the book with friends, neighbors, and associates and to participate in as many related activities through the Duxbury Free Library as possible.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Mr. Tom Daley, DPW Director, was present to discuss the proposed Water Main Easement over the property of Mr. Earle Ricker on Mayflower Street.  This will allow the water department to connect the two Evergreen wells and send the water to a high pressure zone.  This eliminates the need to place a pumping station in a residential area.  No monetary compensation has been paid to Mr. Ricker for this easement, but several very beneficial services will be provided to Mr. Ricker through the Water and DPW departments.  

Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board of Selectmen accept the grant of a Water Main Easement from Mr. Earle B. Ricker of 293 Mayflower Street, for consideration of the items listed on the document, “Grant of Water Main Easement”, signed by the Selectmen on January 7, 2008, with Quitclaim Covenants, the perpetual right and easement as shown on a plan to be recorded herewith, to install a water main and all related appurtenances in, under, over and through a water main easement over the land known as 293 Mayflower Street, Duxbury, Massachusetts and to maintain in the easement area and to enter, construct, reconstruct, maintain and repair pipes, hydrants, valves, services, and any other water utility facilities within the easement area.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Mr. Daley said that there have been many questions about single-stream recycling, which allows residents to place all recyclables in one dumpster without pre-sorting them.  Mr. Daley reported that, together with the Town Manager, he visited the facility in Andover, Massachusetts where Duxbury recyclables are sorted.  He explained the series of magnets and blowers that separate the items prior to further processing.

Mr. Mangione asked whether there has been a reduction in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) since the advent of single-stream recycling in Duxbury.  Mr. Daley said that he has not yet received enough invoices from our service provider to make that determination.  However, anecdotal reports from recycling center staff indicates that MSW has been reduced.


Mr. Jim Savicki, Union Bridge Road, member of the Sustainable Duxbury Committee, was present to describe the program.  The New England Wind Fund has been established to provide financial support for wind project development.  The Challenge program provides incentives for Town residents to join the New England Wind Fund organization.  A community earns a 2 kilowatt solar system when 150 households make a qualified contribution before April 30, 2008.  A qualified contribution equals a $100 annual contribution or a $5 monthly contribution.  Also, if Duxbury ever builds a wind turbine, the Town could apply to the New England Wind Fund for funding.  Information about the program may be found at

Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board support the New England Wind Fund Community Solar Challenge by encouraging residents to join the New England Wind Fund.
Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Mr. Martecchini reviewed the draft version of the 2007 Special Town Meeting warrant:

Article A (Departmental Transfers):  This would allow departments to transfer monies to other departments as needed, or between the expense and salary accounts as needed.

Article B (Unpaid Bills):  This would allow the Town to pay for invoices which apply to the prior fiscal year, which has already been “closed out”.

Article C (Fund Collective Bargaining Agreements):  The Clerical Contract may be funded under this article.

Article D (MGL Chapter 41, Section 19K):  This would provide a stipend for Town Clerk certification.  If approved by Town Meeting, the stipend would be paid each year that the Duxbury Town Clerk is certified.

Article E (ZBL Section 603.5):  This would amend design standards for parking.  The Planning Board has requested that this be moved to the Annual Town Meeting if possible.  The Board indicated that they would do so at a future meeting.

Article F (Evergreen Wells):  This would allow for a necessary clean-out of the well walls.

Article G (Town-Wide Telephone System):  This would provide funding for new telephones for Town Hall, the Library, and Senior Center.

Article H (Transfer to Stabilization):  This will allow the Town to contribute savings in our health care costs to be applied to the long-term stability of the Town’s finances.

Article I (Chapter 90 Highway Funds):  This allows the Town to spend in anticipation of receipt of Highway Funds from the State.


ATM I (Appointment of Officers not chosen by ballot):  Ms. Sullivan moved to support the ATM article pertaining to the appointment of officers not chosen by ballot.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.

ATM II (Reports of various Town Officers and Committees):  It was decided to postpone voting on this article, since the list of who intends to give a report has not yet been provided.

ATM X (Tuition Reimbursement):  Ms. Ripley explained that the 2007 Annual Town Meeting motion for Article 7 (Duxbury Personnel Plan) allowed for an increase in Tuition Reimbursement for Personnel Plan employees, but did not allow for a change in the TEXT of the Personnel Plan.  Ms. Sullivan moved to support the ATM article pertaining to Tuition Reimbursement for Personnel Plan employees.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Ms. Sullivan moved that the Board directs either of the Constables of the Town of Duxbury to notify and warn the inhabitants of Duxbury who are qualified to vote in Primaries to vote at Precincts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six at the T. Waldo Herrick Gymnasium, Duxbury Middle School, St. George Street, Duxbury, Massachusetts on Tuesday, the Fifth Day of February, 2008 from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Ms. Sullivan moved that Ms. Mary Beth Brown, as a representative of the Duxbury Art Association be granted a One-Day Wine and Malt License to hold a fundraising event on February 2, 2008 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Art Complex Museum (186 Alden Street), contingent upon the conditions listed by the Police, Fire, Inspectional Services and Health Departments in their memoranda regarding the event.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


1)       There will be weekly budget meetings between the Town Manager, Finance Director, Finance Committee Chairman and Fiscal Advisory Committee Chairman between now and the Annual Town Meeting.
2)      We have received many inquiries about whether Duxbury will be receiving FIOS service from VERIZON.  VERIZON had started this process a couple of years ago, but abruptly stopped the project.  VERIZON has intiated action again by requesting the Town’s Geographic Information System (GIS) data.
3)      The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) with a Town-Wide flood mitigation plan.  This may result in a 5% savings on flood insurance for Duxbury residents.
4)      Construction costs in December were $1,955.000.


Ms. Sullivan moved to accept the Executive Session minutes (Parts I and II) as written for December 17, 2008, with the contents to remain sealed until the need for confidentiality has passed.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.

Ms. Sullivan moved to accept the Open Session minutes of December 17, 2008 as written. Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.


Local Housing Partnership:  Mr. Martecchini moved to appoint Mr. Brian Murphy to fill an unexpired term as an AT-LARGE representative on the Local Housing Partnership, such term to expire on June 30, 2009.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: 2:0:0.

Board of Appeals:  Mr. Martecchini moved to appoint Mr. David A. Marsocci as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, for a term to expire on June 30, 2008.


Ms. Sullivan moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 2:0:0.