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10-16-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Date:  October 16, 2006 

Date Minutes Approved: October 23, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair, and John Tuffy, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Town Manager; and C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary- Town Manager/Board of Selectmen.  

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


No items were discussed.

ACCEPT DONATION OF BENCH AT NORTH HILL C.C. / In memory of Mr. Edward McCusker

Ms. Sullivan said that the Board would be deferring this matter to a future meeting as further details regarding the bench and the cost are needed before the gift can be accepted.

As it was too early to take up the first scheduled Agenda item Ms. Sullivan asked Mr. MacDonald for his report.


1.  Nuclear siren testing
Mr. MacDonald announced he received notification that at 3:45 PM this Thursday, 10/19/06 they will be testing the emergency sirens.  Public notification will be made through the media.

2. Heritage LN. Electrical outage
NStar has scheduled an electrical outage on Thursday, October 26th, 2006 on Heritage Lane starting at 9:00 AM and to continue to approximately 2:00 PM.  The reason for the outage is that NStar will be upgrading transformers in that area.

3. Construction and Demolition (C&D) volume
Continues to be approximately 30% lower than last year.

4. Web site
Mr. MacDonald said that he was pleased to see that Duxbury was named in the article in The Boston Globe (Globe South section) on Thursday, October 5, 2006 as one of the “communities with the most helpful municipal websites.”  It is something that he and the staff have been striving for.  He did mention that, together with the staff, his goal is to implement other website improvements.

5.  September Construction Costs
Were approx. $3 million.  There were 3 new houses, but a large portion of the figure is due to restorations and alterations.

Ms. Sullivan mentioned that a number of individuals had asked her about Duxbury Farms.  She suggested it might be helpful if we could get someone to a future meeting to provide an update on the status of this project.  Mr. MacDonald said he thought this could be arranged and suggested that perhaps Mr. Lambiase or Ms. Stickney could provide an update.

6. Seawall Grant
A $300,000 grant has been filed for seawall repairs to the Bay Ave. and Gurnet Beach Seawall.  The Town’s portion would be $170,000.  The $170,000. includes $150,000. representing the 50% match required by the grant plus $20,000. for permitting/ inspection costs.   Mr. MacDonald stated he had received a number of letters from Gurnet area residents about the seawalls.  He said that as information is received about the status of the grant he will make sure to keep them advised.   

Ms. Sullivan inquired as to whether this would resolve the flooding issues in that area.
Mr. MacDonald said that it would not.  That what is needed is a long-term plan to address those issues as part of a Capital Improvement Plan.  Mr. MacDonald, the Finance Department, and the Department Heads are working with the Fiscal Advisory Committee to develop such a plan.


Mr. Martecchini moved that the Selectmen accept the Minutes of October 10, 2006 as presented.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 2:0:1.  Mr. Tuffy abstained as he was not present at that meeting.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Selectmen accept, as presented, the Minutes of October 5, 2006, which include the Minutes of the Open Session and the Executive Session of that date, and to release the October 5, 2006 Minutes in their entirety.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen re-appoint Dr. David Brumley to the Board of Health for a three-year term to expire on 6/30/09.  Second by Mr. Martecchini. Vote:  3:0:0.


At 7:41 PM Mr. Tuffy moved to exit as the Board of Selectmen and convene as Water and Sewer Commissioners for the Town of Duxbury for the purpose of committing to the Treasurer/Collector the Water and Sewer Billing for collection.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote:  3:0:0.

Mr. Martecchini moved that as Water and Sewer Commissioners for the Town of Duxbury we accept and commit to the Treasurer/Collector the total amount of $944,636.02 for Water and Sewer Billing for March, 2006 to September, 2006 for Period A.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.
Vote: 3:0:0.


At 7:42 PM Mr. Martecchini moved to adjourn as the Water and Sewer Commissioners and to reconvene as the Board of Selectmen.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote:  3:0:0.

The Board of Selectmen reconvened in Open Session at 7:42 PM.


§       Unpaid Bills
Mr. Madden, the Finance Director, explained that these were bills for services received prior to June 1, 2006.  The bills, however, were not received until after June 30, 2006, when the books for the FY06 were closed.  As a result a vote at a Town Meeting is needed to authorize payment.  

Mr. Madden also stated it is not unusual for medical bills for Veteran’s Services and/or Workers’ Compensation to be delayed because such bills have to go through review by various agencies to determine eligibility for benefits before they get passed along.

At this point an audience member asked for a listing of the bills.  So for the
benefit of the public, Ms. Sullivan read the list of the unpaid bills:

VENDOR                ITEM                                AMOUNT
Jordan Hospital                 Medical care                            $  30.00
Quincy Medical Center           Medical care                            $912.00
PMG Physician Associates        Medical care                            $293.27
Bouse House Enterprises, Inc.  Outdoor Toilet Cleaning          $  85.00
Bayside Marine, Inc.            Oil Change                              $340.06
Tiny and Sons Glass             Glass Repair                            $  80.95
Tiny and Sons Glass             Glass Repair                            $131.00
Long Point Marine, Inc. Equipment for Trailer                   $  64.95
                                GRAND TOTAL                      $1,937.23

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support the article in the November 13, 2006 Special Town Meeting regarding payment of the above-referenced unpaid bills.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: (3:0:0)

§       Medicare Extension Plans
Mr. MacDonald spoke regarding this article.  He explained that the town’s health care appropriation has risen from 8% to 15% of the total municipal budget.  In exploring cost saving strategies for health benefits, Duxbury has the option, through Chapter 32B Section 18 of the Mass. General Laws to require eligible retirees to enroll in Medicare.  In doing so this shifts some of the financial burden from municipalities to the federal government.  A review of the change shows that the benefits are actuarially equivalent to the retirees, while saving the town and the retirees’ money.  Currently 74% of eligible retirees are enrolled in Medicare so the proposed change would affect 46 subscribers.  In requesting this change the Town would be obligated to pay Medicare penalties for late enrollment of retirees.

Mr. MacDonald said review of this option found that the Town of Duxbury would save $150,000. annually, even when factoring in the amount the town would have to pay in penalties.  In addition, it would save the retirees $106,000 in premium costs, for a total savings of more than $250,000.  Therefore, we are recommending support of this article.

In addition, Mr. MacDonald noted that the Town held a well-attended informational meeting at the Senior Center about two weeks ago.  

Ms. Sullivan commented that this was an article brought forward at the March 2006 Annual Town Meeting (ATM), which the Board indefinitely postponed; not because the Board didn’t support it, but because at that time the Selectmen felt it placed an undue burden on retirees to have to comply by the end of March 2006 deadline.  The Board clearly stated at that time this article was likely to be brought forward at a Special Town Meeting in the fall.

Mr. Martecchini indicated a letter had been received from one individual.  He wanted to make it clear that the Board will make every effort to respond to such correspondence as best it is able.  Mr. Martecchini also pointed out that this article is “not saving costs but managing costs.”

Mr. Tuffy mentioned that with respect to prescription drugs acceptance of this article does not do away with coverage the retirees currently have.

Ms. Sullivan finalized the discussion by saying that representatives will be available to address any concerns raised at the Special Town Meeting.

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen support the article regarding the transfer of retirees to Medicare Extension Plans as presented in the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting to begin on November 13, 2006.  Second by Mr. Martecchini. Vote: 3:0:0.

§       Chapter 90 Funds
Mr. Madden spoke about this proposed article.  The gist of Mr. Madden’s comments were that the State sells Highway Bonds and when Chapter 90 funds are allotted to the Town the Town must vote to accept the funds dollar for dollar.  At last March’s ATM the body voted to accept a dollar amount as Chapter 90 funds based on the anticipated State figure ($329,051.), but the actual figure ($324,516.) was higher.  So the difference of $4,535.  needs to be accepted.  In addition, there was a FY06 Supplemental Distribution in which Duxbury was allotted an additional~$148,195. in Chapter 90 funds.  This amount also needs to be accepted.  This article asks the voters to accept ($4,535. + $148,195=) a total of $152,730. Chapter 90 funds.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support the article regarding the appropriation of $152,730.00 as the State’s share of Chapter 90 (Highway) work.  Second by Mr. Tuffy. Vote: 3:0:0.

§       Reallocation of CPC Funding Sources
Mr. Madden, Finance Director, introduced this article by explaining it as a “housekeeping” article.  At the March 2006 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) the body voted to purchase the Nudd property with CPC funds.  The CPC Funds have strict requirements as to the percentages used for Open Space, Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation, as well as for the reserves to be maintained.  After reviewing the accounts Mr. Madden determined a reallocation was needed in order to honor the vote of the ATM and maintain the proper accounts.

In discussing this article the Board indicated their support of this article would be contingent upon a vote of the CPC Committee also indicating that Committee’s support.

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen support the article regarding the
re-allocation of CPC Funds as presented in the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting to begin on November 13, 2006.  Second by Mr. Martecchini. Vote: 3:0:0.

§       Actuarial Study of Other Post Employment Benefits
Mr. Madden, the Finance Director, and Ms. Conway, the Treasurer/Collector were present from the Finance Department to discuss the merits of this proposed article.  The Finance Department is requesting support of this article as a proactive step in preparing for compliance with GASB 45.  GASB 45 is an accounting guideline which will require municipalities to assess the cost of post employment benefits (OPEB) of their retirees and current municipal employees to more accurately plan for covering those costs. This article is requesting $15,000. from free cash for an actuarial study to better assess what the actual costs for retirees and current employees will be.  

There was an extensive discussion of the pros and cons of bringing this article forward at this time.  In discussion it was learned that compliance for Duxbury would not be required until the budget that takes effect July 1, 2008, which would be FY 09.  A major point of disagreement was whether the timing was appropriate to bring this article to a Special Town Meeting versus funding it through the budgetary process at the FY07 Annual Town Meeting.  Having heard both sides the Board moved to a vote.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen support funding of the article requesting $15,000.00 to fund an actuarial study of other post employment benefits at the November 13, 2006 Special Town Meeting.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 1:2:0.  Ms. Sullivan voted “aye.”  Mr. Tuffy and Mr. Martecchini voted “nay.”

Ms. Sullivan said she would entertain a motion to open the Warrant for the purpose of changing/deleting a number of articles.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board re-open the Warrant for the November 13, 2006 Special Town Meeting.  Second by Mr. Tuffy. Vote: 3:0:0.

Ms. Sullivan then listed the changes/deletions to the list of articles are as follows:

1. Remove Animal Control Revolving Fund article.
Reason:  Opinion received is that it is not appropriate for revolving funds to be established at a Special Town Meeting.

2. Remove four article(s) pertaining to the Grange property on Franklin Street.
Reason:  There is a legal issue that needs to be resolved regarding whether the State Grange or the Local Grange is authorized to sell the property.

3. Remove article to pay the remaining balance on the note for Animal Shelter Construction.  Reason:  There are sufficient funds are available without the article.
Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board make the changes/deletions to the Warrant for the November 13, 2006 as outlined by the Chair.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.

For the purposes of preparation the Warrant the articles had been given a tentative order.  The Board discussed and agreed upon an order for the articles to appear.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board re-order the articles in the Warrant for the November 13, 2006 as just discussed.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.

Mr. Tuffy made a motion to close the Warrant for the November 13, 2006 Special Town meeting.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Ms. Sullivan announced that the Warrant for the November 13, 2006 Special Town Meeting will be signed at the end of the meeting.


Mr. Tuffy moved for adjournment at 8:40 PM.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote in favor of the motion was 3:0:0.  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen