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09-18-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    September 18, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: September 25, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair; Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair, and PersonNameJohn Tuffy, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  PersonNameRichard MacDonald, Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


No items were discussed.


Ms. Mary Norris and Ms. Ginger Ball, co-chairs of the Alden School Reach-Out Community Service Program, were present to seek permission for their event.  This will be the ninth annual Reach-Out Walk-a-thon.  This year’s proceeds would go to the Duxbury Interfaith Council.  

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen support the Reach-Out Walk-a-thon on October 11, 2006, to support the Duxbury Interfaith Council.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Mr. Neil Johnson, Committee Chairman, was present.  He introduced members of the Committee:  Andre Martecchini (Selectmen), Frank Mangione (Fiscal Advisory Committee Chairman), Police Chief Mark DeLuca, Fire Chief Kevin Nord, PersonNameJake Emerson (Executive Officer, Harbormaster Dept.), Paul Brogna (Highway Safety Committee member), Dennis Nolan (not present), Jean Riley, and Ken Shine (not present).

Mr. Johnson stated that the Committee has met seven or eight times.  They started with the impression that a joint placePlaceNamePublic PlaceNameSafety PlaceTypeBuilding would be the better choice.  However, upon study, it was concluded that separate Police and Fire facilities are more desirable.  The reasons for this are: 1) The current location of the Fire Station is optimal for emergency response times.  There is not sufficient room at the current location for a joint facility; and 2) Redundancy in public safety facilities is desirable.  If one facility were to be disabled, it would be advantageous to have another.  

Storage for Harbormaster equipment and documents is also needed.  It was decided that this could best be accomplished at the Police facility, since the Police/Harbormaster activities are closely aligned.

Police Chief Mark DeLuca and Police PersonNameLt. Chip Chubb gave a presentation about facility needs for their Department.  The current station was built in 1967 for 11 male officers and 6,000 residents.  There are currently 34 male officers, 6 female officers, and 15,000 residents.  The dispatch area is cramped.  The booking area does not allow for safe restraint of prisoners, and is dangerous for the officers.  The reception, restroom, and parking areas are all insufficient.  The Town of placeCityRockland Police facility provides a model for a more suitable station for a similar community.

Fire Chief Kevin Nord presented Fire Department facility needs.  The Main Station was built in 1963, with the addition of the placePlaceNameEmergency PlaceNameOperations PlaceTypeCenter in the 1980’s.  The location is excellent for timely emergency response.  Shortcomings include no reception area on the first floor, inadequate storage area for expensive SCBA equipment and gear, inadequate workshop space for equipment repair, inadequate space for training exercises, dilapidated living quarters, roof and plumbing leaks, poor ventilation and mold issues.  There are cracks in the concrete walls.  It is unknown at this time whether these cracks are superficial, or whether they indicate structural instability.  It is unclear whether the best option would be to build a new facility, or to renovate and add to the existing station.

Harbormaster Executive Officer PersonNameJake Emerson presented Harbormaster facility needs.  An indoor heated facility for storage, maintenance and repair of boats and equipment is needed.  In addition, space for document storage is necessary.  

Mr. Johnson said that the parcel containing the current Police station is too small to support a larger facility.  The Committee considered several options and decided that the Town-owned parcel adjacent to the Exit 11 interchange for Route 3 would be a desirable parcel for a larger station.  The parcel housing the existing station is zoned “residential” and could be sold.

Mr. Johnson said that the Committee plans to introduce an article at the November 2006 Special Town Meeting for a study of best options for the Main Fire Station.  It is expected that this could be accomplished for approximately $30,000.00.  The Committee also plans to introduce an article at the March 2007 Annual Town Meeting for architectural design funds for both buildings.

Mr. Dick Rothschild, 105 Standish Street, asked whether there would be a problem in separating the Harbormaster equipment from the Harbor.  He was assured that storage in the Police facility would be off-season only, and that there would always be a need for an emergency boat at the Harbor, even in the winter.  

It was mentioned that there may be some temporary storage available at the high school, now that auto mechanics classes are no longer being offered.  This may be a temporary solution for the Harbormaster before adequate storage facilities can be constructed.

The Selectmen thanked the Public Safety Feasibility Study Committee for their work to date.


Mr. MacDonald explained that this easement allows the Town to have access to Town-owned property.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen accept the gift of a 10-foot easement, over parcel 060-160-000, known as addressStreet844 Temple Street, to allow Town of CityDuxbury agents and employees to pass and re-pass for purposes of maintaining and accessing a parcel of land described as parcel 060-106-900 on the Town of placeCityDuxbury’s Assessor’s Map.  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Mr. Jared Fijalkowski gave an update of a study on Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Town Centers.  He said that six towns in the placeCityBoston Metropolitan Region had been selected for the study.  These towns are: Duxbury, Essex, Holbrook, Lynnfield, placeCityNorfolk, and Southborough.  The study will make recommendations for the six selected towns to consider implementing which would improve the bicycle and pedestrian environments in their town centers.  It will also serve as a model for other towns to make improvements in their own town centers.  Mr. Fijalkowski presented slides with various views of Hall’s Corner.  He showed areas of varying adequacy with regard to access.  He said that the report will be completed in November, and that final recommendations will be presented to the Board of Selectmen in the Spring of 2007.  

Mr. Frank Mangione, Fiscal Advisory Committee Chair, asked whether there would be any funding available from the BMRPO.  Mr. Fijalkowski responded that, to date, the only specific funding expected would be a reimbursement program for bike racks.


Ms. Beverly Johnson (Cemetery Trustee) and Ms. Patricia Pappas (Cemetery Superintendent) were at the meeting to present proposed revisions to Cemetery Rules and Regulations on behalf of the Cemetery Board of Trustees.  Ms. Pappas reported that these revisions were originally proposed by an outside consultant to the Town, Mr. Tom Daley (not the Town’s DPW Director).  They have been modified by the Cemetery Trustees, and are ready for consideration by the Selectmen.  The Board discussed issues relevant to burial errors and monument decorations.  The Board requested clarification on whether the Town Clerk is acting as an agent of the Board of Health when issuing Burial permits.  After this clarification is made in the proposed regulations, the Selectmen would like to have them brought back for a vote.


·       Ms. PersonNameClaudette Coutu began her employment as the placePlaceNameDuxbury PlaceTypeTown Accountant today.  It is anticipated that she will be a very positive addition to the Finance Department.

·       The placePlaceNameDuxbury PlaceTypeBeach Triathlon was conducted successfully on Saturday, September 16.  Public Safety departments worked well together to ensure a safe event.  (Ms. Susanna Sheehan, 122 Powder Point Avenue, spoke against the inconvenience to Powder Point residents created by the triathlon year after year.  She said that it seems unfair to shut down the entire neighborhood twice each year (for the triathlon and the Powder Point Challenge.  She suggested that Sunday would be a better day than Saturday, if the event must be held.)  Congratulations were offered to Selectmen Andre Martecchini who successfully completed the race.

·       A fire occurred at Bay Path Nursing Home on September 15.  Some residents were temporarily accommodated at the placePlaceNameDuxbury PlaceNameSenior PlaceTypeCenter.  Mr. MacDonald commended the COA Director, Police Chief, and Fire Chief for their cooperative effort in addressing this emergency.


Mr. Martecchini moved to accept minutes from the Executive Session of September 11, 2006, the contents of which will remain sealed until the relevant business has been concluded.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.  (Mr. Tuffy abstained.)


Mr. Martecchini moved to re-appoint Mr. Paul Costello for a one-year appointment on the Open Space Committee (expires 6/30/07), and to appoint Mr. Thomas Heneghan for a five-year term on the Board of Appeals (expires 6/30/11).  Second by Mr. Tuffy.  Vote: 3:0:0.


Mr. Tuffy moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 PM.  Second by Mr. Martecchini.  Vote: 3:0:0.

Respectfully submitted,

PersonNameC. PersonNameAnne Murray
Dept. Secretary, Town Manager / Board of Selectmen