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08-28-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    August 28, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: September 11, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan (Chair) and John Tuffy (Clerk).

Absent:  Andre Martecchini (Vice-Chair).

Staff:  PersonNameRichard MacDonald, Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM.


Mr. Steve Jones, President of the Duxbury Student Union, presented the Board of Selectmen with a check for $19,752.00.  Several other members of the Duxbury Student Union Association were also present.  This check constitutes payment for Student Union specific features which have been added to the placePlaceNameWright PlaceTypeBuilding during construction.  Mr. Jones said that the DSYA looks forward to leasing the building for the youth center.  The Board thanked Mr. Jones and the DSYA, and congratulated them for their fundraising success to date.


Mr. MacDonald introduced Ms. Claudette Coutu as Duxbury’s new Town Accountant.  Mr. John Madden, Finance Director, was also present.  Mr. MacDonald noted that Ms. Coutu has been the Town Accountant in placeCityRochester since 1987, and that she will begin her new position with Duxbury on September 18, 2006.  Ms. Coutu thanked Mr. MacDonald and the Board and said that she is looking forward to serving in Duxbury.


Present from the Duxbury Housing Authority were:
Director: Linda Bacci
Members: Beverly Walters, John Griffin, and Brendan Keohan

Also present:
John Winslow: Winslow Architects
Ray Freeman: Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development,     Director of Housing Construction
Two residents of the Cordwood Path neighborhood

Mr. Winslow presented drawings of the group home planned for the Town-owned “placeCityDelano” property off Cordwood Path.  The four-bedroom, 2,500 SF, fully handicapped-accessible home has been designed to be as consistent with the rest of the neighborhood as possible.  Two meetings were held with abutters to learn of their concerns.  Modular construction is planned.  Mr. Winslow said that the building meets all Town requirements regarding zoning setbacks.  However, the lot does not have the requisite frontage.  He said that the building’s educational use will allow it to be exempt from that requirement, and that this is a “by-right” project.  Approval from the Board of Health will be required for the septic system.  The Fire Chief will also be consulted for issues regarding access and water pressure for the sprinkler system.  
Mr. Winslow said that the plans are complete, and the project is ready to go out to bid.  He said that all that remains is a regulatory process with the State.  

Mr. Michael Okala, neighborhood resident, asked whether the vegetated area abutting Cordwood Path could be cordoned-off from construction vehicles.  Mr. Winslow said that he does not want vehicles in that area either, and that it definitely could be cordoned-off.  

Mr. Freeman was asked about the existing structure on the property.  There has been a question of whether it would make more sense to demolish this A-Frame house and erect a new house, or to renovate the existing house.  Mr. Freeman said that the decision has been made to renovate the house.  It is hoped that this process will begin before Spring.  He said that DHCD would very much like to have pavement on the path to the house (which is currently gravel).  The neighbors said that they would be in favor of this, because it would allow the driveway to the group home to be moved to a more desirable position.  However, members of the Duxbury Housing Authority said they would only be in-favor of this if it does not further delay the group home project.


(Postponed to September 18, 2006.)


·       FY08 Budget Process:  This is underway.

·       Personnel Plan Revision:  Mr. MacDonald is meeting regularly with the Personnel Board to revise this plan.  It is hoped that suggested revisions will be presented at the 2007 placePlaceNameAnnual PlaceTypeTown Meeting.

·       Year-End Closing Procedures:  The Finance Director is in the process of closing out FY06.  He will be very grateful for the assistance of the new Town Accountant once she joins the staff.


Mr. Tuffy moved that, due to reasonable available shellfish resources, that the Board of Selectmen declare a temporary Bonus Shellfish Season for the commercial harvesting of softshell clams for the month of SEPTEMBER, according to the regulations outlined in Attachments B & C of the Duxbury Harbormaster memo dated August 23, 2006; and that the Selectmen declare a temporary bonus Shell Shellfish Season for the commercial harvesting of quahog clams for the month of SEPTEMBER, according to the regulations outlined in Attachments A & C of the Duxbury Harbormaster memo dated August 23, 2006.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.


Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board accept the minutes of August 21, 2006 as presented.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.


Mr. Tuffy moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.