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08-07-06 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Date:    August 7, 2006

Date Minutes Approved: August 21, 2006

Present:  Elizabeth Sullivan, Chair and Andre Martecchini, Vice-Chair.

Absent:  PersonNameJohn Tuffy, Clerk.

Staff:  PersonNameRichard MacDonald, Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM.


Mr. MacDonald introduced Ms. placeCityTracy Baugous, who will begin her tenure as Duxbury Health Agent on August 21, 2006.  She is currently a Senior Public Health Inspector for the Brookline Health Department.  Mr. Scott Lambiase, Director of Inspectional Services, and Mr. Tom O’Regan, Duxbury Board of Health Chair, were present to welcome Ms. Baugous.  She was sworn-in as a PlaceNameplaceDuxbury PlaceTypeTown Official by Ms. Nancy Oates, Town Clerk, and welcomed by the Board.


Present were:  Fire Chief Kevin Nord, Town Clerk Nancy Oates, Honor Guard of the Duxbury Fire Department, and families of the inductees.

Chief Nord expressed thanks to the community, the Town Manager, the Selectmen, and to Department Secretary Susan Errasti for their support of the Fire Department.  He also read a letter from a grateful citizen whose wife was the recipient of paramedic care recently.  The letter was accompanied by a $1,000.00 donation to the paramedic program.

Firefighter/Paramedic Harry Mathews:  Chief Nord introduced the newest member of the department.  He was sworn-in by the Town Clerk and welcomed by the Town Manager and Selectmen.  Mrs. Mathews affixed her husband’s firefighter badge to his uniform.

Deputy Chiefs Christopher West and William Carrico:  Chief Nord noted that these two firefighters have been promoted to the position of Deputy Chief based on their performance in the department and on a rigorous exam.  They were sworn-in by the Town Clerk and welcomed by the Town Manager and Selectmen.  Mrs. West and Mrs. Carrico affixed firefighter badges to their husband’s uniforms.


Ms. Mary Sacksteder, of Screenhouse Lane in Duxbury, was present to introduce the ICLEI organization (now known as Local Governments for Sustainability).  ICLEI is an international association of local governments that have made a commitment to sustainable development.  One of the benefits includes participation in a systematic program for analyzing and reducing emissions.

She encouraged the Board of Selectmen to join the organization immediately, in order to be able to attend a meeting at the end of this week.  Mr. Martecchini responded that expenditures by the Town are normally made through the budgeting process, rather than on-the-spot.  He said, however, that the ICLEI program could provide an excellent framework for the Alternative Energy Committee.  This new committee is expected to be appointed and begin working by the fall.  He would suggest that this committee consider the question of joining ICLEI.  The Board thanked Ms. Sacksteder for making them aware of this organization and for volunteering to serve on the Alternative Energy Committee.


Cable Television:  ComCast took over for Adelphia Communications, effective July 31, 2006.  No immediate changes in service are planned.  ComCast has indicated that they will give advance notice prior to any changes in service or billing practices.

Construction Costs:  Permits for $1.5 million in construction costs were issued in the month of July.

Gasoline Usage:  The Town used 18% less gasoline for Town vehicles in July 2006, as compared to July 2005.  This is attributable to cooperation from Town departments, as well as the new monitoring system at the Town gasoline pump.

Transfer Station/Construction & Debris (C&D): The new fee structure for disposing of C&D went into effect on August 2.  A fifty percent reduction in C&D disposal has been noted.  $665.00 in fees have been collected so far.

Mosquito Spraying:  The Massachusetts Department of Public Health decided that aerial spraying of mosquitoes is necessary for several of our surrounding towns, as well as a portion of Duxbury, due to the threat of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).  Although spraying was originally scheduled for this evening, it was postponed to tomorrow due to wind.  The spraying is planned for approximately 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM.  Although the State DPH reports that negative health effects from the pesticide are not expected, that those residents wanting to take extra precautions may prefer to remain indoors during those hours, with windows closed.  Mr. Martecchini said that he was very concerned that Towns were denied input into the decision for aerial spraying.  

placePlaceNameWright PlaceTypeBuilding:  Construction progress has improved dramatically since a series of meetings held this summer with the architect and contractor.  The Duxbury Rural & Historical Society has signed a proposal to lease the building, and has paid for their requested improvements to the building.  A letter was mailed to the Duxbury Student Union Association today, detailing dates of expected payments for improvements.  Mr. MacDonald noted that the Student Union has several fundraising events planned.


Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board approve the Minutes for the Open Session of July 24, 2006 as written.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.

Mr. Martecchini moved that the Board approve the Minutes for the Executive Session of August 1, 2006 as written, and that the contents of the minutes remain sealed until the need for confidentiality has passed.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote:  2:0:0.


Mr. Martecchini moved for adjournment of the meeting at 8:25 PM.  Second by Ms. Sullivan.  Vote: 2:0:0.  The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held on Monday, August 21, at 7:30 in the Mural Room of Town Hall.