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11-21-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes

APPROVED 11-28-05

BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                      Date:  November 21, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair; Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair and Andre Martecchini.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM.


At 6:31 PM, Ms. Sullivan made a motion to enter Executive Session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, since such discussion may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body, and to reconvene in Open Session in accordance with Mass. General Laws, Chapter 39, Section 23b, Subsections 3 and 6.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion.  A roll call vote was taken (Mr. Tuffy – yes; Ms. Sullivan – yes; Mr. Martecchini - yes).

 The Executive Session was held.


At 7:32 PM, Mr. Martecchini made a motion to reconvene in Open Session.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion.  A roll call vote was taken (Mr. Tuffy – yes; Ms. Sullivan – yes; Mr. Martecchini – yes.)  The Open Meeting was reconvened.

OPEN FORUM- No items were discussed.


Mr. Jeff Chandler, Lincoln Street, spoke on behalf of a group of citizens concerned about agricultural issues.  Approximately ten supporters were also present.  The group would like the Board of Selectmen to support a 2006 Town Meeting article for the establishment of a town-wide agricultural commission.  This group would support all types of agriculture, including aquaculture.  He said that the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources is fully behind this.  Also, he noted that this has no cost to the community, because it is a volunteer effort.

Ms. Sullivan asked what the impetus was for presenting the idea.  Mr. Chandler responded that interest in agriculture is fading, as fewer and fewer young people enter the industry.  Current practioners and open-space advocates would like to see the promotion of agriculture.

Mr. Martecchini noted that such an organization might have been helpful with the controversy over horse and stable issues.

Mr. Martecchini also noted that the aquaculture industry is currently served by the Duxbury Bay Management Commission and the Shellfish Advisory Committee.  He wondered about how a third organization would fit in.  Mr. Bill Bennett answered that the DBMC and the SAC serve a regulatory role, while the proposed agricultural commission would serve a supportive role.  For example, the commission could lobby the State on related issues, or provide educational programs.  

Ms. Sullivan asked whether having such a commission would help the Town to obtain grants.  Ms. Priscilla McGilvery, from Marshfield, said that a Town would get extra points on certain grant applications.

Ms. Sullivan said that she hoped that some of the advocates of the article would be willing to serve on the commission, since committees can be difficult to fill at times.

Mr. Tuffy asked fellow Board members their opinion about whether this would best be brought to Town Meeting as a citizen petition, a Selectmen-sponsored article, or as an article sponsored by a related committee.  Mr. Martecchini and Ms. Sullivan said that they would be happy to sponsor the article.

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to sponsor an article creating an Agricultural Commission in the Town of Duxbury.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).


Mr. Alden Ringquist, of Shipyard Lane, was present.  Mr. Ringquist said that the historic landmark nomination is proceeding favorably.  One thing that is needed is a letter of support from the Town regarding the portion of the land that the Town owns.  Ms. Sullivan noted that the land in question is actually under the control of the School Committee.  She said that before the Board of Selectmen signed a letter of support we need to make sure that the School Committee approves. Mr. Ringquist agreed to meet with the School Committee first.


The preliminary FY2007 budget was presented by the Acting Town Manager and the Town Accountant.  It was noted that the preliminary budget is almost $3.8 million out of balance.  Many hours of discussion, analysis, negotiation, and compromise remain.  Selectmen asked questions about various aspects of the proposed operating and capital budgets.  Mr. Tuffy commented that review by the Finance Committee will be crucial, since the budget is presented to Town Meeting as their recommendation.

It was noted that the final proposal must be ready by December 12, in order to have review time prior to the closing of the warrant (December 19).  After that, any proposed additions must be accompanied by equal deductions, according to Mr. Tuffy.

The Town Treasurer updated the Board on borrowing for school building projects.  The School Department is working hard to get an audit complete by November 30, in order to be eligible for 100% reimbursement, and to avoid short-term borrowing.


Mr. MacDonald announced that Duxbury Town Counsel would be available on November 28 and December 8 to help citizens, staff, and committee members to draft warrant articles for the 2006 Annual and Special Town Meetings.


Ms. Ripley presented several issues related to liquor license renewals.  By consensus, the Board of Selectmen decided the following:

·       For the current renewal season, licenses will not be given to establishments until outstanding taxes have been paid, application fees have been paid, and certification of server training has been provided.

·       When licensees pick up their 2006 licenses, they will be advised of new procedures for the 2007 renewal season.  Applications must be completed in their entirety prior to November 30, 2006 in order to be considered for renewal in December.  A completed application will include valid server training certificates and full payment of the application fee.

·       After the 2006 Annual Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen will review enforcement policies for server training.


Mr. Tuffy reminded citizens that the original four finalists for the position were Mr. Boudreau, Mr. Jaillet, Ms. Vanderhoef, and Mr. Malloy.  However, on November 18, Mr. Jaillet removed himself from consideration for personal reasons.  The Town Manager Search committee had a fifth candidate selected in case that should happen.  That candidate was Mr. MacDonald.

Mr. Tuffy said that the four finalists, including Mr. MacDonald, were interviewed on November 19.  Mr. Tuffy then asked Mr. MacDonald to leave tonight’s meeting, since his application would be discussed.  Mr. Tuffy said that the Selectmen would be reducing the list of finalists to two.

Selectmen reviewed the qualifications of the finalists.  Each Selectman listed his/her top two choices.  Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Martecchini, and Mr. Tuffy each selected Mr. Boudreau and Mr. MacDonald as their top choices.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to continue exploring the candidacy of Mr. Boudreau and Mr. MacDonald for the position of Town Manager in Duxbury.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Mr. Tuffy said that the Selectmen would be visiting Norwell during the week of November 28, and would be inviting Mr. Boudreau to visit Duxbury (to meet with citizens, staff, and department heads) during that week also.  In addition, he said, the Selectmen will be conducting additional interviews with Mr. MacDonald.


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn at 9:11 PM.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Ripley