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10-11-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes

APPROVED 10-24-05

BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                              Date:  October 11, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair; Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair; and Andre Martecchini, Clerk.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and C. Anne Murray, Dept. Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.

It was noted that the meeting was not being recorded for community television, but was being covered by other newspaper and radio media.

7:30 P.M.       OPEN FORUM

No items were discussed.


Duxbury Police Chief Mark DeLuca acknowledged the Friends of the Duxbury Animal Shelter for their help and support of the new animal shelter.  He announced that Ms. Annie Eldridge has graciously donated, for the use of the Animal Control Officer, a 1999 GMC Yukon.  He asked the Selectman to accept this gift on behalf of the Town.

Mr. MacDonald added his appreciation to Ms. Eldridge, noting that this gift was very timely as the vehicle currently in use is in poor running condition.

Mr. Tuffy moved to accept the gift of a 1999 GMC Yukon for use by the Animal Control Officer with appreciation to Ms. Annie Eldridge for this generous donation.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).


In attendance were: Police Chief Mark DeLuca, Harbormaster Don Beers, Operations Officer (from the Harbormaster’s Office) Jake B. Emerson, Fire Chief Kevin Nord, and Triathalon Event Organizer Brian Noyes.

Chief DeLuca mentioned that in the past the event was run early in the day.  This year it was later in the morning on an experimental basis to allow the organizers additional time to set it up.  The time change and the fact that it was on a Sunday caused some concerns.  As a result, there were a few complaints regarding traffic issues.  In a post-event assessment, those issues were taken into consideration in planning next year’s triathlon.

Next year’s triathlon will be on Saturday, September 16, 2006.   That date was specifically chosen because there is an early morning high tide.  Since it is a Saturday it should alleviate the traffic problems that occurred this year for people returning from religious services.

Ms. Sullivan asked Brian Noyes to speak briefly about the triathlon and Mr. Martecchini asked that the other safety officials present provide comments on any incidents.

Brian Noyes, the Triathlon organizer, spoke briefly about the success of the event.  He concurred with Chief DeLuca’s earlier remarks.  Overall the event was very successful.  There were over 500 participants.  The event raised $10,00.00  to be donated to the PAL (i.e., the Police Athletic League) program and the Special Olympics.  While some groups volunteered to assist and did not show up, there were over 100 volunteers.

Don Beers, Duxbury Harbormaster, commented that the Triathlon allows his department to coordinate with other Duxbury public safety officials, as well as to draw on resources from other towns.  Doing this in a non-emergency situation is helpful towards building coordination for emergency situations.  From his perspective the event went very smoothly.

Fire Chief Kevin Nord said that with an event like this you plan for injuries.  One individual was treated for difficulty breathing, but otherwise there were no major injuries / illness requiring transport.


Ms. Sullivan moved to accept the Minutes for the Executive Session of September 26, 2005 as presented.  These Minutes will remain under seal until the need for privacy has passed.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion was unanimously passed. (3:0).

Ms. Sullivan moved to accept the Minutes of September 26, 2005 Open Session as presented.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion was unanimously passed. (3:0).


Mr. Tuffy indicated that this hearing is in regard to a request from Commonwealth Electric Company (known as N-Star) regarding a conduit to be located on Abrams Hill Road.

Ms. Donna Rosa, from Commonwealth Electric Company (known as N-Star), was present to answer questions.  She stated a customer wanted to relocate the service from overhead to underground.

Before continuing Mr. Tuffy noted that abutters had been notified, but no comments received.  There are no tree issues relative to the proposal.  There is some concern that the proposed conduit location is directly over the Town’s water service.  

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to approve the petition from Commonwealth Electric Company to locate underground cables, conduits, and manholes including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, in, under, along and across 145 Abrams Hill Road, with the condition that they work with the Town to resolve any siting concerns regarding the water service.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).


Ms. Sullivan explained that the Bylaws require the warrant to be closed 75 days before the Annual Town Meeting.  Since Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2006 this means that technically the warrant must be closed by December 26, 2006.  It was agreed that doing so during the holiday season would be difficult.  Given the need to allow for adequate time for printing of the warrant and distribution to the community for review, the Board set the closing date of the warrant as Monday, December 19, 2005.

The warrant has been opened and anyone who has an article is encouraged to submit it.  In doing so the Board stressed the following:
1.      In the past “placeholders” were allowed.  This year Articles should be submitted in their final language and include any appropriate financial figures.
2.      An effort will be made to provide assistance to citizens needing help with the appropriate language of an article.  


1) We have received notification from the Department of Revenue that the Town will be receiving $967,965.00 on or about October 15th towards the Community Preservation Fund.

2) Construction continues to flourish in Duxbury, with permits issued for $4 million worth of construction in September 2005.  There were 4 new houses and 2 alterations/renovations.

Ms. Sullivan mentioned that the Annual Reports are due from the Boards and Committees
on October 15, 2005.


No appointments.

Mr. Tuffy moved that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss recommendations from the King Caesar Advisory Committee which are of a confidential nature, as they relate to the King Caesar Poor and Hospital Fund which purpose is to provide medical relief for the poor and elderly citizens of Duxbury.  And to reconvene in open session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23 B Subsection 1 only for the purpose of Adjournment.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Ms. Sullivan “aye”.  The motion passed. (3-0).


Having reconvened in Open Session at 8:35 PM, Mr. Tuffy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
8:35 PM.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Respectfully Submitted,

C. Anne Murray
Dept. Secretary
Town Manager / Board of Selectmen