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08-29-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                      Date:  August 29, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair and Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair.

Absent:  Andre Martecchini, Clerk.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


Ms. Mary Steinke, a summer resident of Washington Street, urged the Selectmen to hasten the process of getting paramedic staff in Duxbury for all shifts.  She described an incident this summer when her 21 year-old son suffered a Grand Mal seizure.  She described her fear as she waited for paramedics to travel all the way from Jordan Hospital.

Board members expressed concern about her experience.  Chief Kevin Nord was present and explained that while Duxbury is certified for paramedic care, that trained paramedics are not currently available for all shifts.  He explained the time schedule whereby this will be addressed, through new hires and training.


Chief Nord explained that he is in the process of updating implementation procedures for a possible emergency related to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant.  He had intended to update the Selectmen procedures this evening.  However, he requested that this item be postponed until he has had time to review the procedures with the Nuclear Advisory Committee.

Ms. Pixie Lampert, Chairman of the Nuclear Advisory Committee, was also present.  She announced that she would be giving a presentation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on August 31 in Washington, DC.  In addition, she advised that the radios and generator, which are necessary for emergency response, are in need of replacement.  She said that this is Entergy’s responsibility, but that they have not complied.  Mr. Tuffy responded that the Town Manager sent a letter to Entergy this week, requesting an immediate response.


Duxbury Harbormaster, Mr. Don Beers, was present.  Several members of the Shellfish Advisory Committee and the Bay Management Commission were also present.  In addition, several residents with outstanding Aquaculture grant applications were present.  

Mr. Beers noted that a moratorium on the granting of shellfish aquaculture permits for up to six months was instituted by the Board of Selectmen on January 31, 2005.  Now that the six months has passed, Mr. Beers requested the Board’s guidance with respect to outstanding applications.  Mr. Beers provided the Board with three lists:  1) Four applications which were postponed at the 1/31/05 hearing;  2) Six applications which were received prior to the 1/31/05 hearing date, but had not been processed prior to the moratorium; and 3)  Two applications received after the 1/31/05 hearing.

Mr. Alan Hoban, Chairman of the Shellfish Advisory Committee, noted that the SAC provides technical review of the applications.  He said that the Duxbury Bay Management Commission is charged with looking at uses of the Bay as a whole.  Mr. Shawn Dahlen commented that a subcommittee has been formed (3 members each from the SAC and the DBMC) to discuss the aquaculture grant program.  

Ms. Betsy Sullivan made a motion to formally lift the moratorium on aquaculture grants that was imposed in January.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

It was agreed to hold a public hearing for all twelve outstanding applications on September 19, 2005.

Mr. Dan Baker of the Shellfish Advisory Committee expressed concern about the impact on the Bay of lifting the moratorium.

Board members agreed that they would like to process the outstanding applications, but then would like additional time to study the overall issues.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to enact a moratorium on new applications for aquaculture grants for an indefinite period of time, in order to give the Shellfish Advisory Committee and the Duxbury Bay Management Commission time to make recommendations on the program as a whole.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Ms. Sullivan noted that the DPW proposed a substantial change to Washington Street at the last Board of Selectmen meeting.  She said that the Selectmen and Town Manager have received a lot of calls about the proposal, especially with regard to the expense.    Mr. MacDonald recommended that the Town proceed with a leveling course within the next two weeks, and postpone any major changes for possible consideration by Town Meeting.  

Mr. Richard Miller, 42 Washington Street, commented on the corner across from the Girl Scout House.  He said that this is frequently hit by motorists and cyclists.  Mr. Tuffy suggested that modifications be made that would make the corner more visible, especially at night, but not to shift the road at this time.

Mr. Paul Casale, Jr., 51 Washington Street, said that he is also concerned about the corner across from the Girl Scout House, as well as the crosswalk at Harden Hill.  He asked for signage to advise motorists about the crosswalk.  

Mr. Charlie White, 381 Washington Street, and Ms. Marcia Dowd of 18 Washington Street commented that they are very concerned about the speed of vehicles on the street.  The recent construction has slowed everybody down.  They are concerned that, once the road is paved, drivers will return to traveling at high speeds.

The Board asked Mr. MacDonald to convey these concerns to the Police Chief.  

REQUEST FOR ONE-DAY LIQUOR LICENSE:  ALDEN KINDRED OF AMERICA, INC. / Banquet at the Duxbury Senior Center on September 26, 2005

The applicant, Mr. Alden Ringquist, was present.  He said that they only intend to serve wine and beer.  Ms. Sullivan noted that Mr. Ringquist must confer with the Police Chief to see if a police detail will be needed.  Mr. Ringquist said that he cannot get liquor liability insurance until the Board of Selectmen grants permission for the event.  Ms. Sullivan said that the permission, if granted, would be contingent upon having such insurance.  Mr. Ringquist said that they will definitely use a TIPPS certified bartender.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to grant  Mr. Alden Ringquist, as a representative of Alden Kindred of America, Inc., an One-Day Liquor License to hold a banquet at the Duxbury Senior Center (10 Mayflower Street, Duxbury) on Monday, September 26, 2005 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, subject to the conditions as stated on the following memoranda:  Duxbury Police Chief (dated 8/19/05), Duxbury Fire Chief (dated 8/18/05), Director of Inspectional Services (dated 8/22/05), and Board of Health (dated 8/22/05), and subject to the provision (prior to the event) of proof of liquor liability insurance to the Selectmen’s office.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Mr. Tuffy explained that the Town’s consultant for the Town Manager search has developed a profile of the Town of Duxbury and the ideal candidate for the position.  Mr. Frank Mangione and Mr. Richard Finnegan were present as members of the Town Manager Search Committee.  They said that the profile reflects the best thinking of the committee at this time.  Mr. Tuffy said that the profile will be sent to anyone who applies for the position.  Ms. Sullivan asked Ms. Ripley to post it on the Town’s website.  Mr. Tuffy recommended a change in wording in the section regarding land use.  Ms. Sullivan recommended a correction to the education statistics.  


Town of Duxbury Website:  Mr. MacDonald reported that among Massachusetts seacoast towns using Virtual Town Hall for a website format, Duxbury scores first in the number of unique visitors.  It is the seventh busiest town website among all Massachusetts towns using Virtual Town Hall.

Town Hall Security:  Mr. MacDonald stated that he plans to move to a card-entry system for Town Hall, Old Town Hall, and the Senior Center.  This will increase security over the present key-entry system.


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve the minutes of July 11, 2005, August 1, 2005, and August 15, 2005.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve the Executive Session minutes of August 15, 2005, and to keep these minutes sealed until the need for confidentiality has passed.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Community Preservation Committee:  Ms. Sullivan noted that the staggering of term expirations for CPC members has gotten off-schedule.  She made a motion to change the expiration date of Mr. Brendan Keohan’s term to 6/30/06; to re-appoint Ms. Pat Loring to a three-year term on the CPC, as the liaison from the Open Space and Recreation Committee, with a term to expire on 6/30/08; and to re-appoint Ms. Sarianna Seewald to a three-year term on the CPC, as the First At-Large member, with a term to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Duxbury Youth Commission:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. John McCarthy, principal of Duxbury High School, to a one-year term on the Duxbury Youth Commission, to expire on 6/30/06.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Duxbury Cultural Council:  Ms. Sullivan made a motion to appoint Ms. Laura Doherty to the Duxbury Cultural Council, for a three-year term, to expire 6/30/08.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Board of Selectmen members acknowledged the resignation of Mr. John Brawley from the Shellfish Advisory Committee, and thanked him for his interest in serving the Town.


Mr. Tuffy explained that this contract was approved at the 2005 Annual Town Meeting.  Additional time was required to get the document in final form, and ready for signature.  Mr. Tuffy and Ms. Sullivan affixed their signatures to the document.


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 PM.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara A. Ripley