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08-15-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                              Date:  August 15, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair; Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair; and Andre Martecchini.

Absent:  No members were absent.

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.  At that time, Ms. Sullivan made a motion to enter Executive Wession, for the purpose of discussing pending litigation, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 3, and to reconvene in Open Session afterward. Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion.  A roll call vote was taken.  Mr. Tuffy, Ms. Sullivan, and Mr. Martecchini voted affirmatively.

The meeting was re-convened at 7:40 PM.


No items were discussed.


Mr. Daley presented several options for completing the paving of Washington Street:

a)      Pave the road only (estimated cost = $375,000).
b)      Pave the road, re-pave existing sidewalks, correct a poorly constructed corner at the Girl Scout House, including moving a portion of sidewalk at the Girl Scout House to the other side of the street (estimated cost = $633,000).
c)      Complete a) and b), and add additional sidewalk in the Snug Harbor area (estimated cost = $723,000).
d)      Complete a), b), and c), and extend sidewalk to the entire length of Washington Street (estimated cost = $940,000).

Mr. Daley said that $133,000 is budgeted for the project now.  He provided a list of planned projects which would have to be postponed for up to two years, if additional funds went to the Washington Street project.

Mr. Martecchini and Ms. Sullivan said that the more costly options should be brought before Town Meeting for approval.  Mr. Daley was asked to attend the next Board meeting on August 29, 2005, to discuss the matter further.


Mr. Friend Weiler announced that he has been named Chairman of the Town Manager Search Committee, that Ms. Deborah Bornheimer has been named Vice-Chair, and that they will have a rotating Clerk.  Mr. Groux, consultant to the Town of Duxbury for the Town Manager search, was also present.  Mr. Groux said that, after meeting with Department Heads and Selectmen, he has developed a draft profile of the ideal candidate.  It was agreed that this profile would be finalized at the Board Meeting of August 29.

The following charge was agreed upon for the Town Manager Search Committee:

Overall Charge

To assist the Board of Selectmen in the selection of Duxbury’s next town manager.

Specific Charges

Establish an understanding of the role, responsibility and authority of the position of town manager. Review Town Manager Act (Chapter 353 of the Acts of 1987).

Consult with town officials, employees, committees, residents and other interested parties in order to obtain views regarding issues facing the town government and the Duxbury community.

Work with the recruitment consultant, who has been engaged by the Board of Selectmen, and assist in the development of a profile of the Town of Duxbury that will describe the town and the issues facing town government.  Develop a description of the position of town manager and a profile of the qualities and characteristics desired in the new town manager. Discuss the profile with the Board of Selectmen for its review and approval.

With the assistance of the recruitment consultant review applications and resumes submitted for the position; compare the experience and qualifications of candidates against the profile established for the position; screen applications for further review and interviews by the committee.  Following such preliminary interviews recommend approximately three to five of the most qualified candidates to the Board of Selectmen for consideration.


Ms. Himes was present.  Ms. Kate Nicholson of Boys & Girls Camps, Inc. was also present.
Ms. Nicholson has applied for a one-day liquor license in order to host the wedding of Martha Himes and Phillip Riegelhaupt.  Ms. Ripley noted that conditional approval letters have been obtained from the Town’s public safety departments.  

Mr. Martecchini made a motion to approve a one-day all-alcoholic liquor license for Ms. Kate Nicholson, as a representative of Boys and Girls Camps, Inc., in order to hold a wedding at Camp Wing (742 Keene Street, Duxbury) on Saturday, September 24, 2005 from 5:00 PM to Midnight, subject to the conditions as stated on the following memoranda:  Duxbury Police Chief (dated 8/11/05), Duxbury Fire Chief (dated 8/10/05), Director of Inspectional Services (dated 8/11/05), and Board of Health (dated 8/10/05).
Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Ms. Sullivan noted that the open bar portion of the event is limited to five hours, per state law.  Ms. Nicholson and Ms. Himes agreed to comply with this.


Mr. Gregg Griner, 153 Surplus Street, and a member of the former Horse & Stable Review Committee, read a letter regarding the recent disbandment of the committee and his recommendation for the future. In the letter, he suggested that the Town adopt a set of regulations regarding the handling, storage and disposal of manure, and reject regulations proposed by the Board of Health which are, in his opinion, better left to the Town’s Zoning Board and the Commonwealth’s Animal Welfare agencies.  Ms. Susan Littlefield, also a member of the former committee, spoke in agreement with Mr. Griner’s statement.  Ms. Ruth Rowley, 546 Washington Street, suggested that the Board of Health may have erred in forming the subcommittee in the first place, stating that only elected boards may establish subcommittees.  Ms. Jeanne Clark, Surplus Street, complained that the Board of Health acted outrageously by summarily dismissing the Horse & Stable Review Committee.  

Mr. Martecchini said that the Board of Selectmen does not have the authority to adopt manure management regulations.  Ms. Sullivan said that it was rude for the Board of Health to dismiss the committee without discussion.  Ms. Sullivan offered to work together with Mr. Reiner, Ms. Littlefield, Mr. MacDonald, and the Board of Health to resolve the issue.


Mr. MacDonald noted the following:

1)      Permits were issued for $1.6 million in construction for the month of July.
2)      A new Quick Permit process has been developed for certain projects, such as replacement windows and the erection of tents, which allows for same-day turnaround.
3)      Chief Mark DeLuca has instituted a Senior Police Academy program, to be run by Lieutenant Susan James.
4)      The Department of Public Health has issued Paramedic Certification to the Town of Duxbury.


Alternate OCPC Delegate:  Ms. Betsy Sullivan made a motion to appoint Mr. Woody Woodruff as an alternate delegate to the Old Colony Planning Council for a three-year term, to expire on 6/30/08.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Nuclear Advisory Committee:  Mr. Martecchini made a motion to appoint Mr. Henry Chang to a three-year term on the Nuclear Advisory Committee, to expire on 6/30/08.  Ms. Sullivan provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).

Duxbury Youth Commission:  Ms. Sullvian made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Deborah Jewell, Ms. Deborah Bowen, and Mr. Robert Bostrom to the the Duxbury Youth Commission, for three-year terms, to expire 6/30/05.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 PM.  Mr. Martecchini provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (3:0).