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06-27-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                                                      June 27, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair; and Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair.

Absent:  Andre Martecchini, Clerk

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM.


There were no issues raised in the Open Forum portion of the meeting.


Mr. Tuffy explained that the Municipal Relief Special Act permits municipalities to transfer funds between salaries and expenses in 2004 and 2005, so long as the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee concur.

Mr. MacDonald explained that the first Special Act Transfer request allowed all Treasurer/Collector Department computers to have a software upgrade to Office 2003.  Since Town policy is that all computer and software expenses come from the Information Technology budget, the request is being made to transfer funds from the Treasurer/Collector Expense budget to the Information Technology budget.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to transfer $1,500.00 from The Treasurer/Collector Expense budget (line item #145) to the Computer Expense Budget (line item #155).  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Mr. MacDonald explained that a previous transfer request (voted on 6/13/05) allowed too much money to be transferred from Highway Department salaries to the Snow and Ice Removal budget.  More of these funds should have come from excess Cemetery Department funds.  

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to transfer $15,000.00 from Cemetery salaries (line item #491) to Highway Department salaries (line item #422).  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Mr. MacDonald reported that the transition period is progressing smoothly.  He thanked Ms. Ripley and Ms. Marchewka for their assistance.  He also thanked Mr. Cushing for allowing some of his Recreation Department summer staff to assist in the Town Manager’s office last week.    Mr. MacDonald also announced that Ms. Anita Stiles began working in the position of Insurance and Benefits Administrative Assistant today, and that it is anticipated that she will be a very positive addition to the Town’s staff.


There were no new minutes available for approval.


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Elizabeth Lewis to the Zoning Board of Appeals, for a term to expire on 6/30/10, and to thank her for her service.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  (Ms. Lewis had erroneously been appointed to a term expiring on 6/30/08 at a previous meeting).


Mr. Tuffy explained that the applicant is requesting to hold a rug sale on July 23 and July 24, 2005, at the Masonic Hall (585 Washington Street).  He reviewed the correspondence in the file.  The police chief expressed no objections to the event.  The Building Inspector reported no objections, but stated that application must be made to the Building Department if temporary signs are to be erected.  The Fire Chief had no objections so long as announcements are made about fire exits.  Mr. Tuffy and Ms. Sullivan expressed concern about added traffic on Washington Street during a busy summer weekend.

Mr. Mike Sokolowski was present to represent the applicant.  He was accompanied by another member of the Newton Oriental Rugs staff.  Mr. Sokolowki explained that N.O. R. is a Massachusetts-based corporation, with headquarters in Needham Center.  They would like to bring several hundred oriental rugs to the Masonic Lodge.  He said that very little traffic could be expected to be generated by the event.  He said that the items are high-priced, and appeal to a limited clientele.  He said that if twenty couples visit the sale over the period of two days, that it would be considered very busy.  He said that if traffic exceeds the expected amount on the first day, he will gladly pay for a police detail on the second day.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve a permit for a two-day rug sale on July 23 and 24, 2005 at the Masonic Hall (585 Washington Street), to be conducted by Newton Oriental Rugs.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Ripley

BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES                                                                      June 27, 2005

Present:  John Tuffy, Chair; and Elizabeth Sullivan, Vice-Chair.

Absent:  Andre Martecchini, Clerk

Staff:  Richard MacDonald, Acting Town Manager; and Barbara Ripley, Executive Assistant.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM.


There were no issues raised in the Open Forum portion of the meeting.


Mr. Tuffy explained that the Municipal Relief Special Act permits municipalities to transfer funds between salaries and expenses in 2004 and 2005, so long as the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee concur.

Mr. MacDonald explained that the first Special Act Transfer request allowed all Treasurer/Collector Department computers to have a software upgrade to Office 2003.  Since Town policy is that all computer and software expenses come from the Information Technology budget, the request is being made to transfer funds from the Treasurer/Collector Expense budget to the Information Technology budget.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to transfer $1,500.00 from The Treasurer/Collector Expense budget (line item #145) to the Computer Expense Budget (line item #155).  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Mr. MacDonald explained that a previous transfer request (voted on 6/13/05) allowed too much money to be transferred from Highway Department salaries to the Snow and Ice Removal budget.  More of these funds should have come from excess Cemetery Department funds.  

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to transfer $15,000.00 from Cemetery salaries (line item #491) to Highway Department salaries (line item #422).  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Mr. MacDonald reported that the transition period is progressing smoothly.  He thanked Ms. Ripley and Ms. Marchewka for their assistance.  He also thanked Mr. Cushing for allowing some of his Recreation Department summer staff to assist in the Town Manager’s office last week.    Mr. MacDonald also announced that Ms. Anita Stiles began working in the position of Insurance and Benefits Administrative Assistant today, and that it is anticipated that she will be a very positive addition to the Town’s staff.


There were no new minutes available for approval.


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to re-appoint Ms. Elizabeth Lewis to the Zoning Board of Appeals, for a term to expire on 6/30/10, and to thank her for her service.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).  (Ms. Lewis had erroneously been appointed to a term expiring on 6/30/08 at a previous meeting).


Mr. Tuffy explained that the applicant is requesting to hold a rug sale on July 23 and July 24, 2005, at the Masonic Hall (585 Washington Street).  He reviewed the correspondence in the file.  The police chief expressed no objections to the event.  The Building Inspector reported no objections, but stated that application must be made to the Building Department if temporary signs are to be erected.  The Fire Chief had no objections so long as announcements are made about fire exits.  Mr. Tuffy and Ms. Sullivan expressed concern about added traffic on Washington Street during a busy summer weekend.

Mr. Mike Sokolowski was present to represent the applicant.  He was accompanied by another member of the Newton Oriental Rugs staff.  Mr. Sokolowki explained that N.O. R. is a Massachusetts-based corporation, with headquarters in Needham Center.  They would like to bring several hundred oriental rugs to the Masonic Lodge.  He said that very little traffic could be expected to be generated by the event.  He said that the items are high-priced, and appeal to a limited clientele.  He said that if twenty couples visit the sale over the period of two days, that it would be considered very busy.  He said that if traffic exceeds the expected amount on the first day, he will gladly pay for a police detail on the second day.

Ms. Sullivan made a motion to approve a permit for a two-day rug sale on July 23 and 24, 2005 at the Masonic Hall (585 Washington Street), to be conducted by Newton Oriental Rugs.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).


Ms. Sullivan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM.  Mr. Tuffy provided a second for the motion, which carried unanimously (2:0).

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Ripley