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03-28-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.  In attendance were Selectmen Andre Martecchini, Chair, Selectmen John Tuffy and Elizabeth Sullivan and Town Manager Mr. Rocco Longo.

Swearing in ceremony for newly elected Town Officers:
The Town Clerk, Nancy Oates swore in the following newly elected officials:

Elizabeth Sullivan      -       Selectmen
Allen Bornheimer        -       Town Moderator
John Bear               -       Planning Board
Anne Ward               -       School Committee
John Magnarelli -       School Committee

Reorganization of Board of Selectmen:

On a motion by Andre Martecchini, seconded by  Elizabeth Sullivan, the board voted unanimously to elect John Tuffy as Chairman.

On a motion by Andre Martecchini, seconded by Elizabeth Sullivan, the board voted unanimously to elect Elizabeth Sullivan as Vice Chairman.

On a motion by Andre Martecchini, seconded by Elizabeth Sullivan, the board voted unanimously to elect Andre Martecchini as Clerk.

Open Forum:

Mr. Brian Noyes addressed Board concerning proposed Duxbury Triathlon fundraiser for PAL and Special Olympics of Massachusetts.  Board members were favorable toward triathlon.  Permits will need to be obtained and date to be reviewed at a future meeting.

Mooring Waiting List:

Discussed mooring “Waiting List” process.  Harbor Master, Don Beers, and Assistant Harbor Master, Dennis Pearse, were in attendance.  They made the Board members aware that the Harbor Master’s Office follows an established process in the handling of mooring permits and that they were following State guidelines.  Mr. Jim Fiset, who had questioned the length of time the process took and the procedures used, has filed an appeal with the DEP.  He was not in attendance.


John Tuffy moved to approve the renewal of a permit for J’s Ice Cream truck. Elizabeth Sullivan seconded.  Permits are in process.  Tentative date of June 11th, 2005.  Town officials (Police, Harbor Master and Director of Inspectional Services) wrote in favor of issuing the permit.  The motion passed, 3-0.  

John Tuffy moved that the Board of Selectmen grant a bonus shellfish season for the month of April as described in Don Bear’s memo.  Elizabeth Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

The Town Manager gave a report covering several issues.  See attached.

Upcoming Board of Selectmen Meetings:

John Tuffy recommended canceling the meetings on April 4th and April 18th.
We will have Selectmen meetings on April 12th and April 25th.

Executive Session:

At 8:00 p.m.,  John Tuffy moved to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation in accordance with MGL Chapter 39, Section 23B, subsection 3, and to immediately reconvene in open session for the purpose of adjourning.  Elizabeth Sullivan seconded.  A roll call vote was taken as follows:  Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye” and Mr. Tuffy “aye”.

At 8:28 p.m. the Executive session was completed and the open session was reconvened.

John Tuffy moved and Andre Martecchini seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed 3-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Dolores Marchewka