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2002-12-02 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                              December 2, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m.  Present were Selectmen Elizabeth Sullivan and Andre Martecchini as well as Town Manager Rocco Longo.

OPEN FORUM:  There was no one present for this portion of the meeting.  However, Selectman Andre Martecchini announced that he would be seeking a third term when his present term expires this spring.

LIBRARY BUDGET PRESENTATION:  Present were Library Director Elaine Winquist and Trustee Jack Hill.  Elaine presented a level services budget.  She pointed out that programs have increased significantly in numbers and in participation.  The café has had two attempts with different managers, and has failed to be profitable for either, so it is unlikely that it will return.  Union negotiations are still in the works so salaries will be realigned once negotiations have been completed.  Expenses are also level funded, except where contracts or other factors have made increases unavoidable.

PRESENTATION OF GIFT TO SENIOR CENTER:  Tom Chapman of the Friends of the Duxbury Council on Aging, Inc., and Henry Milliken of the Duxbury Council on Aging attended this portion of the meeting.  Mr. Chapman read a letter to the Board of Selectmen presenting the Senior Center with a gift of a new irrigation system with a value of $11,450.  This system was installed with the assistance of the Lands and Natural Resources Department, and Mr. Chapman thanked Peter Buttkus for his expertise with this project.

Mr. Martecchini moved to accept the gift from the Friends of the Duxbury Council on Aging, Inc., for a new lawn irrigation system with a value of $11,450 at the Duxbury Senior Center.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.  The Selectmen thanked Mr. Chapman for the gift.

GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) PRESENTATION:    Deputy Assessor Dick Finnegan and GIS Manager and Consultant Feng Yang addressed the Board to demonstrate the usefulness of this software program to the town.  

This program is based on assessor’s maps or deed maps and builds additional information into these parcels.  Examples of additional information could include structures, sewer tie-ins, 911 call data, demographic data, or just about any kind of data that could be kept about a particular piece of property.  The information could be used by many different departments or even shared with the general public.  Some communities use this information to produce maps which they sell to homeowners and contractors and generate revenues.

Ms. Yang has already conducted a needs assessment and based on input from the department heads, she devised a 3 year strategic plan and budget for putting the system in place in Duxbury.  

Mr. Finnegan recommended an RFP to see if some costs could be lowered.

Ruth Rowley went on record as urging the implementation of this program due to the accuracy of the data.

Mrs. Sullivan would like to hear from department heads as to how the program could either cut costs or increase efficiency.  Mr. Martecchini envisions no cost savings but increased possibilities and better customer service.

Possible partial funding could come from the water enterprise fund, since the water department would directly benefit from the program.

SCHOOL COMMITTEE RESIGNATION:  Betsy Sullivan read a letter from Kathleen Kazanowski stating that she must resign from the School Committee due to health reasons.   Letters of application will be accepted during the month of December.  The Board of Selectmen and the School Committee will meet jointly on January 6 to appoint a replacement until the next town election.  At that time, the position will be open for the remainder of the term and candidates may run for election at that time.

Hamadeh Property:  the title insurance problem should be fixed soon, and the property is expected to close within two weeks.

King Caesar Property:  Pat Loring of the Community Preservation Committee is working with Jim Hartford and Patrick Browne of the Duxbury Rural and Historical Society to complete the legal requirements prior to disbursing repair funds to the King Caesar House.

Public Safety Committee:  Don Butler and Jean Riley are the co-chairs of this team.

Town Hall Closing on 11/29/02:  Normally the Town Hall would be open the day after Thanksgiving, with a skeleton crew.  However, the heat was not functioning and the staff was sent home at 11:00am.

Web Page:  The Web Page Team will do a presentation for the board in mid- to late January.

Union Negotiations:  Mr. Longo is currently in the midst of Library, Police and Fire union negotiations.

Insurance Advisory Committee:  We have recently begun meeting with union representatives in conjunction with chapter 32B to discuss possible cost saving measures regarding health insurance.  

Budget Notes:  School budget is level-service.  Free cash is certified at $2,166,919.  

Bond Rating:  Moody’s has confirmed a rating of AA2.

BONUS SHELLFISH SEASON:  Andre Martecchini moved to approve a temporary bonus shellfish season for the commercial harvesting of soft-shelled clams during the month of December as outlined in Donald Beers’ memo of November 27, per attachments B and C, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.   Also, to approve the temporary commercial harvesting of quahogs during the month of December as outlined in this memo, per attachments A and C, and to approve the recreational harvesting of soft-shelled clams as outlined in this memo, per attachment D.

Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.


Andre Martecchini moved to approve a 2003 liquor license renewal for Douglas Johnson Turf & Golf Management Inc., d/b/a North Hill Country Club.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Common Victualler
Andre Martecchini moved to approve Common Victuallers licenses for the businesses listed on the attachment to Karen McCann’s memo of December 2 to the Board of Selectmen.  A copy of this memo is attached to these minutes.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Andre Martecchini moved to approve an Innholders’ license to the Winsor Restaurant Group, Inc., d/b/a The Winsor House Inn & Restaurant.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Andre Martecchini moved to approve Entertainment licenses to the Winsor Restaurant Group, Inc., d/b/a Winsor House Inn & Restaurant, and George F. Henderson, Inc., d/b/a Milepost Tavern Restaurant.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Class I Agents’ or Sellers’ License
Andre Martecchini moved to approve a Class I Agents’ or Sellers’ License to Edwin Loring, d/b/a Millbrook Motors.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Used Car Dealers’ License – Class II
Andre Martecchini moved to approve Used Car Dealers’ Licenses, Class II, to Benjamin S. Goodrich III d/b/a St. George St. Garage and Bayside Marine Corporation, Jackson Kent, Jr.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Andre Martecchini moved to approve a Livery License to Joseph P. O’Shea d/b/a Checker M.D.P.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

ANIMAL SHELTER DONATION:  Andre Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen accept, with gratitude, a donation of $5,000 from the Board of Directors of the Copeland Family Foundation, Inc. to be used for the Animal Shelter.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.   The motion passed, 2-0.  The Board will send a letter of thanks to the Foundation.

AMERICAN RED CROSS LETTER:   The Board received a letter from the American Red Cross regarding their recent assistance to a Duxbury family after a fire damaged their home.  They responded with a letter acknowledging and thanking the Red Cross for their help with our residents.

APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES:  Andre Martecchini moved to approve the minutes of November 18 as written.  Betsy Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.  The board agreed to postpone the minutes of November 25 until the next meeting since Mr. Tuffy was not in attendance this evening, and Mr. Martecchini, although present tonight, was not at the meeting of November 25.  

ADJOURNMENT:  Betsy Sullivan moved to adjourn at 9:42.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 2-0.

Nancy Moody