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2003-2-4 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                              FEBRUARY 4, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.  Present were Selectmen John Tuffy, Elizabeth Sullivan, Andre Martecchini and Town Manager, Rocco Longo.  


There was no one present under Open Forum.



Mr. Longo provided explanation on the following items:

General Government:

One position cut from full time to 3.5 days in the Board of Selectmen/Town Manager’s Office.
Expense budget reduced significantly.
The Board expressed the need for a Personnel Manager for the Town.  This will be added to next year’s budget.
Town Meeting budget was cut $500.00
The Computer Department was able to cut $15,000 from the budget as the result of a one-year warranty on notebooks for the Duxbury Police Department, which includes software support.
Assessor’s Office cut $10,000 from their budget.
Treasurer’s Office eliminated one position.
Treasurer’s Office increased postage due to information sent out regarding stickers.
Town Audit is done via a three-year contract, the cost of which increases each year.  We are now in the third year.
Legal budget was reduced $20,000.
Personnel Board – Number of hours reduced.  Department Heads are providing training for Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment training.
Tax Title - $25,355 recommended represents moneys paid to attorneys to go to Land Court to get title of properties when in default due to non-payment of taxes.
Conservation – Reduced hours of clerical support.
Community Preservation Committee - Increase of $6,835 represents the revenue allowed, which is  5% of the Town’s share.
Cable TV Advisory Committee – $3,500 will be used for contract negotiations.  $1,000 will be used to maintain the Cable TV equipment located in the Mural Room at Town Hall.
Historical Commission budget was reduced from $2,000 to $1,000.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mr. Martecchini moved to recommend approval of the General Government Salaries in the amount of $1,052,596 and General Government Expenses in the amount of $529,894, for a total General Government budget of $1,582,490.  All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed, “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.  


Police are not filling one position.  
Animal Control’s numbers represent a decrease in salaries over last year.
Fire Department – Holding one position.  Reduction in Call Department.  
Inspectional Services – Holding one position. Mr. Martecchini expressed the need for another full time Inspector (Resident Engineer).
Harbormaster – Cut increases for summer help.  Contract to clean public restrooms cut.  Maintenance on vehicles a problem.  DPW provides maintenance.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mrs. Sullivan moved to recommend approval of the Public Safety Salaries in the amount of $4,290,924 and Public Safety Expenses in the amount of $467,864 for a total Public Safety budget of $4,758,788.  All in favor, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.   All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Longo noted that the Public Safety budget does not include salaries.


Highway – Reducing summer help and holding off filling one vacancy.
Transfer Station – Expenses increased due to costs related to tonnage as well as $15.00 fee per mattress.  It was noted that money is saved using a tub grinder. Mr. Tuffy asked that information be gathered to determine what we paid in fines last year versus this year. Mr. Longo reported the Transfer Station Committee has visited three transfer stations.  They are now looking at a new layout to take advantage of space.
Tarkiln Building – Mr. Tuffy would like all information regarding the Tarkiln building made available to the Board of Selectmen after Town Meeting.  Currently this building is maintained by Mr. Jack Williams, last of the Trustees.  
Cemetery – No significant changes.  $58,000 in retorts.  A fee increase of $20 is planned after Annual Town Meeting.  
Water Department – No noticeable changes.
Town Bldg. Maint. - $2,000 cut from contractual services, $2,000 from miscellaneous repairs.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mr. Martecchini moved to recommend approval of the Department of Public Works (without Water) Salaries in the amount of $1,462,879 and the Department of Public Works (without Water) Expenses in amount of $1,791,116 for a total Department of Public Works (without Water) budget of $3,253,995. .  All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed, “0”.   The motion passed 3-0.  

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mr. Martecchini moved to recommend approval of the Department of Public Works (with Water) Salaries in the amount of $1,887,225 and the Department of Public works (with Water) Expenses in the amount of $3,178,812 for a total Department of Public works (with Water) budget of $5,066,037.   All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed, “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.  



The Library will close on Sundays, impacting salaries 4 hours.  Mr. Tuffy asked that more creative ways of saving money be looked at other than closing on Sundays.  Page positions will be eliminated.


Recreation will eliminate overtime.  No cuts taken from the Pool.  
Additional cuts will be made to Beach/Lifeguards.
Public Celebration - $3,000 provided for Memorial Day Service.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mrs. Sullivan moved to recommend approval of the Library and Recreation Salaries in the amount of $988,130 and the Library and Recreation Expenses in the amount of $350,107 for a total Library and Recreation budget of $1,338,237.   All in favor, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.   All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.


Council on Aging – Eliminated 1 position.  $1,200 increase is for overtime for Custodian. Rental rates do not include closing up after event.   $1,000 represents increase in salaries for Kitchen Supervisor, Housekeeper, and Bus Driver.  Meals on Wheels Coordinator’s salary went up.  Mr. Longo reported a $4,000 deficit.  Mr. Tuffy requested a report on revenue.
Veteran’s Services – There is a 75% reimbursement from the State for Veteran’s services.  Mr. Longo indicated he would go to the Reserve Fund if necessary.    
Plymouth Country Coop Extension - $200 contribution made by the Town.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mrs. Sullivan moved to recommend approval of the Human Services Salaries in the amount of $255,550 and the Human Services Expenses in the amount of $111,060 for a total Human Services budget of $366,610.   All in favor, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.   All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.


Indefinitely postponed Medicaid Articles.
Will recommend an increase in School lunches.
Added $10,000 to Magic Dragon Program.
Will propose to run Kindergarten on a Revolving Fund.  Survey indicated there would be 80% participation.
Mr. Longo noted this budget does not include their Union Contract.

Mr. Longo noted line items #421 (Salaries) and #422 (Expenses) needed to be corrected.  However, line item #423 in the amount of $23,161,919 was correct.

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mr. Martecchini moved to recommend approval of the School’s total budget in the amount of $23,161,919.  All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.  


Employee Health Insurance – Meetings have been scheduled to discuss using an HMO.  Mr. Longo will report back to the Board on outcome.  Mr. Tuffy asked Mr. Longo to look into the cost of offering a plan that covers an “Individual plus One”.
Mr. Longo noted that Worker’s Comp/Fire, Liability Insurance should be looked at as one.  The Town is being credited $20,000 for Worker’s Comp.  MIIA also offers an incentive of an 8-10% discount available through their Risk Management Program.  There is no deductible through MIIA.


Interest on temporary notes covers exempt debt for schools.  

Mr. Tuffy called for a motion.  Mr. Martecchini moved to recommend approval of the Total Town/School Shared Cost in the amount of $9,636,881.  All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.  


Public Safety:

Information Systems - $78,485 is equal to the amount of money from old Articles.
Animal Control Shelter – Mr. Longo is proposing that we bond for a building, borrowing $25,000 per year for three years.
Fire Department – Mr. Tuffy noted the Police Package through Plymouth County for a car was $20,000.  $30,000 was requested for a Command Car for the Deputy Chief.  Mr. Longo will suggest the Fire Chief look at this option and possibly cut $5,000 from the cost of this item.
Harbormaster – Mr. Longo supported a new marine engine however, cut the buoy and accessories.  The assumption is that we can get another year out of them.

Department of Public Works:
Public Works – Mr. Longo recommended replacement of the septic system at Town Hall.  The leaching field will be moved to the other side of the Town Hall building.
Mr. Tuffy questioned if the $5,500 assigned to “Total Survey Station” could be moved to “Sea Wall Maintenance”.  He then suggested $5,500 be taken out of Chapter 90 Road Rehabilitation for “Total Survey Station”.  Mr. Longo will advise if this can be done at the next Board of Selectmen meeting.

The Board will vote on the remainder of the FY 03 Capital Budget Request and Annual Town Meeting Articles at their next scheduled meeting on Thursday, 2/6/03.

The meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.

Karen McCann