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2003-02-26 Board of Selectmen Minutes

BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                              FEBRUARY 24, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 p.m.  Present were Selectmen John Tuffy, Elizabeth Sullivan, Andre Martecchini and Town Manager, Rocco Longo.   


Mr. Bob Mastrovita, Upland Road asked Mr. Longo if the Town has a plan when we might transition from Bond issue to long-term financing. Mr. Longo noted that the debt is frequently monitored and reviewed quarterly with Eastern Bank.  He further indicated that two-thirds of all temporary interest is eligible for reimbursement and that full reimbursement is expected from the State.

Mr. Dick Tillotson, 505 Tremont Street told the Board that he felt something needed to be done regarding the crowding taking place at drive-on areas to Duxbury Beach.  He asked the Board to consider changing the vehicle cap from the existing 250 (non-residents)/250 (residents) ratio to 175/325 or even 150/350.  He also recommended the fee for non-resident beach access be changed from $200 to $350-$400.

Mr. Tillotson also noted that Duxbury residents are currently prohibited from driving to the Gurnet and Saquish.  He recommended instituting a bridge access fee for non-residents driving over the Powder Point Bridge.  Mrs. Sullivan informed him it is a public bridge.  Mr. Martecchini felt that Mr. Tillotson had ideas that should be explored and recommended putting this on a Board of Selectmen agenda after the Annual Town Meeting; at which time representatives from various committees would come in, i.e. Baywide Study and Conservation Commission to participate in the discussion.  Mrs. Sullivan requested  these questions be forwarded to the appropriate committees.

Mrs. Mary Lampert, Chairman of the Nuclear Advisory Committee informed the Board that a “Forum on Nuclear Safety – Article 24” will be held at the Duxbury Middle School Auditorium on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.  She noted that Article 24 asks voters at the Annual Town Meeting to approve a resolution to decrease the risk of terrorism at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station via Secured Dry Cask Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel.  Dr. Gordon Thompson Ph.D. physicist, Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Cambridge, MA, Clark University, a specialist on spent fuel pools and Mr. John F. Alexander, Entergy, White Plains Office make up the panel.  Issue discussed will be (1) Pilgrim’s current method of radioactive fuel storage and the risks and (2) Is there a safer alternative.

Mr. Steve Jones read a statement to the Board of Selectmen Organizing Group briefly updating the Board on the status of their funding requests for Articles 20 and 21 on the Town Warrant.  Mr. Jones’ statement is attached and made part of these minutes.


Playground Committee members Nancy Krahmer, Meghan Quigley and Elizabeth Lewis were in attendance.  The Board was provided with an overview of project assignments as well as a proposed playground schedule for Ellison Park.  Both documents are attached and make part of these minutes.  Mrs. Krahmer noted that fundraising began on September 11th.  To date, over 2,000 people have donated money to the cause, totaling over $100,000 in donations.  Mr. Tuffy thanked the committee for all of their hard work and the Board extended congratulations for a job well done.  


Tom Daley, DPW Director informed the Board that Herring Weir Road has been treated as a Town road for many years.  He also noted the Town had voted favorably to install a water main and the Town also paved the road this year.

Mr. Tuffy asked if there was anyone present who would like to comment.  There was not.  Mr. Martecchini noted there was a two-thirds vote by the Planning Board at a hearing to accept Herring Weir Road as a Town Way.  

Mr. Martecchini moved the Board of Selectmen vote to layout the way of Herring Weir Road as of the drawing of 1970 in the Plan Book.  All in favor, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”, Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”.  All opposed “0”.  The motion passed 3-0.


Town Manager’s Brief

Mr. Longo reported the following:

The “Pre-Town Meeting” will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at which time Mr. Longo will go over the budget.
The Annual Town Meeting Warrant will be mailed out on Friday, February 28th.
The Special Town Meeting Warrant is completed.
The Town has run out of money for snow removal.  Forty-four thousand dollars plus, was spent for the latest storm.  Mr. Longo will work with the DPW Director and Town Accountant.  Mr. Longo commended DPW employees for the  “excellent” job they did on snow removal.

Annual Town Meeting Articles – Votes by Board of Selectmen

Article #15 – Wetlands ByLaw Revision

The Board favorably voted to support the Wetlands ByLaw Revision as written.

Article #16 – Self-Help Coverage for Merry Conservation Parcel

The Board favorably voted to endorse the self-help wording for the Merry Conservation Parcel.  

Article #17 – Transfer Delano land from CPC to Water Enterprise for water supply purposes and fund via water revenues

Mrs. Sullivan recommended the Board hold of voting on this Article until the next scheduled Board of Selectmen meeting to be held on March 5, 2003.

Article #34 – Blue Fish/Snug Harbor Shared Septic System Expansion

Mr. Longo noted there is a request from a homeowner to hook up to the Snug Harbor Septic System and this request needs authorization at the Annual Town Meeting.  Mr. Martecchini indicated it would be in the Town’s interest to sell off capacity.  Mr. Tuffy indicated he was in favor of it and it would also help out the homeowner.  Mr. Longo further noted the cost would be borne by the homeowner and that he is working with Camp, Dresser, McKee regarding adding capacity.

Mr. Martecchini moved the Board support Article 34 to add a homeowner to the Blue Fish/Snug Harbor Shared Septic System.   Mr. Martecchini then withdrew the motion because the street address and parcel number were not available at the time the motion was made.

Article #36 – Amend with a new Aquifer Protection Map (Amend Dec. 2002)

Mr. Martecchini recommended the Board hold off voting on Article 36 until the Wednesday, March 5th Board of Selectmen meeting.  He noted the Planning Board is scheduled to meet on Monday, March 3rd at which time they will vote on this Article.

Article #51– Unpaid Bills

The Board voted favorably to Indefinitely Postpone (IP) Article 51.

Article #52– Funding Stabilization Fund.

The Board voted favorably to Indefinitely Postpone (IP) Article 52.

Bonus Shellfish Season – March 2003

The Board voted favorably to declare a temporary Bonus Shellfish Season for the commercial harvesting of soft shelled clams for the month of March 2003 as outlined in the regulations in attachments B & C.

The Board voted favorably to declare a temporary Bonus Shellfish Season for the commercial harvesting of quahog clams for the month of March 2003 as outlined in the regulations attachments A & C.

The Board voted favorably to declare a temporary Bonus Shellfish Season for the recreational harvesting of soft shelled clams for the month of March, 2003 as outlined in the regulations in attachment D.

Executive Session Meeting Minutes 2/3/03

The Board favorably voted to accept the Executive Session meeting minutes of 2/3/03 as written.

Meeting Minutes 2/10/03

The Board favorably voted to accept the meeting minutes of 2/10/03 as written.

Committee Appointments

There were no committee appointments made.
Mr. Tuffy noted the next Board of Selectmen meeting would be held on Wednesday, March 5, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.

Karen McCann