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2003-07-14 Board of Selectmen MInutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      July 14, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.  Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen John Tuffy and Andre Martecchini and Town Manager Rocco Longo.    


Residents Diane McMann and Maureen Ajemian asked to speak about the physical condition of the residents’ beach.  Mrs. Sullivan asked them if they would mind postponing this until the 8:00 agenda item with Don Beers was discussed and they agreed.

Town Clerk Nancy Oates swore in Youth Commission members Debbie Bowen, Debbie Jewell, Jill Cadigan-Christenson and Steven Jones.  Members Paul Maloof, Robert Bostrom and Tom Holdgate were unable to attend but were sworn in individually.

The Commission has already sponsored several activities.  They filled a party boat with 80 students for a cruise with a DJ, dancing and desserts.  The Duxbury Bay Maritime School offered the boatshed for a beach party with a DJ and karaoke which was well-attended.  The group partnered with the library for a coffeehouse at the end of the school year.  This was attended by 150 students and another will be scheduled for the end of the summer.

Mrs. Sullivan reminded the members of the commission to provide the Board with the names of the 3 members of the Wright Building Study committee.


Chief DeLuca informed the Board that the Loring family of Millbrook Motors have graciously offered to donate a 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport to the Police Department for use as a K-9 vehicle.  He asked the Board to accept the gift from the Lorings and Millbrook Motors.

Andre Martecchini moved to accept the donated vehicle from Millbrook Motors and the Loring family for use as a K9 unit.  John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.


Town Counsel Bob Troy and Liz Beardsley of Camp Dresser McGee were present for this portion of the meeting.  There is unused septic capacity in this shared system.  Changes in the existing sewer regulations will make this excess capacity available for the present users to purchase for future use.  

This capacity would be reserved for present users UNLESS all of them agree to allow additional/new users to join the system.

Purchase of additional capacity would be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Outdoor boat rinsing would be excluded since this water does not enter the septic system.  Ned Lawson asked if the Board would consider excluding oyster washing operations also.  These water uses would have to be separately metered to exclude them calculations.

Jack Davis of Sweetser’s questioned the equity of the maintenance charges and Ms. Beardsley defended the formula.

JR Kent asked how costs of capital expenses would be covered.  Minor expenses would be considered as part of the operating budget but major expenses might require restructuring the system itself and its payment methods.

It was determined that once a participant buys additional capacity, they cannot sell it to another participant, but it will stay with the property and can be used as a selling point.

The existing regulations and the proposed regulations will be sent to all participants prior to the August 11 Selectmen’s meeting.  Prior to that meeting, the Board will meet in a separately posted meeting as Sewer Commissioners to hear comments and consider adopting these newer, revised regulations.


Diane McMann and Maureen Ajemian discussed their concerns about the condition of the residents’ beach.  The rocks have become increasingly worse over the past three years, making walking on the beach hazardous.  They believe the presence of rotting, smelly seaweed and the biting insects it attracts is a health hazard, and trash has been an ongoing problem.  They also complained of nonresidents parking in the residents lot and believe that some of the younger employees of the Harbormaster’s Department allow their friends to park without an appropriate sticker.

Don Beers acknowledged the physical condition of the beach and explained how the fact that plovers had nested in this area, where they usually don’t, impacted beach cleanup.  Seaweed is part of their natural habitat and couldn’t be moved while they were nesting, and motor vehicles could not access the area, so Dana Battista, who is responsible for providing trash barrels to the area, could not get in and out to maintain them as he usually does.  However, the nests are now empty and this is no longer an issue.  He also indicated that non residents can now park at the Duxbury Beach Park lot when turned away from the 4-wheel drive beach.

Don agreed to meet with Ms. McMann and Ms. Ajemian to work together to solve the remaining problems.

With the approval of  the Endangered Species Officer, four truckloads of surface level seaweed have been removed from the resident beach.  However, more remains to be cleaned up.  

Representatives of the Conservation Commission and the Beach Reservation met to discuss the possibility of having Fred Nava move the deeply-buried seaweed on the resident beach at night.  This involves digging trenches of up to four feet in depth.  However, funding was an issue so it was not done.

Charlie Fargo of the Beach Reservation addressed the group and indicated they would do everything they could to get the residents’ beach cleaned up.  Friend Weiler of the Conservation Commission and Al Vautrinot of the Beach Reservation will meet and determine the scope of the work to be done, and ask Fred Nava to get involved.  Mr. Nava has done this work for many years.  Mr. Fargo asked the town for assistance.  Mr. Martecchini suggested having DPW staff help with the labor.

Mr. Fargo stated that no town lease funds were spent on the upkeep of the beach at Blakeman’s (Duxbury Beach Park).


Tom Daley presented a well-prepared PowerPoint presentation to the Board.  He gave an “broad-brush” overview of a five-year vision, current staffing, level service and 10% reduction in budget.  Tom incorporated his ideas on how the use of newer technology, tools and equipment will increase efficiency and save money.  He outlined how the use of software systems can assist in planning projects, especially road maintenance; how preventive maintenance on an ongoing basis will save money in the long run, and how adding staff and equipment now will result in increased productivity and reduced outside costs to the town immediately and well into the future.

Tom gave the Board a general idea of what types of services would be cut if a level-funded budget were required in FY05.

He also gave them indications of the services that would either be reduced or eliminated if a 10% budget cut were required in that same time period.  Taking things a step further, he calculated financial and non-cash costs of implementing this kind of budget cut, and pointed out that eliminating capital expenditures in the coming fiscal year would simply compound plant and equipment problems in years to come.

Finally, he discussed the current DPW fee schedule and proposed some changes where appropriate.  He compared fees to those of surrounding towns to determine equity before making suggestions for increases.

This presentation covered all DPW operations and required much time and effort to prepare.  The Board thanked Tom for his hard work.

Other DPW related topics that were discussed included the possibility of a  “pay as you throw” fee structure at the transfer station, the possibility of a second tub grinder, and the inability to accept wood at the transfer station after January 1, 2004.


The Board reviewed the request of Margi Malone, representing this neighborhood, for a request to hold a block party on Saturday, August 16 from 4pm to 8pm.  They will not be serving or providing alcoholic beverages and no grills will be used.  All appropriate approvals were obtained.

John Tuffy moved to grant the request for a block party on Saturday, August 16 from 4 to 8 pm, with a rain date of Sunday, August 17, in the area on Meeting House Road between Janes and Prior Farm Roads.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.


The Board reviewed the request of the Duxbury Art Association for a one-day liquor license for their 86th Annual Mid-Summer Art & Craft Show Opening reception to be held on July 25, 2003 at the Ellison Center from 6:30pm to 9:30 pm.   All necessary approvals were obtained and liquor liability insurance and TIPS certificates have been provided.

Andre Martecchini moved to grant a one-day liquor license to the Duxbury Art Association for their Midsummer Art and Craft Show Opening Reception on July 25, 2003 from 6:30 to 9:30 subject to Chief Harriman’s stipulation regarding announcement of fire exits.  John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.


Rocco Longo included a packet of information regarding the highlights of the House-Senate Conference Committee on Municipal Relief as well as the Attorney General’s letter approving changes (with minor modifications) to the town bylaws.  These changes deal with zoning issues.

Also included was information about land use laws in Massachusetts, and information about the Fibar groundcover material used at the new Ellison playground.  A resident had questioned whether it contained hazardous material and it does not.

Mr. Longo noted that the town had received its fifth 40B project application today.

The Fire Department expects to receive a used donated vehicle similar to the one the Police Department has accepted.  

Upcoming budget presentations will be as follows, subject to department head availability:

        July 28         Police, Fire, Harbormaster
        August 11       Conservation, Planning, Inspectional Services   
        August 25       Council on Aging, Library, Recreation
        Next Meeting    Schools


Andre Martecchini moved to approve the minutes of June 30 as written.  John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Duxbury Bay Management Committee - John Tuffy moved to reappoint the following members to this committee:
Margaret Kearney, William A. Bennett, John Kolstad, Ned Lawson, Shawn Dahlen, Jackson S. Kent III, John Carnuccio, Dan Baker, Joe Conway, Elizabeth Sullivan, BOS Representative, Donald Gunster, Richard Whitney, Dennis Pearse (ex-officio), Julie Waltz, and Colleen Carroll, and to appoint Deborah Katz as a new member, all for one year terms to expire 6/30/04.  John Carnuccio will serve as Chairman.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0

Andre Martecchini moved to reappoint Jeff Lewis to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for a one-year term to expire 6/30/04.  John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

John Tuffy moved to adjourn at 10.52.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Nancy Moody