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2003-9-8 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      September 8, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. and went into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigation. The meeting reconvened in Open Session at 7:20 pm in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B Subsection 3.  Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen Andre Martecchini, and Town Manager Rocco Longo  Also present were Recreation Director Gordon Cushing, Library Director Elaine Winquist, and Council on Aging Director Kristen Andrews for FY05 Budget Presentations.

There was no one present under Open Forum.  Mr. Tuffy rejoined the group at 7:30 pm.


Elaine reviewed her department’s 2005 budget, both on a level-funded basis, and with a projected 10% decrease.  Each scenario indicated a likely reduction in the number of hours the library is open to the public.  The Friends of the Library may provide some help in purchasing materials that current funding has not allowed.  Capital requests include a theft deterrent system costing about $40,000.  This system is expected to prevent pilferage of approximately $45,000 of library materials per year.  Also requested  were a new copier replacement of building temperature regulation software.

The possibility of increasing overdue book fees and room rental fees were discussed.  The Library Trustees would have to take action on any increases in these areas.


Gordon Cushing addressed the Board of Selectmen, requesting an FY05 budget that was 2.5% less than FY04.   He also gave a projected budget with a 10% decrease.  At that level,  the Percy Walker Pool would have to reduce some of its operating hours.  Some recreation programs would have to be cut, and the $5,000 budget for North Hill would be eliminated.  

Five-year capital expenses include major maintenance of the pool and tennis courts, construction of new playing fields, and the addition of restroom facilities at the Keene Street complex.  

Fees will be reviewed and possibly increased.  A possible source of revenue is the addition of a nominal “field fee” ($5 or so) to the registration fees of participants in any sports using Duxbury fields.  The sponsoring organization would turn the field fee over to the recreation department.

Gordon introduced Recreation Activities Committee members Sue Littlefield and Anne Ward to the board.


Town Counsel Robert Troy appeared at this time before the Board of Selectmen.  He had just been made aware of an error in the legal notice that appeared in the Duxbury Clipper regarding this hearing.  It referred to the Board of Selectmen acting as Water Commissioners and omitted the word “Sewer”.   Mr. Troy felt that any action taken at a meeting under these circumstances could be open to question at a later date and advised the Board to re-advertise the hearing using the proper title.  The members of the board agreed.


Kristen presented a budget  with a 6% increase.  She also presented a modified version, and while it did not reflect a 10% decrease, it did cut certain areas within the budget.  That modified budget still exceeded the current budget by 4.8%.  In both cases, the budgets did not reduce salaries, food/supplies costs, or service contracts for alarms and elevators, or items that were union mandated, such as custodians’ clothing.

She indicated that a 10% decrease would mean losing 3 staff members.  That would impact on the COA’s ability to deliver the services they provide, citing home delivered meals as one of the major services that would suffer from such a cut.

She also stated that the senior van has been repaired numerous times in the past few years and will need replacement within the next five years, at a cost of $55,000 to $57,000.  A new  photocopy machine was also among the capital needs of her department.

She introduced staff and board members Donna Pizura, Woody Woodruff, Henry Milliken and Bill Campbell, and mentioned that a Strategic Planning Committee has been formed with members from the Council, Friends and Seniors Club boards.


Mr. Longo reported that a strategic planning retreat has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 26 at St. Margaret’s Convent.  Victor DeSantis will facilitate.  All Department Heads, FinCom, FAC, School Committee members and Board of Selectmen have been asked to attend.

The State Ethics Commission will hold an educational seminar on Conflicts of Interest as part of the regular Selectmens Meeting on Monday, October 20 at 7:00 pm.

An Employee Appreciation cookout luncheon has been planned for town employees on Friday, September 19 at North Hill Country Club.   A memo has been sent to management staff asking for contributions of food, cash and/or labor to help make this possible.

The Fire Department has received a $35,000 federal grant to purchase a computer projector, notebook and CD’s to be used in firefighting training.

Two new committees need to be appointed:  the Youth Commission Study Committee and a Wright Building Study Committee.  There should be a liaison between the two groups.

MTBE, an additive found in gasoline, has shown up in elevated levels (up to 40ppm) in some Duxbury wells.  There is an attorney involved and legal action may be taken.

Mass. Technical Collaborative has approached Duxbury for possible utilization of windmills as a power source.  The DPW garage was one site that could benefit without being aesthetically compromised.

A petition from Gurnet Road residents was submitted to the town, requesting we budget adequate funds in the coming fiscal year to repair the seawall in that area.  

Individual reports for the Annual Town Report for July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 have been requested and are due by October 3.


One-day Liquor License – Crossroads for Kids
Crossroads for Kids applied for a one-day liquor license for their annual Fall Fundraiser.  It will be held on Saturday, October 18 from 7:30 till 11:30pm at the Camp Wing Dining Hall.  All required approvals, liquor liability insurance and TIPS certificates are in place.  

Andre Martecchini moved that the Board of Selectmen approve a one-day liquor license for Crossroads for Kids annual Fall Fundraiser to be held at Camp Wing on Saturday, October 18 from 7:30 till 11:30 pm, subject to the conditions outlined in a letter from the Duxbury Fire Department dated September 2, 2003.

John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Beach Sticker Policy Review
Statistics regarding the sale of beach stickers were reviewed.   Non-resident oversand stickers exceeded resident oversand sticker sales by approximately 10% (255 stickers) but the income derived from non-resident oversand stickers exceeded resident oversand sticker income by 130%.

Harbormaster Don Beers had provided the Town Manager with information regarding the numbers of beach closings and the duration of each.  There were only three to be reported.  These occurred mainly during plover season when beach access was cut from 500 vehicles to 300 vehicles, although one closing was caused by the removal of a disabled vehicle.

After discussing these facts, the board members did not see a reason to reopen the sticker policy to review by an ad-hoc committee, but would like to hear the opinions of other groups before taking any action.  A public hearing will be set up for this purpose.

Conservation Restriction #12 – Amendment for Name Change
The Board reviewed this restriction, which requested a change the owners’ names only, to reflect a trust instead of the individuals’ names.  John Tuffy moved to execute the amendment to the Duxbury Conservation Restriction #12.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Acknowledgement of Aquaculture Grants
The Board had voted to approve aquaculture grants to Henry McCarthy, Louis Strong, and Paul McCarthy (2 grants) at a prior meeting.  These grants were signed at the close of this evening’s meeting.

No Place for Hate Recertification
Mr. Longo reported that Duxbury had been recertified as a “No Place for Hate” community and he would be signing the acknowledgement for return to the organization at the close of the meeting.

Minutes – August 25, 2003
Andre Martecchini moved to accept the minutes of August 25 as written. John Tuffy seconded.   The motion passed, 3-0.

Committee Appointments
Betsy Sullivan moved to appoint the following members to the Wright Building Study Committee (ad hoc, one year):
Debby Bowen             Gordon Cushing                  Mickey McGonagle
Debbie Jewel            Fiscal Advisory Chair/Designee          Finance Committee Chair/Designee
Paul Maloof             

Gordon Cushing will be asked to serve as temporary chair and set up the first meeting.

John Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0

John Tuffy motioned to adjourn at 9:45pm.  Andre Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed, 3-0.

Nancy Moody