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2003-11-3 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      November 3, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m.   Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen Andre Martecchini, and Town Manager Rocco Longo.


There was no one present under Open Forum.


Mr. Longo indicated Town Counsel informed him the updated 7.13 Sewage Rules and Regulations would have to be re-advertised and posted at each precinct, at the Library and at the Town Clerk’s office.  Mr. Longo apologized to the Board for the delay and indicated a public hearing would be scheduled early December.


Mrs. Nancy Oates presented an overview of the services provided by her office and addressed her budget as it relates to Department 161 (Town Clerk) and Department 162 (Elections and Registrations).  The effect of a 10% budget cut on the Town Clerk’s general budget (Dept. 161) may require closing the office one day of the week, which would directly effect service to the Town.  It would be difficult to cut 10% from Elections & Registration (Dept. 162) whereas staffing of elections is mandated for each precinct by law.  Mrs. Oates did, however, indicate that having one polling place saved money.  Mrs. Oates made the following recommendations to the Board:

Proposed fee increases i.e. underground storage renewal and burial permit fee (for which we currently do not charge).
Elimination of the “training and education” line from her budget.  (She has already reduced it for FY05 and given back $750 from her FY04 budget.


MIS Administrator, Mary Beth MacQuarrie’s presentation to the Board of Selectmen included the following:

A listing of departments receiving services from Mrs. MacQuarrie and the software utilized by each department.
The status of other applications, i.e. web site, Internet access/browsing, network infrastructure, troubleshooting and consolidated purchasing.
Other job accountabilities such as maintenance of 51 computers, servers, printers and the network that connects most of the Town’s departments.

Planned expenditures for FY05 amounted to $49,668.00, much of which represents support costs that are contractual.  Variable expenses included hardware maintenance programs for Police, Fire and Town Hall hardware ($10,000 of which represented support costs that are currently self-insured).   A 10% reduction in level funding would reduce the current budget from $43,232 to $38,909, for a total impact of $10,759 from what is being requested.  This money would have to come out of what is budgeted for repair and/or replacement of personal computers, as well as some software support services.

Expanding the web site to better serve the public was discussed.  By September 2002, Mrs. MacQuarrie noted there were 1,162 unique visitors.  This number rose to 3,685 by September 2003.  In 2002 there were 339 repeat visitors and in 2003 this number rose to 913.  

Mrs. Sullivan asked Mrs. MacQuarrie how close we are to collecting fees via the Internet.  Mrs. MacQuarrie noted online registration for Recreation Department activities using MasterCard or Visa is possible if the Town uses a third party to process the transactions, because there is a fee involved.  Another valuable tool noted is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that would be used by the Assessors and the Department of Public Works.  Police/Fire priorities noted were mobile computing and an interactive site where customers can purchase permits and fill out inspection forms without having to visit Town Hall.

Five-year Capital budget needs included:

Energy Management Systems in Town Buildings
Availability of data to all departments
Staffing to maintain and support system growth.


Mr. Longo’s budget presentation to the Board consisted of:

Staffing/personnel and duties.
A 5-year budget history.
A FY05 budget request,
Level funding v. FY04 budget.
Less 10% v. FY04 budget.
Projects, priorities and future thoughts.

The Board of Selectmen/Town Manager’s department showed an average increase of 3% in salaries and expenses over a 5-year period, with an overall increase of 2% this year over last year.   The FY05 budget in the amount of $250,050 represents $205,050 in salaries and $45,000 in expenses.  Mr. Longo also indicated he would be bargaining with Clerical, DPW and Dispatchers in FY05.

A 10% decrease in the FY05 budget would bring the total amount for salaries and expenses requested to $220,661.  This cut would mean reducing the staffing hours either by one person or sharing the reduction in hours.   

Future Capital needs included:

An Assistant Town Manager to handle personnel and Union bargaining issues.
Codification of the Selectmen’s Manual, General/Personnel ByLaws, Zoning Bylaw, Wetlands Bylaw, etc.
Water-Sewer Commission – Separately
Training opportunities, i.e. Harassment/Sexual Harassment, Customer Service, Workplace Violence, Teamwork and Cross-Training.
An Affordable Housing Professional with expertise in Community Development.  Mr. Martecchini noted that on 11/13/03, Judy Barrett would give a talk and the Community Development Committee will address any questions.  Mrs. Sullivan noted how grateful the Board is Ms. Barrett is willing to give of her time.
An Organizational Technology Plan through the IS Administrator.
A study of consolidation of duplicated Town/School services, i.e. Finance and Payroll functions.



The Special Town Meeting Warrant was submitted to the Clipper today and will be in Wednesday’s newspaper.
Inspectional Services reported building permits for construction in the amount of $2.6 million the month of October 2003.
The Town of Duxbury received excellent bond ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.   Standard & Poor’s rating was AA+ and Moody’s AA2.


Mr. Martecchini moved the Board approve the meeting minutes of October 27th as written.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 2-0.  Mr. Martecchini asked about the completion of the September 29, 2003 meeting minutes.  Ms. McCann indicated they were forthcoming.


Open Space and Recreation -
Mrs. Sullivan noted appointments to the Open Space and Recreation Committee would be made when John Tuffy returns.


Mr. Martecchini moved the Board open the Special Town Meeting Warrant for Monday, November 24, 2003.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 2-0.

Mr. Longo explained that Article 5 of the Special Town Meeting warrant should also include the Swanson property.  Article 5 will ask the Town to vote to appropriate a sum of money from the Community Preservation fund, for the purpose of providing for stewardship oversight of the Conservation Restrictions for the Delano, Merlet, Hamadeh and Swanson properties.  

Mr. Martecchini moved to amend Article 5 of the Special Town Meeting Warrant to include the “Swanson” property in the list along with Delano, Merlet, Hamadeh.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 2-0.

Mr. Martecchini moved the Board close the Special Town Meeting Warrant for Monday, November 24, 2003.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 2-0.

Mrs. Sullivan thanked Town Clerk Nancy Oates, MIS Administrator Mary Beth MacQuarrie and Town Manager Rocco Longo for having given excellent presentations.  She further indicated the presentations have been helpful to all and as a result will be going into the budget season with a better understanding.  Mr. Martecchini noted that there is not a lot of fluff and if there are cuts, it will effect service.

At 9:20 p.m. Mr. Martecchini moved to adjourn.  Mrs. Sullivan seconded.  The motion passed 2-0.

Karen McCann