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2003-12-8 Board of Selectmen Minutes
BOARD OF SELECTMEN                                                      December 8, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m.   Present were Chairman Elizabeth Sullivan, Selectmen Andre Martecchini  and Town Manager Rocco Longo.  Selectman Tuffy arrived at 7:25 p.m.


Mrs. Sullivan moved to go into Executive Session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 1 to discuss recommendations from the King Caesar Advisory Committee which are of a confidential nature – as they relate to the King Caesar Poor and Hospital fund which purpose is to provide medical relief for the poor and elderly citizens of Duxbury.  There was a roll call vote taken.  Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.

At 7:39 p.m. Mrs. Sullivan moved to reconvene in Open Session in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23B, Subsection 1.  There was another roll call vote taken.  Mr. Tuffy “aye”, Mr. Martecchini “aye”, Mrs. Sullivan “aye”.


There was no one present under Open Forum.



Winter Storm Update

Mr. Longo provided the Board with an update of damage at the Beach resulting from a Winter Storm over the weekend.  He reported that much of the 5 miles of fencing recently replaced by the Beach Reservation was destroyed.  The first mile or so is gone.  There was minimal flooding of Gurnet Road. Mr. Martecchini asked Mr. Longo to find out the condition of the Sea Wall at the Gurnet.  Mr. Longo agreed to follow-up.

Mr. Longo went on to say that the “good news” was the DPW did an outstanding job plowing the roads Friday evening through Sunday.  There were up to 26 men working, including contractors.  He also noted the management team worked well with the Union.  The dollar amount tied to the storm is still being worked on.  There will not be any State dollars made available.  

There were a few calls relative to potential shelter needs.  As a result, the Senior Center was made available.  Mr. Longo then stated that all calls relating to shelter needs should go to Dispatch at the Duxbury Police Department.  The Duxbury Fire Department will then be notified.

Warrant Closing

Mr. Longo announced the warrant for the annual town meeting to be held on Saturday, March 13, 2004 would be closing on December 15.  Any articles must be submitted before then.  Mr. Longo anticipated approximately 30 articles will make up the warrant.  About 20 of which will be submitted by the Planning Board.

Planning Board Resignation

Mr. Longo announced David Matthews has resigned as a member of the Planning Board.  Mrs. Sullivan noted that he would be missed.  A notice will be placed in the 12/17/03 edition of the Clipper announcing Mr. Matthews’ resignation.  Anyone interested in the position should submit a letter, resume and/or talent bank form to the Board of Selectmen’s office by 1/9/04.  Candidates will meet with the Planning Board on January 12, 2004.  A joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board will be held on January 26, 2003.  

Mr. Martecchini indicated it was important to note if you are appointed you must run again at the next election in March, 2004 to fill the remainder of Mr. Matthews term which expires in March, 2005.  It would, in effect, be a six-week appointment.  

Strategic Planning Retreat Update

Mr. Longo referred to a document entitled “Strategic Planning Retreat Discussion Items” which lists items discussed at a management retreat held the fourth week of September.  He noted this is a fluid document which changes from time to time.  

Mrs. Sullivan highlighted goals/priorities established by the Town’s department heads, with the help of a facilitator, as follows:

Finding new ways of creating affordable housing.
Donating land.
Working with Habitat for Humanity.
Investigating 40B options and tax-exempt programs.
Reviewing the use of the Community Preservation Act money for this purpose.
Develop a long-term fiscal strategy to fund Town services.
Set up new stabilization funds for specific purposes.
Find new sources of revenue.
Enhance lobbying with State Legislators to gain more State aid and grants.
Consolidating personnel functions where possible, look at human resources, including schools and library and determine the best way to structure them.
Possibly hire a Human Resources Director, an Assistant Town Manager or Finance Director.
Building a new public safety facility.
Explore potential sites.
How to fund the facility.
Make the best use of technology to assist Duxbury residents.
Providing information and forms on web site.
Pay online for certain programs, permits and real estate taxes.
How to handle Credit Card Company charges for Services.


Mr. Martecchini moved the Board approve the meeting minutes of December 1, 2003 as submitted to the Board this evening.  Mr. Tuffy seconded.  The motion passed 3-0.

There were none.  It was noted that the Municipal Commission on Disability currently has two openings and the Board of Health has one.  

At 8:22 p.m. Mr. Tuffy moved to adjourn.  Mr. Martecchini seconded.  The motion passed 3-0.

Karen McCann