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Conservation Comm. Minutes - 2003/01/07

The Conservation Commission held a meeting in the Basement Mural Room of Town Hall on Tuesday, January 7, 2003 beginning at 7:30 p.m.  Members present were Chairman Friend Weiler, Samuel Butcher, Thomas Gill, Brendan Halligan, Anne Hill, Arthur Vautrain, and Joseph Grady, Conservation Administrator. Mark Mahoney was absent.

Representing DBR, Inc. were Al Vautrinot, Jim O'Connell, Margaret Kearney, and Kay Foster. The Commission discussed which consultant to hire and the scope of services.  Mr. Butcher commented that under the regulations the Commission could not hire a consultant until the applicant submits a Notice of Intent.  Mr. Vautrinot indicated that DBR, Inc. would waive that requirement so the Commission can use the services of the consultant prior to a filing of the Notice of Intent.  Mr. Butcher made a motion that was seconded to engage the services of Leslie Fields of the Woodshole Group to represent the Conservation Commission during its negotiations regarding Duxbury Beach with the understanding that the applicant, DBR, Inc. has agreed to waive the requirement that the consultant fee needs to be attached to a Notice of Intent.  The motion was amended to add that if Ms. Fields is unavailable then the Chairman is to approach Norman Hayes and The BSC Group and sign him as the consultant.  A vote was taken and the amended motion passed unanimously.  The Commission scheduled a preliminary discussion about the issues on Duxbury Beach for January 21, 2003 at 8:30 p.m.  Ms. Kearney asked if the DBR, Inc. could be scheduled for the February 4th meeting to present the draft Beach Management Plan to the Commission.

The Commission reviewed a draft memo to the Board of Appeals regarding Webster Point.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the meeting of 11/19/02 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the meeting on 12/3/02 as amended.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Commission postponed action on the request for a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-1070.

A motion was made and seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-276.  The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made and seconded to issue a Certificate of Compliance for SE 18-941.  The motion passed unanimously.

The Commission postponed action on the request for Partial Certificates of Compliances for SE 18-1101 and SE 18-1139.

The Commission reviewed a request from Duxbury Construction Co. to move the approved addition at 87 Pilgrim Byway 2 feet closer to the wetlands, but still be 93 feet from the wetlands.  Mr. Butcher made a motion that was seconded that the proposed revision falls within the scope of the original Orders of Conditions (SE 18-1172).  The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made and seconded to spend $167.44 from the Conservation Fund for keys and locks for trail gates on the conservation lands.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Grady reported that the Town Manager wants to cut the requested amount for the Conservation Fund for fiscal year 2004.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.