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Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, September 16, 2010 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, John Bear, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan, Pat Loring, Sarianna Seewald, and Norman Tucker.  Also present were Joe Grady, Conservation Administrator, Frank Mangione from Fiscal Advisory Committee, and George Wadsworth from the Planning Board.

No subject was brought forth.

Cemetery Gravestone Restoration – Superintendent of Cemeteries Patricia Pappas and Cemetery Trustee Betsy Stevens were present for the discussion.  Ms. Pappas explained the proposal which was to hire a consultant to survey the Standish Cemetery and old section of the Mayflower Cemetery to determine the gravestones that need to be restored and the estimated cost of the restoration. Ms. Stevens had received a proposal from the consultant Jonathan Appell from West Hartford, CT.  The cost of the proposal was $1,600, which includes a survey of existing conditions of the gravestones, a plan for repair and preservation and a plan for future maintenance.  When asked if any existing cemetery funds were available for the work, Ms. Pappas noted that existing cemetery funds can not be used for maintenance of headstones and that responsibility of headstones falls to the families of the deceased. Mr. Tucker reported that the Historical Commission’s consultant Wendy Frontiero did an historical inventory of the cemeteries.  Mr. Tucker also mentioned that MA Historical Commission has a list of preservation consultants in Massachusetts.  The CPC noted that the tasks for the consultant should be clearly defined and the consultant should prioritize which stones should be restored first.  Mr. Grady recommended that the applicant contact minimally three potential consultants and ask for a written proposal from each.  To assure that a qualified consultant is hired, the CPC recommended that Ms. Pappas and Ms. Stevens work with Mr. Tucker.  Mr. Bear made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Seewald.
        Motion:  the CPC approves the expenditure of up to $2,000.00 from the administrative fund to hire a consultant to perform a restoration assessment of damaged headstones at the Standish Cemetery and old burial section of the Mayflower Cemetery.  The selection of the consultant is subject to a recommendation and review by Mr. Tucker of the qualifications of the selected consultant from a list of three qualified preservation consultants.     
        Vote:  7 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Ms. Pappas inquired of the CPC about two other potential projects:  replacement of cast iron fencing around cemetery plots and GPS computer software to digitize the location of plots.  Ms. Morris commented that there is not enough information on the fencing to move forward at this time.  Mr. Bear noted that the request for the GPS equipment is more an administrative improvement rather than a historical preservation value, since the location information is already recorded in paper form.

Ms. Seewald left the meeting at 9:00 a.m.

Mr. Bear commented that the funding applications from the DPW for the Old Town Hall and Tarkiln parking area need more detail before the CPC can vote on the projects.

Affordable Housing Trust – Mr. Keohan reported that a closing date has been set for one of the applicants of the purchase assistance program.  He also noted that the Local Housing Partnership is discussing a proposed funding request for additional money to the Affordable Housing Trust for the purchase assistance program.  As part of the request the LHP will ask that the CPC rescind the Recycling House Program in the amount of $100,000 and apply that money to the purchase assistance program.

Camp Wing (Temple St.) Housing – Mr. Keohan reported the project is progressing and the engineer and architect are working on definitive plans.

Each member reported on their site visits and the CPC discussed which site needed a sign and the type of sign.
  • Keene Street Multipurpose Field – put up the green diamond-shape CPC sign
  • Temporary signs during construction – Ms. Morris ordered three temporary sign; one at Camp Wing barn project and Temple St. Housing project.
  • Round Pond (Nudd, Loring), O’Brien bogs – Ms. Loring suggested a small wooden sign at the bogs, near the walking trail that names each of the three bogs and includes green diamond shape CPC sign.
  • O’Neil Farm – rather than a sign, Ms. Loring suggested that both sides of CPC brochure be laminated and added to the kiosks at the farm.
  • Tarkiln – Mr. Bear and Mr. Tucker visited the site and recommended a bronze diamond shaped sign rather than the green metal CPC sign.  They will look into the cost and will talk with Tag Carpenter.
  • King Caesar House – Mr. Kelso reported he is working with Patrick Browne of DRHS and is looking into a dateboard-type sign that reads “funded in part by Duxbury CPA”
  • Wright Building – Mr. Kelso recommended a sign or painted words be placed over the main entrance (side of building) door  “funded by citizens of Duxbury and CPA”
  • Turf Athletic Field – The CPC is included on the list of donors, but it was suggested the small green diamond shaped CPC sign be added.  Mr. Kelso will check with the School Building and Grounds Department.
  • War Memorial – there is a brick referencing CPC.  No further publicity is necessary.
Since Ms. Seewald left the meeting the sites she was assigned were not discussed (Island Creek fish ladder, Alden House windows, Jaycox tree farm, Bluefish River Firehouse.

This item was postponed and will be added to the next meeting agenda

The CPC reviewed draft minutes of the meeting on 9/2/2010.  Mr. Bear revised the minutes to add to the paragraph regarding the funding application for the Old Town Hall: “Mr. Bear requested that as part of the application Mr. Dondero needs to provide a written justification that the proposed work is restoration rather than maintenance.”  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Bear.
        Motion: to approve the minutes of the meeting on 8/12/2010 as amended.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The CPC signed bills to be paid.

The CPC discussed the proposed administrative budget for Fiscal Year 2012.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion:  the CPC recommends the FY 2012 Administrative budget be funded at a level of 5% of the annual revenue; the exact figure to be calculated by the Finance Director.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

At 10:00 a.m. Ms Morris made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso to go into executive session.
Motion:  to go into executive session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property which, if discussed outside of this session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governing body.  
Vote:  A roll call vote was taken:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.  

At 10:15 a.m. Ms. Morris made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion:  to reconvene into open session.
        Vote:  A roll call vote was taken: 6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.  

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.