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CPC Minutes - 2007/09-06
Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Community Preservation Committee (DCPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, September 6, 2007 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, Tony Kelso, Lynne Devnew, John Bear, Pat Loring, Sarianna Seewald, and Brendan Keohan.  Also present was Nancy Bennett, Historic Commission; Frank Mangione from Fiscal Advisory Committee; George Wadsworth from Planning Board; and Stuart Saginor of the Community Preservation Coalition.
Executive Session – Potential Land Acquisitions
At 8:07 a.m. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms Loring to go into executive session.
        Motion: to go into executive session to consider the taking, purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property which, if discussed outside of this session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governing body.
        Vote: A roll call vote was taken: 5 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.  Ms Seewald and Mr. Keohan arrived after the vote.

At 8:38 a.m. Mr. Kelso made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion: to reconvene into open session.
        Vote: A roll call vote was taken: 7 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Public Forum
No subject was brought forth.

Nancy Bennett discussed the planning for the Wright Building ceremony, which will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2007.  Ms. Bennett reported her findings for the brass plaque for the interior of the building.  The plaque will include the names of all persons involved in the restoration and cost $946.  Ms. Bennett is looking into the National Register plaques as well; the plaques run $550 - $950, depending upon text and size.  Tent rental and food for the ceremony is expected to cost $1095.60.   Pat Loring made a motion for the plaque of names that was seconded by Brendan Keohan.

        Motion: to spend $946 for the plaque that includes the names of all individuals and businesses that  were involved in the restoration and to pay for this from the CPC’s administrative fund.
        Vote: 6 – in favor; 1 – opposed (Bear)

Pat Loring made a motion to spend $795.60 from the administrative fund for the tent rental that was seconded by Brendan Keohan.  John Bear suggested that the Committee spend up to $1200 for the tent and food.  Ms Loring revised her motion to spend up to $1200 for the tent and food and Mr. Keohan seconded.

        Motion: to spend up to $1200 for tent rental and food for the Wright Building Ceremony and to pay for this from the CPC’s administrative fund.
        Vote: 7 – in favor; 0- opposed

Ms Loring made some changes to the language and formatting.  Lynne Devnew is going to discuss the historic criteria further with the Historic Commission.  Ms Loring noted that the application suggests that a member of CPC will be the point person on the project and Ms Morris stated that this has been done on many of the projects.  Ms. Loring suggested that the Committee take past projects and apply the information to the new criteria sheets as test cases.  Ms Loring recommended completion by October 4th.

Ms Morris recommended larger signs on properties stating the use of CPA funds for preservation, similar to Conservation Commission signs.  Sarianna Seewald questioned the need for smaller signs on buildings and smaller properties; Tony Kelso suggested a non-verbal cue.  Stuart Saginor recommended the use of signs to show the community what projects have been completed with CPA funds.  He also recommended having applicants send thank you notes to the CPC for project money and that signage be part of the criteria for future projects.

Mr. Keohan reported that Keith Properties will be making a presentation on the proposed development at Island Creek at the Senior Center September 13th at 7:30p.m. Mr. Keohan added that the renovation and construction of the existing Delano Farm house and the new home, respectively, will be commencing shortly and are expected to be completed by spring.

Mr. Kelso noted that the application for the Tarkiln project has not been submitted.  Ms Devnew stated that the Historic Commission will be responsible.

Ms. Seewald reported the pending school construction and questioned the possible impact on turf field construction.

Stuart Saginor updated the Committee on the progress that has been made by the Coalition.  Mr. Saginor cited a turf project in Concord that raised the question whether CPA matching money that has been distributed to communities is under state oversight.  The Coalition hired a local law firm and it was determined that CPA matching funds that have been distributed are considered local money and not under state oversight.

Mr. Saginor discussed the Coalition’s review of pending legislation that could have a negative impact on the CPA.  He also discussed the development of a database for all the 2,000 projects that have used CPA money.  The website is currently undergoing revision.  

Mr. Saginor also discussed the Trust Fund match; the 100% match will take place this October 15th, however this will certainly decline in successive years.  He expects the match in October 2008 to be 65% - 85% and in October 2009 to be 34% - 45%, due to the slowdown in the housing market.  Fees in the past year totaled $32 million.  In 2006 and 2007, respectively, $58 million and $65 million was paid out due to the surplus that built up over the past few years.

Mr. Saginor reported that 17 new communities have accepted the CPA, whereas 35 communities campaigned for passage.  Only one community took a vote to withdraw, Hingham, and it failed 72% to 28%.  Some communities have reduced their surcharge percentage.  Seventy-one communities have chosen 3%.

Mr. Saginor also reported that the Community Preservation Coalition has submitted a bill for a guaranteed match from the state at 75%.  Cities, especially less affluent ones, have been the most difficult to encourage participation in the CPA.  Some metro west communities are seeking a compromise that will allow surcharge receipts from parking and hotel fees.  There will most likely be legislative action to remove the language “acquired or created with CPA funds” for rehabilitation and/or restoration.

Mr. Saginor added that 102 communities are eligible to join the Coalition, 80 have joined.  Membership is based on a calendar year and Duxbury’s fee remains $3,750.  Ms Morris recommended that the Committee review this matter at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 10:30 a.m.