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CPC Minutes - 2005/07-21

Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, July 21, 2005 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, Nancy Bennett, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan, Pat Loring, and George Wadsworth.  Sarianna Seewald was absent.  Also present was Joe Grady, Conservation Administrator and Frank Mangione from Fiscal Advisory Committee.

Mr. Mangione asked where the CPC was financially.  The Chairman will get a financial statement from the Accountant for the next meeting.

Tarkiln Community Center
Ms. Bennett reported on a meeting with the users of the building and Lynne Spencer from Mendes, Torrey and Spencer.  Ms. Bennett recommended that Ms. Spencer meet with the CPC to discuss what the project encompasses.

Mr. Grady presented a proposal from Aaberg Associates to survey the property and draw a site plan.  Ms. Loring made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion: to accept the proposal from Aaberg Associates for the boundary survey and site plan for a total of $4550, to be taken from the administrative expense budget.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Bluefish River Firehouse
Ms. Bennett updated the CPC on the fundraising project.

Delano Land – Water Department Transfer
Mr. Wadsworth reported on the status of the project.  He reported the Water Department is working with Millbrook Survey for the survey plan and setting of bounds.  Mr. Grady will coordinate with Millbrook Survey to have the entire property bound.  Ms. Morris asked about signage for the property.

Delano Land – Housing Component
Mr. Keohan gave a project update.

O’Neil Farm
Ms. Loring reported that survey of the property was being done.

Wright Building
Ms.  Morris reported the project has gone out to bid.  Mr. Mangione asked if there will be a committee to oversee the construction?  Ms. Morris responded that the DPW Director will oversee the project.  Mr. Kelso asked about the status of the leases for the users?

Town Green Enhancement Project
Ms. Loring gave a project update.

Island Creek Fish Ladder Project
Mr. Grady reported the bids came in over budget so the project will have to go out to bid again.

The CPC reviewed the draft minutes of the meeting on 6/23/05.  Ms. Loring noted a spelling error.  Mr. Wadsworth made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Loring.
        Motion:  to accept the minutes of the meeting on 5/26/05, as amended to correct the misspelling.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

It was noted that the CPC should review old projects to determine if a project is complete in order to close out accounts.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.