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CPC Minutes - 2005/04-28

Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) held a meeting in the Mural Room, Lower Level of the Town Hall on Thursday, April 28, 2005 beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Members present included Chairman Holly Morris, Nancy Bennett, Tony Kelso, Brendan Keohan, Sarianna Seewald and George Wadsworth.  Pat Loring was absent. Also present were the Conservation Administrator, Joe Grady, Frank Mangione from the Fiscal Advisory Committee, and Christine Stickney, Planning Director.

No subject was brought forward.

Norman Tucker from the Historical Commission was present for the discussion.  Ms. Morris gave a progress report.  The next meeting with the architect is scheduled for May 11, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. at the Wright Building.  The CPC discussed a letter from Finegold Alexander regarding finding a mason for some exploratory work.  Mr. Kelso volunteered to contact the School Department and Library to ask for names of masons.

Mr. Norman Tucker asked the CPC to consider funding a consultant to process the application for the National Register of Historical Landmarks.  Ms. Stickney reported that a requirement for the Mass. Historical Preservation grant application that she is pursuing, which if awarded could get the Town up to $100,000 for the building renovation, is evidence that the Town is in the process of applying to the National Register of Historical Landmarks.  Mr. Tucker reported he has been working with Mass. Historical Commission who has given him names of consultants.  After contacting the consultants, Mr. Tucker recommended Timothy Orwig.  The cost to hire the consultant is $4,000.  The CPC reviewed the proposal from Mr. Orwig.   Ms. Bennett made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Keohan.
        Motion: that the CPC accept the proposal to fund the consultant, Timothy Orwig to complete the application to National Register of Historical Landmarks for the Wright  Building, in the amount of $4,000 from the CPC administrative expense budget.
        Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

Mr. Grady reported the Building Inspector had met with Town Counsel who recommended that the lot lines be redrawn in order for the lot to conform to zoning.

Mr. Grady gave an update on the Jaycox Christmas Tree Farm property.  He indicated that a future plan was to create a new entrance to the property.

Mr. Keohan updated the CPC on the status of the housing projects at the Delano property.

The CPC reviewed a request to purchase two file cabinets for the CPC files.  Mr. Wadsworth made a motion that was seconded by Ms. Bennett.
Motion:   to authorize the purchase two file cabinets from the administrative expense budget.
Vote:  6 – in favor; 0 – opposed.  Motion passed.

The CPC reviewed the minutes of the meetings on 3/31/05 and 4/14/05.  Mr. Wadsworth made two motions that were seconded by Mr. Kelso.
        Motion:  to approve the minutes of the meeting on 3/31/05, as written.
        Vote:  4 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 2 – abstentions (Keohan, Seewald).  Motion passed.

        Motion:  to approve the minutes of the meeting on 4/14/05, as written.
        Vote:  5 – in favor; 0 – opposed; 1 abstention (Keohan).  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.