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I and R Minutes
Healthy Aging One-Stop Work Group
Minutes of January 31, 2014

Present: Bea Phear, Trudy Carter, Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Paddy Moore, Melinda Loberg, Jacque Cage, Rise Terney, Ann Charnley

Bea called the meeting to order at 11:00AM.

The minutes of the meeting of January 10, 2014 were approved as distributed.

Bea reported that she had spoken with Gosha, the Rural Scholar who is conducting research for us, and had given her a number of web sites to look at and a list of questions to raise.  She will finish in late April and will come to the Island to discuss her findings and make suggestions.  Jacque suggested adding Barnstable County Department of Human Services, both for their web site and for their e-newsletter that goes with it.

The work plan was discussed and suggestions made to various categories.  The draft of February 1, 2014 incorporates these and is attached as part of these minutes.

Paddy clarified that we must allocate (but not necessarily spend) the hospital $5,000 grant money by the end of 2014.  We will probably use that for item #8 - Hire software engineer.

Paddy said that each work group is being asked to provide all its work products electronically, so they can easily be shared. She asked us to explore what kind of format we would like the information to be in, as the I&R function is at the core.  This will be discussed at the next meeting.  E.g. the Caregivers Support group is mapping resources and services.  How do we want that delivered to us?

Meeting adjourned at 12:15PM

Next Meeting:  Monday, February 24 at the Tisbury Senior Center at 8:30 AM

Respectfully submitted,
Bea Phear