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I and R Minutes 1-10-14
Healthy Aging One-Stop Work Group
Minutes of January 10, 2014

Present: Bea Phear, Trudy Carter, Patsy McCornack, Peter Meleney, Martina Thornton, Tristan Israel, Joyce Stiles-Tucker, Dianne Durawa, Paddy Moore, Melinda Loberg, Jim Klingensmith, (and Diane Jetmund listening by telephone)

Bea called the meeting to order at 11:00AM.

The minutes of the meeting of December 6, 2013 were approved as distributed.

Bea reviewed the mandate and the goals.  We are focusing on developing a web-based information and referral system, recommending that it be located at the county offices, staffed both for maintenance of the site and eventually for personal telephone answering.   Trudy raised the issue that some agencies may have waitlists,
and she doesnít think there should be a referral if the agency is not prepared to do intake in a timely manner.  It was decided that this was not the role of the I&R service.  Paddy pointed out that neutrality was important ñ not to make choices for people but to offer them information.

Bea distributed a first draft of a work plan, and Paddy distributed some thoughts of herís and Peterís.  After this discussion they will be fleshed out a bit and Bea will combine them in a new draft for the next meeting.

Re: examine models from other communities:  The question of what was in place to support the collaboration was added.  It was agreed this will be the work of the Rural Scholar.  Tristan is going to a Mass Municipal conference and he will talk to vendors for additional possible models to examine.

Melinda asked about colleting data and tracking information.  Trudy wants to collect statistics about all the information of agencies. Patsy pointed out that simpler is better and more agencies will buy in.  Martina questioned what is meant by “shared information” in gathering and tracking data.  Answer: there will be no sharing of personal information, only aggregate.
Patsy volunteered to go through the handbook and confirm the information and contacts. Bea gave her the table of contents from a similar effort in Cambridge, to help identify categories.  Joyce suggested also using it to locate gaps.  Patsy will hold off on this until the work plan is approved, as the Coordinating Committee is trying to avoid too much duplication.

Melinda was concerned we not get too far ahead of the CoA's.  Joyce Styles-Tucker and Paul Mohair are in this work group.  Looking at existing I&R services will include Rise and Bea talking to each CoA before the next meeting.  Peter volunteered to look at existing Island I&Rs.

There was discussion about the need for great clarity of job description and criteria for staff person.  This was added to the work plan.  Martina is concerned that the staff person not make the connection but provide information.  In the case of emergency, judgment will be needed.  Question:  are CoAs mandated reporters?

Melinda said the County wants an advisory board for each service.  It was felt that some of the people in the work group would become the advisory board.

There was some discussion on marketing. Marketing will be added to the work plan. It was decided there will be no advertising on the site, as it is not allowed for the County.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30PM

Next Meeting:  Friday, January 31, 2014 at 11:00 AM at the Dukes County Offices

Respectfully submitted,
Bea Phear