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Housing Minutes 3-19-14
Dukes County Health Council
Healthy Aging Task Force

Housing Work Group
March 19, 2014

DRAFT Meeting Minutes

Present: Jessica Burgoyne, Christine Flynn, Philippe Jordi. Jay Grande, Ewell Hopkins, Mark London, Abe Seaman, Peter Temple (Convener), Richard Toole, Walter Vail, Ann Wallace

Absent: Cathlin Baker, Esther Hopkins

Proposed Agenda:
  • Review and approve minutes of Feb. 19, 2014 meeting.
  • Review and discuss (Comments & Changes) Draft 2014-2015 Operating Plan for final submission to Coordinating Committee.
  • PATH (Planning Assistance Toward Housing) Planning Grant Application/Project
  • Start next steps of operating plan:
  • Assign informal meeting responsibilities.
  • Gather and review UD and accessory unit, muli-unit/family/generational bylaw language.
  • Joint Planning Board meeting March 25?
  • New Business (other)
The meeting was called to order at 3:06. This was a joint meeting with the JAHG.
  • The minutes from the February 19, 2014 meeting were reviewed:
  • Flynn made a motion to approve the minutes as drafted. It was seconded by Wallace and passed unanimously.
  • Most members of the workgroup had not had time to read the draft plan closely enough to make comments/changes. It was agreed that we were pursuing “Visitability” standards, not Universal Design. Visitability calls for 32í doors. It was also decided to add lever doorknobs since the Island has above average incidence of both Rheumatoid and Osteo-arthritis. Temple asked that written comments on the plan be submitted to him by close of business on Wednesday March 26, 2014. Wallace will get definitions of Community and Affordable Housing to include in the plan.
Jordi asked if IEH was looking to build more units. The group didnít know but Temple said the Workgroup was, as part of its charter, to look for sources of funding for additional affordable elder housing. Wallace said that there were no USDA funds available. Temple pointed out that there was no one in the workgroup from IEH and that Ann Baird had turned down our request to participate. Baird was going to see if anyone on their Board might be interested. Wallace said that Rick Presbrey would be an excellent addition to the Workgroup. Not only is he on IEH Board, but he is also President of the Housing Assistance Corp. of Cape Cod. He lives on the Cape but we could conference him in by phone. Wallace will reach out to him.
  • There was general agreement that a PATH grant might be applicable towards several projects on the Vineyard, both for helping Towns develop zoning bylaws as well as planning for specific projects in OB and VH. Jordi said he had talked to PATH and their primary interest was multi-unit, town centered and near major transportation. More details will be forthcoming and Flynn will notify everyone when they are announced.
Flynn announced that Edgartown was moving ahead on plans for a 52 bedroom project for Meshaket and this would include an Elder component. Temple mentioned that the Donors Collaborative had received a grant that will allow them to run a feasibility study for the Greenhouse model and that if Greenhouse will work here, it would need free land. Flynn said Edgartown might be interested in the Greenhouse model.
  • The group then addressed the next steps for implementing the operating plan. Flynn reported that Vigneault was continuing his informal meetings with building inspectors. It was decided to have smaller groups develop the strategy for approaching each Town (instead of the entire workgroup doing it) and then have the workgroup review/approve the individual Town plans. Flynn will send out sample/best practices bylaw language for accessory units and multi-unit housing. Everyone is to read these before the next meeting and think about what the hurdles and opportunities there would be in their town. They are also supposed to identify a potential team of people to champion these changes in their Town and help develop strategy. We need some people from Edgartown on this workgroup so Flynn will reach out to Christine Brown (who is on the JAHG).
The group felt that the March 25 joint Planning Board meeting at the MVC would be an opportunity to make planning boards aware of the need and that we would be meeting with them later in the year about bylaw changes. Temple will plan a brief presentation on projected elder population growth and its impact on housing to present at the meeting.
Seaman suggested that a great way to make our case to towns and the public would be to record/video Island Elders talking about the issues they face (e.g. really put a face/voice to these issues). Everyone agreed this was a good idea and people were asked to try to identify some people whose stories we might tell. Vail suggested talking to Meal on Wheels drivers who see some pretty sad situations out there.
  • The group agreed that the next meeting will be the third Wednesday in April ñApril 16th, at 3:00 p.m. at the MVC conference room and it will be a joint HA Housing and JAHG meeting to do further work on the plan for 2014/2015.
  • There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Temple