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Health Council Minutes 06/22/00

Regular Board Meeting of June 22, 2000

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Dukes County Health Council held on June 22, 2000.

Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m.

    Board Members Present:                     
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Fred Rundlet
Arthur Wortzel                  Cathy Brennan
Christopher Knowles                     Elizabeth Norcross
Carol Borer*                            Bud Macy
Sherrill Butterfield                    Sharon Clauss-Zanger
Murray Frank                            Michelle Lazerow
Sarah Kuh *                             Ned Robinson-Lynch
Tad Crawford                            Maureen Kelly
Sandra Lothrop*                 Jane Cleare
Bob Sawyer                              
Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
Patty Blakesley, Island Elderly Housing
Pat Fairchild
*Ex Officio

        Matt Poole      Patty Begley    Dennis Hoak     Katharine Colon  Else Membrezo  
Les Holcomb     Joan Creato     Jacque Cage     Lorna Andrade    Karen Kukolich
Marguerite Bergstrom *  Peter Strock    Steve Bernier      Kathy Logue
        Sarah Isenberg

After discussion it was decided the next meeting will be held Thursday, July 27, 2000, even though several members and Marsha Smolev will be absent due to the County Commissioners Annual meeting in Cuttyhunk.  Arthur Wortzel Moved to Approve the Minutes of May 25, 2000. Michelle Lazerow Seconded the Motion.  Jane Cleary, Michelle Lazerow and Arthur Wortzel abstained.  The Minutes were approved as written.  

Cynthia Mitchell explained that the election of Coordinating Committee members could not be by secret ballot, because appointed members of Public Boards must operate in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.  Discussion followed.  Murray Frank asked to move into Executive Session.  Chairman Mitchell explained that this

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June 22, 2000

was not one of the specified reasons that a Board can move into Executive Session.  Mr. Frank suggested the 4 possible actions: postpone the election, violate the law,
Elect all 8, hope one nominee withdraws.  Commissioner Sawyer mentioned that Tisbury had a legal opinion that allowed a written ballot as long as the ballots were signed.  Discussion followed about procedure, including the possibility of someone withdrawing if there are two candidates representing the same organization.  

Chris Knowles Moved that the Council commence a ballot by raising hands or voicing votes.  Commissioner Sawyer Seconded the Motion.  Discussion followed.  Cynthia Mitchell reminded the members that their votes will become part of the record.  Written ballots were mentioned again.  County Manager Borer reiterated that Cynthia Mitchell researched the election procedure and this could be a different situation that Tisbury’s election.  This requires an open vote.  Arthur Wortzel offered to withdraw, since there are two candidates from MVCS.  Ned Robinson-Lynch disagreed with Arthur Wortzel’s plan to withdraw.  Marsha Smolev stated she had checked with County Clerk Joseph Sollitto, and is uncomfortable taking part in anything but open elections.  Fred Rundlet said he would abstain if the elections are held without respect to the law.  Chairman Mitchell called for a Vote on the Motion favoring a hand vote.  The Motion passed with 11 voting “aye” and 6 voting “nay.”

Elections were held.  Marsha Smolev announced the winners: Kevin Burchill, Tad Crawford, Murray Frank, Cynthia Mitchell, Ned Robinson-Lynch, Fred Rundlet, Arthur Wortzel.

Tad Crawford gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Mr. Crawford thanked the County Manager for her participation in the process of accounting for and crediting all monies.  $10,000 was spent in support of the Island Plan.  Fred Rundlet asked that the Council’s obligations be listed, so the members can see commitments.  

Chairman Mitchell reported on the County Commissioners meeting of June 14, 2000.  Discussion of the Committee formed to review County Health and Human Services was discussed.  It was mentioned that Sarah Kuh applied for the Resource Coordinator’s position.  Tad Crawford reported that the County Commissioners are interested in the DCHC Bylaws and that they explained that members’ terms have to be staggered.  The Bylaws were approved except: staggered terms were reinstated, elimination of reference to a secret ballot.  Chairman Mitchell said there needs to be a 2/3 vote to approve these changes.  Jane Cleare Moved that the changes be accepted with the two exceptions.  Chris Knowles Seconded the Motion.  Mr. Knowles read a letter from March 17, 1995 when he was liaison to the Island Healthcare Consortium.  Mr. Knowles voiced concern that the DCHC’s mission is far different than that stated in the letter.  The Vote Passed Unanimously.  

Chairman Mitchell explained that the DCHC appears to be at the top of the list for additional funds in the Supplemental Budget in the fall.  Discussion of funding

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followed.  Fred Rundlet asked for explanation of Sarah Kuh’s position, that it is separate from the new position for a Resource Coordinator.  He asked if we have
an integrated healthcare system.  He added that the Bylaws are our mission!  Chairman Mitchell said the way it all fits together is the subject of the new Committee that was formed at the County Commissioners meeting.  

Cynthia Mitchell announced with regret that Kate O’Neil left the island.
Elizabeth Norcross described the library she’s developing in the Islander building.  She requested that each member contribute something.  Sarah Kuh gave her report.  Fred Rundlet voiced his concern about the possible loss of funding when it was reported that the Dental program is closed while it awaits the installation of 4 outlets and an inspection.  Cynthia Mitchell will follow up on this.

Murray Frank gave the Data and Funding report.  Results of Mass Health and Mass Medical Grants won’t be in until late August or early September.  

Jane Cleare reported on the Chronic Illness Survey that is due out in September.  She is working on a volunteer group to hand deliver surveys.

Pat Fairchild reported that the CAP Grant application is in Washington.  There are 250 applicants.  20 programs will be funded.  The applications will be reviewed Mid-July.  Pat Fairchild reported that there are Rural Health Outreach Grants that may be worth looking at.  Surveys were sent to a random sample of 550 employers on the Island.  There will be a cash drawing to help encourage return of completed surveys.  Pat Fairchild is meeting with Kevin Burchill to define real issues of access to physicians (beyond financial reasons.)  Kevin Burchill reported that he is meeting with physicians to see how they want to proceed with collaboration.  Discussion followed.  Fred Rundlet said the issues are: access, cost, quality of care.  

Murray Frank reported that the contract with JSI is being extended to September.  The Alpha Grant (pays half) needs to be amended too.  Murray Frank reported on the first meeting of the Committee for Emergency Services.  He said the DCHC voted on the Intermunicipal Agreement with the understanding there would be provisions that included representation of the DCHC.  Mr. Frank stated he failed to get this across at the meeting.  Fred Rundlet was concerned that the DCHC is not represented on the Committee.  He said it’s further evidence of disintegration, rather than integration.  Michele Lazerow asked that this be on the next Agenda.  

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.  
Respectfully submitted,

Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant