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Health Council Minutes 08/23/01
Regular Meeting of August 23, 2001

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on August 23, 2001.

Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m.    
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                         *Ex Officio
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Jacque Cage     
Murray Frank                            Katharine Colon
Chris Knowles                           Sarah Isenberg          
Carol Borer*                            Kathy Logue             
Jane Cleare                             Bob Sawyer
Arthur Wortzel                          d Robinson-Lynch                        
Sarah Kuh *                             Kevin Burchill                  
Sharon Clauss-Zanger            Else Membreno                   
        Lorna Andrade                   Fred Rundlet
        Tom Dresser                             Peter Strock
        Kathleen Rose
Also Present:  Marsha Smolev, Nancy Kasen (JSI), Joyce Steward, Pat
           Fairchild (JSI), Ilene Klein, Charles Silberstein, Laura Weit
          Matt Poole                                    Marguerite Bergstrom*   
 Elizabeth Norcross            Karen Kukolich  Sandra Lothrop*
         Dennis Hoak                   Cathy Brennan   Les Holcomb     
 Maureen Kelly         Eric Butler             Tad Crawford
          Bud Macy                      Patty Begley            Michele Lazerow 
The meeting opened at 8:05 AM. Chairman Mitchell introduced Ilene Klein, a new Island physician, and mentioned that there are two vacancies on the Health Council.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 20. There will be a Special meeting on October 4.  Tom Wolf of the Healthy Communities Forum will be present at that meeting.  Cynthia Mitchell read the following statement by Tad Crawford and asked, on his behalf, that the statement be included in the Minutes of August 23:
“For the record, I wish to apologize for the remarks I made concerning Les Leland during our May 24 meeting.  What I was seeking to communicate was the importance of having the independent pharmacists on the Island briefed by Marcia Morgan of Citizen’s Health on her proposed pharmacy program, particularly Les Leland, the County Chair.  I never stated, nor would I ever wish to imply, that Les would allow personal business considerations to effect his decisions concerning the Council or his appointment of Council members.  I have spoken with him personally to convey this apology.”

Chairman Mitchell called for Motion to Approve the Minutes of May, June, and July including the Amendment to May’s Minutes.  Murray Frank Moved that the Minutes of May, June and July be Approved as Amended.  Arthur Wortzel Seconded the Motion.  The vote to Approve the Minutes was Unanimous.

Murray Frank distributed the Treasurer’s Report.  Cynthia Mitchell gave the Report of the Coordinating Committee, and announced that the Lighthouse Alliance was granted the entire 75% funding included in their application.  The Fiscal Year for this Grant begins 9/01/01.  The Vineyard share of the money will fund continued development of the Island Health Plan, as well as covering the salary of the Assistant at the Health Access Program. Sarah Kuh thanked everyone for the funding and said the Access Program is expanding.  Cynthia Mitchell gave a brief background of the Lighthouse Alliance.  The region will be receiving $646,000.  The Vineyard will be receiving $120,000.  The funds will be broken down as follows:
$60,500 for a Coordinator to the Island Health Plan from 1/1/02-8/31/02
$15,000 will be combined with other funds for the Program Assistant to the
           Access Program
  Some funds for Internet Access to develop a system for regional  
$30,000 to develop provider contracts and a marketing plan, and for office
Murray Frank added that we contribute to regional activities as well, such as the Substance Abuse Program.  Pat Fairchild said she will provide an abstract for year 2 of the Grant.

Arthur Wortzel reported on the Symposium that was held on August 12, and attended by approximately 300 people.  Some discussion followed about the Symposium.  

Cynthia Mitchell reported that the Consultants to the Bureau of Primary Care who  paid a technical assistance visit to coach the Council on how to stage an event to launch the Island Health Plan, and how to express value of the plan to providers and the community, were very impressed by what they saw.  They recommended a launching event in January, 2002, and suggested this Plan could serve as a National Model.

Chairman Mitchell asked the Health Council if members are in favor of taking a public position on mopeds, as they have been asked to do. Commissioner Sawyer reported that the Oak Bluffs Selectmen, and the County Commissioners have voted unanimously to support Legislation filed by Representative Turkington, to require moped renters to have motorcycle licenses.  Discussion followed about the larger issue of safety on the roads, including bicycles, and the need for enforcement of laws already passed.  Kevin Burchill stated that he and other Council members from the Hospital would not take a position, as the Hospital is compiling facts on the subject.  Commissioner Sawyer Moved that the Dukes County Health Council send to Representative Turkington an unqualified endorsement of Legislation to require moped operators to have a motorcycle license.  Kathy Logue Seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed with Sharon Clauss-Zanger, Kevin Burchill, and Tom Dresser Abstaining.  Cynthia Mitchell agreed to look at the more comprehensive issue of road safety and come up with a plan.

Chairman Mitchell reported the resignations of Bud Macy and Eric Butler.  Ms. Mitchell noted that the resignations were accepted with regret.  Fred Rundlet asked that the HC extend its appreciation for Bud Macy’s years of work and invite him to continue to work with the Council.  

Ms. Mitchell introduced a list of recommended appointees to the Advisory Board for the Chronic Illness Network.  Jane Cleare said the first meeting of the Board will be September 19th at the Tisbury Senior Center, at 6:00 PM.  Arthur Wortzel moved that the Health Council appoint the list of members to the Chronic Illness Network Board of Advisors.  Cynthia Mitchell Seconded the Motion.  Commissioner Sawyer questioned the structure of the Board to which the members were being appointed.  Discussion followed about the Open Meeting Law and the differences between a Subcommittee and a Board. Jane Cleare said the Board will be interviewing and hiring an administrator and supervising that person.  Cynthia Mitchell suggested this was the same situation as the VHCAP Board.  Carol Borer said that the County Commissioners were not aware of this progression to a Chronic Illness Network Board, and suggested the Health Council report to them.  Mrs. Borer asked under what authority the Board was being appointed.  Sarah Isenberg said this is different than the Access Board, since that Board is comprised of Health Council members who have all been sworn in. Jane Cleare objected to the group being called a Subcommittee.

Cynthia Mitchell Moved that the Council appoint these people to the Advisory Board of the Chronic Illness Network and thank them for the work done so far. Discussion continued about the authority to appoint the Board.  Kathy Logue Seconded the Motion.  The Chairman called for the vote.  All voted ‘Aye’ except Fred Rundlet, who voted ‘Nay.’

Murray Frank reported that the Dental Clinic is doing well.  There is a Dentist 3
days/week.  Sarah Kuh stressed the need for a translator at the Clinic.  Fred Rundlet suggested using volunteers to help alleviate the problem.

Laura Weit from Citizen’s Health reported that the Prescription Plan will be rolled out in September to discount prescriptions for qualified citizens.  Jacque Cage asked that their energy program be publicized at the same time.

Pat Fairchild reviewed the status of the Island Health Plan and explained that important difficult decisions need to be made about eligibility, target population, subsidies.  Marketing will focus on low income, employed, full-time residents, who are currently uninsured. Discussion followed about the perception of crowd-out. Pat Fairchild explained the handout that reviewed the impending decisions that will have to be made, such as residency requirement, the question of self employed, employer contributions, quantity vs. quality.  Pat Fairchild stressed that employers should have no part of the administration of the Plan.

Members were asked to read choices about enrollment, employer responsibility and the purchase of health insurance, and take a stand.  It became clear that there would be differences of opinion and a need for discussion before final choices can be decided upon.  


The meeting adjourned at 10:02 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant