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Health Council Minutes 07/31/01
Special Meeting of July 31, 2001

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on July 31, 2001.

Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m.    
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                         *Ex Officio
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Les Holcomb     
Murray Frank                            Katharine Colon
Patty Begley                            Sarah Isenberg          
Carol Borer*                            Kathy Logue             
Jane Cleare                             Bob Sawyer
Arthur Wortzel                          Ned Robinson-Lynch                      
Michele Lazerow                 Kevin Burchill                  
Sharon Clauss-Zanger            Else Membreno                   
        Tad Crawford                            Fred Rundlet
Also Present:  Marsha Smolev, Nancy Kasen (JSI), Joyce Steward, Liz diCarlo, Pat
           Fairchild (JSI), Dave Rogoff, Phyllis Bursansky, Marianne Moore
          Matt Poole                    Jacque Cage             Marguerite Bergstrom*   
 Elizabeth Norcross            Karen Kukolich  Sandra Lothrop*
         Dennis Hoak                   Cathy Brennan   Sarah Kuh *     
 Maureen Kelly         Eric Butler             Lorna Andrade
          Peter Strock                  Bud Macy                Tom Dresser             
         Kathleen Rose         Chris Knowles                           
The meeting opened at 8:10 AM. Chairman Mitchell introduced Phyllis Bursansky and David Rogoff.  It was announced that the next meeting would be August 23rd. Chairman Mitchell gave a history of the Health Council and introduced Council members.  Ms. Mitchell stated that the goal of the Health Council has been an integrated healthcare system.  She mentioned funding sources and targeted problems.  

Ned Robinson-Lynch encouraged members to attend the Foundation Symposium.  Arthur Wortzel reported on the Symposium Committee’s progress.  Murray Frank reported that the Health and Wellness Committee is working to identify and develop a matrix of services.  Sarah Kuh’s report on the VHCAP was distributed.  Jane Cleare reported that the Chronic Illness Network would present ideas on how to accomplish volunteer outreach, to the Coordinating Committee.  Fred Rundlet reported that the Dental Clinic up and running again and functioning well.

Liz DiCarlo presented the “chattering teeth” that were brought to the State House to gain support for Oral Health Services.  

Murray Frank reported that he and Cynthia Mitchell met with representatives of Blue Cross/Blue Shield Foundation to discuss grant funding and DMA concerning an Insurance Partnership.  Pat Fairchild stressed that the Health Council has credibility now that it is part of the Lighthouse Alliance, and that this will help with future funding.  

Liz DiCarlo mentioned that the Hospital should include in its orientation for staff, more about cultural issues of Brazilians and Native Americans.

It was reported that the Elderly Mental Health and Assessment Task Forces would be starting up in September.

Nancy Kasen reported that she was meeting with physicians and employers to find out what would encourage their participation in the Island Health Plan.

Chairman Mitchell said that the Health Council was asked to take a position on mopeds.  Mopeds will be discussed at the August meeting.

Phyllis Bursansky presented the Hillsborough County Plan that introduced a ½ cent sales tax to be used for health care.  She stressed that given enough of the right information, people do the right thing.  She encouraged using the media to spread the word and gain support.  

David Rogoff presented the Return on Community Investment Model.  He stressed the importance of stating the program so it makes good social and business sense.  Mr. Rogoff discussed a Federal sales tax approach, rather than a real estate tax approach. Ms. Bursansky said it was easier to sell a sales tax approach, because everyone pays sales tax.  She stressed that people want choices, access, transportation to health care.  In Hillsborough, clinics worked.  People came.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant