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Health Council Minutes 02/21/02
Regular Meeting of February 21, 2002

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on February 21, 2002.

Meeting began at 8:06 a.m.
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                                  *Ex Officio
Jane Cleare     
Murray Frank                            Tad Crawford                    
Michele Lazerow                 Kathleen Rose
Arthur Wortzel                          Jacque Cage                     
Tim Walsh                               Dennis Hoak             
Lorna Andrade                   Chris Knowles
        Cathy Brennan                   Sarah Isenberg
        Fred Rundlet                            Patty Begley
        Sandra Lothrop                  Sarah Kuh *     
                                                Charles Silberstein
        Melinda Loberg                  Kathleen Fitzgibbon
        Joyce Steward                   Jo Ann Murphy
        Marni Lipke                             Kevin Burchill
        William Elbow                           Peter Strock
Also Present: Marsha Smolev, Nancy Kasen, Art Bingham, Carole Cohen, Brendan Langley, Art Bingham, Deborah Mayhew, Tim Sweet

        Kathy Logue                             Marguerite Bergstrom                            Ned Robinson-Lynch                      Else Membreno           
       Carol Borer*                            Michelliny Faust                
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Dan Seklecki
Ilene Klein                             Fred Rundlet
        Robert Sawyer
Murray Frank opened the meeting at 8:06 with introductions.  
Tad Crawford gave the Treasurer’s Report, stating that the County was ultimately responsible for the financial affairs of the Health Council and noting the importance of reconciling financial records with those of the County.  He mentioned that funding for Phase III of the Island Health Plan was short $25,000 and that Phase III Part B was being contracted.  Arthur Wortzel Moved that the Treasurer’s Report be Accepted.  Peter Strock Seconded the Motion.  The Vote to Accept the report was Unanimous.

Tad Crawford reported that the County had requested a routine audit of the Health Council.  Two issues reviewed in audit were: reconciliation of accounts and accounting for grants.  The Treasurer said the auditor was satisfied with the records but that he had suggestions for new procedures.

It was noted that the County Commissioners added three voting members to the Health Council by Resolution: Veterans’ Agent, Associate Commissioners for Affairs Concerning the Elderly and for Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons.

Tim Sweet, CEO, MV Hospital reviewed the situation at the Hospital concerning Dr. Koehler and other issues.  Kevin Burchill reported that a tentative settlement had been reached between the Hospital and Nurses.  Deborah Mayhew was in attendance representing the citizen’s action group that held a forum on these issues.  Tim Sweet said that while the Hospital Board welcomed input, it would make the final decision. There was some discussion about the need for more public press releases and community meetings.  Charlie Silberstein urged dialogues rather than forums, and stressed the need to move together as a team.  He added that there was a systems problem, rather than a problem in which someone should be blamed.  The need for greater communication was mentioned by several people.  Tad Crawford said he supported a collaborative process, one in which the Health Council could help disseminate information.

Tad Moved that the Health Council encourage with full support of individuals involved (Kevin Burchill, the Board, the Staff of the Hospital, the Medical Staff, the Community,) the collaborative process needed to resolve the issues that have surfaced. Charlie Silberstein Seconded the Motion that Passed Unanimously.

(Tim Sweet, and Tim Walsh left at 9:30)

Nancy Kasen reported on the Neighborhood Health plan as the primary partner for the Island Health Plan. Discussion followed about mental health’s role on the physician’s advisory board and the need to include preventative programs.

Sarah Kuh reported that DMA awarded the Lighthouse $100,000 for dental screening for children on the Cape and Islands.  The Kahen Fund gave $32,000 for dental care for children.  

Michele Reported that the Substance Abuse Committee was looking at ways to support recovery services.

Sarah Kuh distributed the budget for VHCAP, stating that the Program would look to the County for funding.  Murray Frank voiced his concern about the need for County funding.  Patty Begley added that this should be part of the County Budget.  

Tad Crawford Moved that the Health Council continue to support VHCAP, and recognize how it might be expanded to included the Island Health Plan.  Lorna Andrade Seconded the Motion.  The vote to Pass the Motion was Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 10:04 AM.