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Health Council Minutes 09/02/04

Thursday, September 2, 2004 Meeting
West Tisbury Public Safety Building

Tad Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:35 AM.  A quorum was present.  

Members Present:  Frank Honey, Robert Tonti, Kenneth Chisholm, Cynthia Mitchell, Tim Walsh, Cindy Doyle, Mary Jane O’Connor-Ropp, Jane Cleare, Terry Appenzellar, Antonio Teixeira, Michele Lazerow, Ned Robinson-Lynch, Carlin Hart, Cathy Brennan, Tad Crawford, Frederick Rundlet, Christopher Allen Knowles, Patsy McCormack, Peter Strock, Ilene Klein.  
Also present: Winn Davis, ex-officio, Murray Frank for Kathy Rose.
Absent: Jacque Cage, Susan Desmarais, Pat Donengan, Mike Dutton, Nancy Gilfoy, Sarah Greenberg, Andy Krickl, Michael LaPolla, Les Leland, Marni Lipke, Paddy Moore, JoAnn Murphy, Donald Rose, Bob Sawyer, Charles Silberstein.
Guests: Dedie Weiler, Judy Crawford.

Tad introduced Carlin Hart who will represent the Public Schools on the Council.  
The Coordinating Committee will meet 9/9 and 9/16.
The Council’s next meeting will be September 23.

The minutes of the July 22, 2004 meeting were approved as circulated.  
Motion to approve: Doyle;  Second: Strock.  Unanimous save those who were absent on 7/22 - they abstained.

Terry Appenzellar distributed a written report indicating the status of the Council’s accounts as of the end of fiscal 2004.  The report indicated the transfer of monies from Unrestricted grants (Account #242) for reducing cost allocations that had been deducted from other accounts.  The County’s fiscal 2005 has not as yet been approved by the state.
The Treasurer’s report was approved.  Motion: Strock;  Second: Doyle.  Unanimous.

Ilene Klein described the work of the Primary Care Working Group and the history leading to the decision to apply for a planning grant.  She particularly thanked Tim Walsh for positioning the hospital as the lead agent and assigning Dedie Weiler to work on this project.  She also cited the contributions of Fred Rundlet, Chris Knowles, Sarah Kuh, Bob Tonti, Bryan Kinal, among others for breaking new ground and making this project successful.  A revised abstract and project definitions were distributed.  Dedie emphasized the importance of following the instructions in the RFP and clarified the distinction between an applicant and a supporter of the grant.
Motion: that the DCHC supports the submission of an application for a Rural Health Network Development Network Planning Grant.  Motion: Brennan; Second: Lazerow.  Passed with one “no” vote.

Because of the negative vote, a motion to reconsider was made by Strock; seconded by Lazerow, and passed unanimously, in order to hear the reasons for the negative vote.  Bob Tonti explained that the DCHC letter of support, citing as it had, the history of the Council, left the inpression that a working network was already in place and would, therefore, weaken the application.  The role of the Council in the grant application was discussed, and it was agreed that the Council’s letter of support should clarify its role as an advisory body, which would actively support the building of the primary care network, not as an applicant, but as a supporter.

A new motion was presented by Strock and seconded by Lazerow:  that the DCHC supports the submission of an application for a Rural Health Network Development Planning Grant; and further that the Council’s Letter of Support clarifies that the Council is not, in itself, a network.  Passed unanimously.

There was a solid round of applause for the work of the team preparing the grant application and the level of collaboration shown by all members of the PCWG.

Cindy Mitchell reported on the status of the affordable health insurance program, saying “we are not quite there.”  Many hurdles have been overcome; there is one more, namely the approval by the federal government of the Medicaid aspects of the insurance structure.  All parties agree that approval is forthcoming but the current political climate may cause a delay.  

Thirteen physicians including three primary care doctors have signed on, as have many behavior health practitioners and MV Community Services.  MV Hospital as well as Cape Cod Health Care are expected to sign contracts very soon.  Tim Walsh confirmed that good progress had been made and that any remaining issues appeared to be close to resolution.  Plans have been filed with the Division of Insurance.  Marketing can begin two weeks after federal approval.  October 1st is the present target date; enrollments will begin on November 1st.  

Judy Crawford and Jane Cleare reported on plans for a series of six health forums to be offered once a month in the coming year, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, the Health Council, the Foundation for Island Health, and the Hospital.  An outline including dates and subjects was distributed.  The planning committee meets weekly and is open to suggestions for program titles and content.

Tad Crawford introduced this subject by distributing copies of a draft summary of goals and objectives for 2005 along with a fiscal 05 budget.  He emphasized that this is a draft and will be the basis for discussion and subsequent adoption at future meetings.  The Coordinating Committee hopes to hear comments from Council members.

Murray Frank announced that five UMass Medical School students will be visiting the Island on Oct 5 to 19.  A committee of Cage, Brennan, Kuh, Mitchell, Moore, Crawford, Frank is planning the tasks to be performed.  Council members will be among those interviewed.
Cindy Mitchell announced that the IHI Outreach Program will conduct a 6-day training program for medical interpreters.  Tuition scholarships are available.

Tad announced that the County’s new web site is almost on line.

Cindy Doyle moved and Frank Honey seconded a motion to adjourn which was unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Murray Frank