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Health Council Notes 05/27/04
May 27, 2004 Meeting
West Tisbury Public Safety Building

Chairman Tad Crawford was absent. Vice Chair Jacque Cage presided. A quorum was not present. In addition to Jacque, the following council members signed the attendance sheet: Cathy Brennan, Antonio Teixeira, Terry Appenzellar, Sarah Kuh, Tim Walsh, Ken Chisholm, Bob Tonti, Jo Ann Murphy, Donald Rose, Cindy Doyle, Ned Robinson-Lynch, Cynthia Mitchell, Susan Desmarais, Charles Silberstein, Patrick Donegan, and Frederick Rundlet. Rev. Mary Jane O’Connor-Ropp did not sign, but was present. County Manager E. Winn Davis (ex-officio) also signed in. In addition to Tad, those absent were: Jane Cleare, Mike Dutton, Nancy Gilfoy, Sarah Greenberg, Frank Honey, Andy Krickl, Ilene Klein, Chris Knowles, Michael LaPolla, Michele Lazerow, Les Leland, Marni Lipke, Patsy McCornack, Paddy Moore, Elaine Pace, Kathy Rose, and Peter Strock. Also present was Dukes County Executive Assistant Brian S. Kinal, who took these unofficial notes.

Treasurer Terry Appenzellar gave a financial report. She also presented the Health Council’s draft funding policy. Terry requested feedback by June 9.

The County Manager gave a report on the draft FY-05 budget. He said the Health Council will receive $6,026, which is $26 more than requested. The Vineyard Health Care Access Program will receive $65,030, compared to $62,426 in FY-04.

Winn said the County Commission Chairman has appointed a committee to explore new revenue sources.

Council member Cindy Doyle, accompanied by several students, made a presentation on the student program called S.L.I.P. (The Supporting League of Ideas and Projects). S.L.I.P.’s mission is to create safe and healthy recreation alternatives for people between the ages of 14 and 20.

Former council member Murray Frank outlined the Rural Scholars Program that creates medical internships for young people, and builds bridges between island and off-island medical professionals and institutions.

Sarah Kuh submitted the quarterly report of the Vineyard Health Care Access Program. She said that unfortunately, the dental clinic is about to close. Fred Rundlet said Martha’s Vineyard Hospital should accept the responsibility of running a dental clinic.
