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DCHC Minutes 10-26-2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006 Meeting Minutes
West Tisbury Public Safety Building

Chairman Cindy Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM and determined that a quorum was present.  Attendees included: Nancy Gilfoy, Susan Wasserman, Ron MacLaren, Jo Ann Murphy, Dedie Wieler, Paddy Moore, M. Jane Cleare, Olga Church, Judie Flanders, Terry Appenzellar, Cindy Doyle, Rhonda Cohen, Patsy McCormack, Ardell Otten, Jacque Cage, Chris Knowles, Tim Walsh, Anna Markwica, Sarah Kuh, Michele Lazerow, Winn Davis County Manager, and Jennifer Caton, Executive Assistant to record minutes.

There was discussion about when the next meeting would be due to the holidays.  It was agreed the next meeting would be on November 30, 2006, combining both November and December meetings.
There was discussion that the minutes would be caught up on at the November/December meeting.

April 2006 Minutes -Cindy Doyle/Olga Church Moved to accept the April 2006 minutes as amended, So Voted unanimous.  

Terry Appenzellar gave the October Treasurer’s report.   

Chris Knowles /Rhonda Cohen Moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, So Voted unanimous.

Discussion of County Charter Commission/November Election- Tad Crawford.
Tad Crawford gave a history of the first Charter Commission Study and the developments that lead to the push for the upcoming ballot question for another Charter Study.  He then reported his efforts in campaigning for individuals for the Charter Commission.

Paddy Moore pointed out that she is also running for the Charter Commission and her name will be on the ballot.

Winn Davis gave some information on the financials of the County.  He said that with study they might find new ways to revise the financial structure, so there is more money for things than there is none for now.

Health Council Grants/Fundraising Policy Report – Cindy Mitchell
Cynthia Mitchell presented a Draft Summary of Fundraising Policy & Procedures for the Health Council.  (See Attached)
She explained that there has been some discussion about fiscal and fundraising policy.  Several years ago there had been some time spent on developing one, and they had never really checked back with it.  Since then a number of questions have come up.  The Coordinating Committee has taken the approach to keep it simple.  She explained that this is a bare bones draft, which can be more complicated if needed.  It could also stand-alone and replace the policy.  She reviewed the draft policy, giving an explanation of definitions.  

There was discussion about sharing intentions and opportunities.  Should the sharing of intentions be at the top as part of the definition.  After much discussion it was agreed that it would be added to the definition.

Cindy Doyle asked if terminology regarding letters of support could be added as well.
Cynthia agreed that there would be another section added to the top regarding letters.
It was agreed by a show of hands that the policy would be revised and brought back to the Committee.

It was agreed that there was no need to resurrect the Funding Committee and that the Coordinating Committee would serve when necessary.

Rural Scholars/Clerkships– Ilene Klein
There was a report given on the UMass Clerkship.  The Coordinating Committee thought the hospital would be the best fit to be the fiscal agent.    

Paddy Moore/Susan Wasserman Moved to transfer remaining Rural Scholars and Clerkship funds to the hospital, So Voted, unanimous.

Sara Kuh asked if there had been any discussion around the coordination of the program.
Dedie Wieler answered that the hospital would coordinate the interns and Island Health would coordinate the Clerkship program.  The Hospital would continue to provide housing.  

Cindy Doyle suggested that a DCHC point person or committee should be appointed to the program.

Cindy Mitchell said that it would be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

Youth Task Force- Cindy Doyle
Cindy Doyle gave an explanation of the work that is being done with the YTF.  She explained they formed to identify the unmet needs in bringing up healthy kids.  They are also looking to create a context that youth can grow up on Martha’s Vineyard and become healthy adults.  She reported that the YTF has received a technical assistance grant from the South East Center for Healthy Communities.  They will be working over the next year to develop an island wide prevention plan.  They will also be applying for a grant, which could bring in $100,000 a year over 5 years to implement the plan.  One of the requirements of the grant is to have collected information from all sectors of the community about the substance abuse problem and to identify both risk and protective factors.  
Cindy Doyle asked that everyone fill out the questionnaire.

Vineyard Health Care Access Program – Sarah Kuh
Sara passed out the Annual Report on the Access Program. (See Attached)
She gave an overview of the past year’s activities.  The main goal is to connect people to healthcare resources, and in addition working on sliding scales with primary care providers and focusing on providing specialty network.  Sara reported that they are working on disparity initiatives and outreach.  Sara mentioned that there was formal work done on sustainability planning with a consultant.  Sara reported that they would be working with organizations that benefit from their services.    

Sara reviewed information from a Service Data Summary. (See Attached)

Sara also wanted to formally acknowledge a contribution from the Hospital for the Access Program.

Sara mentioned that she fully expects to be involved with Commonwealth Care through the State and expects to add staff in order to accommodate it.  She reported that she applied for a grant through the County to be able to fund the increase in staff.  

Rural Health Network Development Planning & Oral Health Project Update
It was decided that the Clerkship Report and Oral Health Care Project would be put on the agenda for next month’s meeting.   

Susan Wasserman reported the dentist saw all the kids in the Head Start Program.  They had their teeth cleaned and everyone loved it.  

Reminder of the Integrating Service for Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence and Mental Health Conference-
Cindy Mitchell wanted to remind everyone about the conference.
Susan Wasserman said she has brochures and a few spaces were still available.  

Other Business/Announcements
Martha's Vineyard Hospital and Mass General Partnership:
Tim Walsh announced the partnership between Martha's Vineyard Hospital and Mass General.  He gave a brief history on what led to the idea of having a full affiliation.  He reported that this past Friday; the Board of the Hospital voted to pass a Memorandum of Understanding that would lead eventually lead to the full affiliation.  He said it is not binding, however it would not have been signed if there were no intention of going forward.  Technically the Hospital will be a subsidiary of Mass General.  Clinical things such as needed specialty services were focused on instead of financial issues.  One of the most important contributions is the information system that would be available.  Through Partners, the Vertical Electronic Medical Record would be available.  These records would include physician’s records that would allow accessibility from anywhere in the system.  He said that one of the questions that people are asking is about control.  He said as a 501(c)(3) the real control is with the Department of Public Health.  Martha's Vineyard Hospital will remain and the local board will stay in place.  Eighty percent will be local island board members and twenty percent will be from Mass General.  As far as operations nothing will change.  They will not disrupt local referral patterns and will work with specialties that are not provided right now.  

There was discussion with various questions being asked.
Susan Wasserman/Ardell Otten Moved the Health Council support the efforts of Martha's Vineyard Hospital ownership to Mass General, So Voted, unanimously.

Cindy Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 9:43

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Caton